“Oh my god!” said Sebastian.
“Hold still,” I said. “I’ve got to practice putting this make up on, and I’m never going to get it right if you keep twisting around like that.”
I slapped Sebastian around his ears and gently began to apply the eye make up. I had foolishly volunteered to do the make up at the Huckleberry Close village hall, for the local drama group. It was already looking like I was going to need help.
At that moment Auntie Kittie walked into the kitchen, immediately looked under the sink where I usually put the cooking sherry out of sight, and rifled through the poisonous cleaning fluids till she found it, and then asked me very pleasantly if I’d like a drink.
“Sebastian,” she said. “You look like someone punched you in the eye.”
I replied a little defensively, “I’m practicing my make up technique. I’m supposed to be helping the drama group.”
Auntie Kittie snorted and poured the cooking sherry into a mug. She then took a swig of it.
“You know my little niece Sally is staying at my place. If you like I can get her to stop by and help you,” said Kittie.
“Sally’s just a child. What does she know?” I said.
Auntie Kittie looked at me with a sly grin and said, “She’s been doing her make up since she was nine and has been passing as an adult in the pub since she was fourteen. She can make herself look like an angel or a complete trollop.”
Sebastian smirked, “She can look like a complete trollop. I’ve seen her at..”
I gave Sebastian a quick kick. Best not to betray the girl to Auntie Kittie. She gave her niece a quick call. Several minutes and two mugs of cooking sherry later Sally appeared. She’s a little sweetheart.

“Oh, Fiona,” she gushed. “You look so pretty today.”
I sensed she’d be asking for pocket money shortly.
“I’m told you’ve got some good make up skills,” I said to Sally.
She smiled and looking at Sebastian said, “Is this the subject?”
“Well, I’ve been practicing on Sebastian.”
“He is pretty,” said Sally.
Sebastian blushed and tried to look masculine.
“I’m just helping Fiona,” he protested. “I’m not, you know…”
“Oh,” said Sally. “I think you are.”
Anyway, the point is she bailed me out. And she’s going to help with the drama group. That and she and Sebastian are going hiking this weekend.
He confided in me the other day saying, “I’m taking her up The Devil’s Danglers.”
“Really,” I asked. “Is that wise?”
I think I am turning into a prude.
So many of my members have trouble getting to grips with make up. I am blessed with being quite good at doing my own – mostly because I keep it very simple. But in the end it all comes down to practice. Keep in mind most women have been doing it for years, so my best advice is keep it simple and don’t be disheartened. Practice, practice, practice.
In the meantime you will find a lot of options by searching here – https://fionadobson.com/?s=make+up