As you know, I am a very sensitive person. I like to think others come to me because of my gentle nature and empathy. For this very reason I was very concerned about a conversation I recently had with Ali, my gardener and Bernard, my photographer. Things are a little quiet at the advertising agency at present, so Bernard has been out getting his boat ready for the season. He does so love his sailing.
Ali and I were enjoying a very nice German Riesling in the garden, talking about plans I have for the arboretum, or scrub land as Sylvester rather ignorantly refers to the more unkempt section at the bottom of my garden.
“The Germans really are talented wine makers,” I said as I surveyed the wild flowers.
“Indeed,” said Ali, in his heavily accented Syrian English. “This is a very ‘Hände hoch’.”
“Ali, I don’t think you can say that. We’re all on the same side now! Is it racist? I don’t know. Besides,” I added, “you drive a smart car. Isn’t that made by Mercedes?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s my English, you know,” mumbled Ali. I am concerned about his language skills, but I some times suspect he may be trying to pull the wool over my eyes.
At that very moment Bernard appeared at my Garden gate looking most concerned. I invited him in and sat him at the garden table and asked what on earth could be the matter.
“Well,” he started, looking very downcast, “I think I may have upset someone down at the sailing club.”
“How on earth did you do that,” I asked, eager to help, as ever.
“I was trying to be helpful,” said Bernard. “It was the Commodore. He was moving his boat, and I offered to lend him a hand.”
“Bernard, that sounds very kind of you,” I observed.
“You obviously don’t remember I introduced you to Andrew a couple of years ago at the year end dinner. You remember, he was the guy with only one arm,” replied Bernard awkwardly.
“Only one arm,” I said slowly. “Ah, yes. I remember now. And you offered to lend him a hand?”
“Yes. It just, sort of, came out,” he continued. “And things got a little chilly after that.”

“Are you sure he took offence,” I asked. “It might be that you’re imagining this. He’s probably just fine.”
At this point Ali chimed in, “You offered to help the fellow. Where’s the ‘arm in that?”
I fixed Ali with a cold stare.
“Ali, that’s not funny,” I said.
You can see the sort of dreadful thing I have to put up with. However, on a brighter note, I am thrilled to say my Premium Program for women is going very nicely. If you know anyone that would benefit from this great program, be sure to suggest they visit my Patreon and look for the $5 a month Package, which is especially for them.
Auntie Kittie has a great new diary entry today, so if you’re a member be sure to check it out.
Have a lovely weekend, stay safe and get a vaccine!
PS – Yes. Be sure to get a vaccine. I said that. And I had mine about 10 days ago. It’s about the most satisfying prick that’s been in me in a while!