Clothes Maketh The Man – Part 73.

– Find Part 1 here – Chapter list here –

The helicopter raced over the flat landscape in a roar of sound and dust. As we moved fast and low I glanced at my traveling companion.

He was indeed handsome but as I studied him a little more closely I began to realize that those rugged good looks could equally be described as hardened. There was doubtless a curl to his lip that could be described as ‘callous’, beneath that coal black mustache. I took a moment to adjust and reframe him as kidnapper rather than rescuer. To have thought him a saviour, only to find he was just my next captor was to be lifted and given hope, and then to have it cruelly taken away.

Regardless I was no longer being fed like a dog nor chained to a wall in the hot Texas sun. My companion handed me a bottle of water from his pack. Things were looking up.

“Where are we going, I asked.

“Somewhere nice,” he replied.

“That’s all I get?” I said.

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