There’s a strange man with a beard trying to get up my chimney.

Yes, it’s that time again. Sylvester is rushing about trying to get his Christmas shopping done. Auntie Kitties nephews and nieces are all dreaming of the big red faced stranger coming to their bedrooms in the night and emptying his sack on their beds. It’s a magical time.

“What could be more perfect,” said Auntie Kittie as she sat in my kitchen and topped up her sherry, “than having some of my nieces and nephews over before Christmas for a little party.”

Katia Thornwood looked up from where she was writing in her journal.

“A costume party. That’s what would be more perfect.”

Auntie Kittie looked startled for a moment and then said, “Of course!”

I poured myself some liquorice tea and said softly, “I do think Gerald would look lovely in a maids uniform. Such a sweet young thing.”

“Then that’s what I shall do. In fact, I think all our members should slip into something silky and suitable for their Christmas celebrations,” said Auntie Kittie, reaching for another top up from the cooking sherry.

As you likely know I treat my body like a beautiful temple to the worship of whatever God may be up there. I am not inclined to let people put anything in it, and cut it up, without a damned good reason. And on that very subject, let me tell you something of the benefit of Licorice Tea.  Here’s a thing… It is a mild hormone blocker. Yeah.  I have no doubt when the toilet inspectors of the GOP realise that there are many herbal aids to hormone blocking they’ll get their Y fronts in a twist about it – but just so you are aware, there’s a few different way to skin that particular cat. I love Licorice Tea. How others use it is entirely their affair. ( ) So, licorice root, or tea or any other way of ingesting it safely, will reduce testosterone levels with regular use.

Over the next couple of weeks I am releasing my story, The Sweet Stench Of Revenge on my Patreon.  If you’re not already a member you might want to think og being good to me for Christmas and sliding a nice firm membership into my stocking.  You can use my ‘back door’ for as little as $1 a month.

I am moving more content over to Patreon these days as they seem a better fit than once they were. If you do want to support me there you can do so using this button –

And remember, if you’re feeling like the former rapist is getting you down, you can always join my free support group at

I am currently working on Part 74 of Clothes Maketh The Man. I hope to have it out later tonight or tomorrow.


Have a good week,


Licorice Root Extract Tincture – $14.99

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