Sylvester is dribbling cream over my mince pies.

What a lovely time of year it is.  I’ve been trying to think of the perfect present for Sylvester. Being a mechanic, and also a lover of dogs, it had crossed my mind that an adjustable spaniel might be just the thing, but I never give pets for Christmas.

As friends gather and feast their eyes on my mince pies, as I whip them out of the oven, and Sylvester dribbles cream over Amanda’s pudding, I can only conclude that I do love this time of year. I’ve just come back from Auntie Kittie’s up the road.  She’s been entertaining a few of the neighbours in Huckleberry Close, and of course her lovely nephews and nieces. The young ones are all fascinated by her record player and her record collection.

“But Auntie, it’s all hardware! Where’s the app?” asked Gerald.

It’s interesting watching them try to figure it out.  To them, of course, it all seems archaic.

None the less, we all enjoy it when Auntie gets out her voluminous greatest hits and lets us play them. The music of the seventies and eighties is making such a come back.

We were playing Scrabble this afternoon, and when Gerald lay down W E T H E R, Amanda (who is the esteemed editor of Pig And Pig Farmer Weekly) commented, “That’s the worst spell of weather I’ve seen in a long time.”

I thought that rather amusing.

But that’s not the only reason I am writing. I had an email from Mildred in Colorado Springs. She’s been making her own facial scrub. Two tablespoons of honey, four tables spoons of oatmeal and a table spoon of ground almonds. Then go for a drive and stick your head out of the car window as you are passing a road gritting truck. She tells me it refreshing and invigorating.

My members are very helpful, as you can see.

As we progress into the Musk Presidency and his little fat sidekick Donald prepares move his toys into the White House, I am seeing increasing numbers of people join my Support Group. It’s free and if you have concerns about the idiot recently elected you may find it of use.  Certainly it’s somewhere to connect with other people who have concerns. You can find it here.

I am thrilled to say that the latest episode of Clothes Maketh The Man has just landed.  Part 74 can be found here:

Enjoy the weekend and get that last bit of Christmas shopping in if you can.  I always buy a few random gifts to give to people in the office with a cryptic but knowing smile. It keeps people on their guard. A nice card to go with it saying something like, “I admire your courage!” confuses the hell out of them.

I am gradually moving more content over to my Patreon.  Be sure to join if you’re enjoying my work. It is encouraging to me, and it really helps.

Have a lovely weekend.


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