A little something to help you through the daily grind.

“You know,” I said to Sylvester as he got ready with some lube, “I feel I need to give my gurls a little bit of a hand from time to time.”

Sylvester looked up at me, applying the shiny liquid to his shaft.

“You’re so thoughtful, Fiona.”

You will remember that Sylvester is a mechanic. He’s restoring an old engine at present. He knows the value of making sure all the parts are well lubricated.

“Are you sure it’s going to fit,” I asked as he slid the shaft into a tight fitting sleeve.

“You’d be amazed what a good amount of lubrication can do,” he said concentrating on the job in hand.

The shaft slid home with a satisfying metallic sigh.

“Goodness,” I said with a slight gasp. “You’re really very good at this.”

“Yes,” he said with a look of studied concentration. “Lubrication is the key to so many things.”

“You know you’re right!” I replied. “I just feel I want to help my members feel a sense of satisfaction. So many of them put up with so much.”

It was as I thought about this that I decided to post a few pictures that might elevate your mood. You know, if you’re on this site then I am like a sister to you. And any good sister would be prepared to bend over backwards to help you feel good about yourself.

Do you think I should bend over backwards for you? Well, register and see what I have as you slip inside the website. You know the deeper and deeper you go into it the more satisfying it can be. Come on. Register here, and go really deep. Just the way I like it.



PS – be sure to sign up for one of my programs to experience the deep satisfaction we both crave.

Astroglide Silicone Lube (5oz), X Premium Personal Lubricant, Extra Long-Lasting Silky Lube, Waterproof – $14.42

I’m cutting off my member!

Now, you likely know that Max, my neighbours son, looks after the technology here at the enormous corporate entity that is FionaDobson.com. Max is a sweet boy, and Marjory is rightly very proud of him.

I was sitting in my kitchen just the other morning glancing through the list of new people who have recently joined my patreon, and looking back at some old data. It’s quite normal for someone to have joined the website in 2016, stayed around a while, and then unsubscribed. They then pop up in a mailing list two or three years later. And then sometime later they show up on Patreon.  It builds a fascinating picture.

Looking at some of the oldest email addresses, I can see that some have bounced or haven’t opened an email in a year or two. 

“We should probably clean up these old email addresses,” I said to Max, as he stared at his screen.

“But what about the members that go in and out, and then in again?” replied Max.

“I am sure many of my members go in and out frequently,” I replied.

“They seem to,” said Max, absorbed in the data and oblivious to the double entendre.

“Some people are just not quite sure if this is for them,” I replied. “And others have yet to accept it as a part of themselves. It takes them a little while to realise it’s not going away anytime soon.”

“Well, perhaps we should just archive the ones who have been idle for six months,” said Max.

“I think when people are going through cycles it can be a little longer than that.  Perhaps if they’ve not been opening email for more than a year. That might be a good idea,” agreed Max.

“OK, one year and then we cut them off!” I said. It seems a reasonable approach.

These things may seem a little mundane, however there are some serious sides to this.  For example, I am currently considering cutting off Facebook completely. There’s no question they’ve moved forward some anti trans policies of late, and should we be surprised if Zuck were to share that kind of data with people who don’t have our best interests at heart. After all, they share data in the name of marketing, why wouldn’t they just hand over data on people who have an interest in trans issues, if asked by – oh, I don’t know – some fat bastard in Washington, for example.

I think you can see where this is going. I don’t want to make that easier.  So, I am consolidating a lot of our data. I will be concentrating on keeping the website and our Patreon presence secure. I will also retain our Mastodon ( https://mastodon.online/@FionaDobson ) and Bluesky ( https://bsky.app/profile/fionadobsontrans.bsky.social ) presences, but in most other cases I will likely close the accounts, to prevent them becoming targets for bad actors.

Now, any of you who are aware of online marketing etc. will know this is going to mean a financial hit for me. FB has been a major funnel into my site and Patreon. With this in mind I am appealing to those of you who do value what I do to join my Patreon and continue your support for me in that direction.  You can join for as little as $1 a month. I have always believed I would rather have a couple of thousand supporters who are committed than 250,000 followers who are not. By the way, our membership peaked in 2017 at 250,000.

So, as we settle into the new reality of the rapist in the Whitehouse, let’s quickly just remind ourselves of some basics. Firstly, the gross man baby is likely only in for four years, after two years he will likely loose Congress, and be the lame duck he looks so much like. Next, he talks a lot but actually achieves very little. Interestingly, as much as many of the policies he talks about are financially likely to be a disaster, the stock market is soaring.  What this means is that most realise he either cannot implement many of the policies, or they think he’s bluffing, as usual. An example is the idea of sticking tariffs on Canadian imports. Well, good luck rebuilding the houses in LA without Canadian softwood. They use it in the timber framing for most of those structures. Sure you could use US timber, and if you plant the type you need today it should be ready in about thirty years.

So, you can see some of those policies are just not going to happen. Sure, we have a couple of uncomfortable years. We will endure those and we will do so as we’ve endured prejudice and bigotry before. We will do it with grace and kindness to those who oppress us, as we always have. And we will come through it. Simply signing an executive order will not erase us. We are here and we are here to stay.

Please be aware that media coverage in the US is changing quite substantially as anti-trans sentiment is stoked.  It can become very hard to remain informed without independent news stories. If you have any doubt about this, check a US news source against any of those below. It’s quite startling. You can always find reasonably independent coverage (leaning neither left nor right) at the following new sources:

BBC World Service live

BBC News

Associated Press


Keep checking the site and my Patreon for updates. If you have genuine concerns for your safety email me at fdobson@zoho.com

Have a great week,


Donald Trump Toilet Paper – $8.99

The perfect surprise for your visiting uncle who voted for the rapist. Give him something that will wipe the smile from his face today.

I was thinking about going to the inauguration, but I have a hair appointment.

“That’s a nasty gash you’ve got there,” I said to Amanda, as she was bending over.

“Yes,” she said, turning from the flower bed she was weeding. “I caught my finger on that rose bush.”

“Perhaps you should come into the kitchen, I can put some ointment on it,” I replied. As you know, I am really quite compassionate, even with my wife’s dreadful friend, Amanda.

Amanda hesitated for a moment, her brows furrowing in consideration, but then she nodded and followed me into the house. The kitchen, with its warm, golden light filtering through the curtains, offered a comforting sanctuary from the sharp thorns and relentless sun outside.

I rummaged through the medicine cabinet and found the ointment, along with a clean bandage. Amanda sat down at the table, cradling her injured finger gingerly. I couldn’t help but notice the way her face softened in the light, revealing a vulnerability rarely seen behind her usual abrasive demeanor.

“Thank you,” she murmured, her voice uncharacteristically quiet.

“It’s no trouble,” I replied, carefully applying the ointment and wrapping the bandage around her finger. “You’ll need to be more careful around those rose bushes. They’re beautiful, but they can be quite treacherous.”

Amanda gave a small, rueful smile. “I suppose that’s true of many things.”

“It’s remarkable what modern medicine can achieve,” I said. “Take that rapist soon to take up residence in the Whitehouse. They cured his bone spurs magically shortly after Vietnam war conscription ended. And soon he’ll be the commander of American forces. Isn’t it wonderful?”

Amanda looked at me skeptically. I must admit, I was thinking about attending the inauguration.  When my invitation arrived in the mail I thought seriously about it, however I have a hair appointment that day. I rarely mention this, but I am also a little sensitive to odors and I had heard that Elon Musk was attending, so I should have opted out. Instead, I put my invitation on Craigslist, but no one has come forward for it.

Interestingly, Epiphany (Rainbow’s girlfriend) has managed to get herself a job in the new administration. She’ll even be working in the Whitehouse. For someone who I thought was basically unemployable I thought this a little surprising, however after seeing her credentials it turns out that if anything, she was over qualified.

Not to worry. By the way, as you may know I do have a support group running for any of my members who are concerned about the incoming rapist.  It’s a nice group and they are quite talkative. If you feel in need of a little support come along and join the free service. If you feel you’d like to contribute to this support group please feel free to jump in.

If you’d like to support my efforts here feel free to join my Patreon, for as little as a dollar a month. You can join here.

Have a lovely week,


Rainbow whips out her crackers.

As you may know, my personal trainer, Sebastian, has a delightful sister named Rainbow. The west coast has many people named by well intentioned hippy parents, that have grown up to be very unlike their free wheeling parents. 

While Rainbow is decidedly whimsical and likely in line with what her parents expected, not all my acquaintances are so well named. For example, Rainbow is a yoga teacher and perfectly qualified, being both gluten free and lactose intolerant. However, another friend of mine was blessed with the name ‘Swallow’ by her parents. If the swallow really is the bird of love, then one would hardly expect a corrections officer working in a high security prison to carry such a name and yet that is indeed where she has had a quite successful career.

Continue reading “Rainbow whips out her crackers.”

You can now join our online support group for US based trans people for free.

I am very much aware of the distress of many of my members following the election.  Many trans people are feeling vulnerable.

If you are feeling concerned and exposed please use the sign up form below to join a system I am setting up.  The idea of the support group is to put members of each US state in touch with one another.  There is no cost associated with this. By signing up you will be joining this fledging project, and I will email you instructions to join.

Be aware that this is a work in progress. I feel we should get active swiftly though, hence this post. The people who will benefit from this group are trans people in the US of all ages, who are feeling concerned about their healthcare, their physical safety or about social pressures in their area. This is not going to be of interest to people who are purely in the scene for dating/fetish activities. Don’t worry boys, we have other activities for you at FionaDobson.com 

If you feel you’d benefit from connections to other trans people in your state be sure to join and look out for the emailed instructions.




LGBTQ+ Transgender Pride Flag Pinback Buttons – 1 Inch Round – 25 Pack -$ 14.99

The Pastor Comes To Tea – Mistress Meg.

I looked at the young pastor and offered him another cup of tea. He sat in my room with a look of hopeful expectation.

“I would love to contribute to your fund, and I must say that, in principle I am of course an avid supporter of anything that helps disadvantaged inner youth,” and with that I paused and leaned a little closer, my cleavage spilling into his eyeline.

I continued, “But, I wonder, Pastor. What can you do for me?”

The young man looked a little surprised, then replied, “Naturally, I’d like to help my benefactor in any way I can.” I couldn’t help noticing the struggle he was having averting his eyes from my breasts.

I smiled at him, placed my hand on his knee, at which he nearly jumped out of his skin, and then I said, “Don’t worry, I’m sure there will come a day when you can do some sort of service for me.”

“Y,yes… Of course. I’ll be happy to…”

“Good! And that day is today!” I replied quickly.

Continue reading “The Pastor Comes To Tea – Mistress Meg.”

We must never forget Nex Benedict.

Nex was a non-binary girl whose death was the result of anti-LGBTQ policies in Benedict’s home state of Oklahoma. Today would have been her birthday.

At the time of their death my members and I were outraged. No charges have been laid. You can read about her here – https://fionadobson.com/owasso-police-department-fail-to-safeguard-children/

A comprehensive article about Nex can be found here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/nex-benedict-death-explainer-1.7156530

Below is a picture of the coward who failed to investigate her death, Police Chief Yancey.

Wondering where the police were during this incident? Yes, so is everyone else. You can call the Owasso Police Department at 918-272-2244 to ask them. Here’s their website – https://www.cityofowasso.com/161/Police-Department

It’s Friday night, so let’s do this…

Look, do I really need an excuse to post this? So, here it is. It’s for all my lovely members who’ve been so kind this last few weeks.

In other news…

Nikita has just released her new book and I include a link below and encourage my members to reach out for it.

Buy ‘Both Sides Of The Great Divide’

In “Both Sides of the Great Divide,” Nikita Carter describes her awakening. How, at 60 years of age, a series of shattering experiences lead to her being “broken open” to the awareness that she is a trans woman, and that she must make changes in her life that reflect that truth.A musician, composer, educator, producer, the past Artistic Director of a music company, and founder and co-leader of a large ensemble orchestra. Today, Nikita emerges from a life filled with extraordinary experiences and people, as a strong, confident, loving advocate for the trans community, a “hybrid being, being hybrid.”

I’ll be online tonight chatting late on the site. Win a free membership by chatting to me and starting off with the words “I think I just stepped in some trump!”.



Enjoy the Fiona Dobson Crossdressing Playlist below – it’s sure to put a smile on your face.

Trans Flag for Wall | Transgender Pride Banner Tapestry | Large 40″ x 60″ – $12.66

What’s in a ‘femme’ name.

When chatting online I often ask my CD members and friends what their femme name is.  Most of us have one and as we develop this side of our personality we learn to treasure it. After all it is something we have given ourselves.

One of the reasons it’s important is that it gives us something on which to hang all the complexities of the identity we’ve chosen. It gives ‘her’ personality. When we are first called our femme name it gives us a thrill, and each subsequent time it’s used it subtly nails home this part of ourself. It’s a continual reinforcement of who we are.

Each email, each time a friend online and each time someone in our daily lives use this name we are further confirmed as who we really are. This is true whether you are just dressing now and then in private or out and working toward transition. In either case it’s an important part of us. For this reason I encourage all my members to select and use a positive name and give themselves to it.

I’ve even got a great hypnosis file to help reinforce the name.  You can find it here – – https://fionadobson.com/your-feminine-identity-self-hypnosis/  –  I suggest you use this self hypnosis file even if you’ve been using your name for years. It will help you adopt the name as part of yourself.

For those who have yet to choose a name, here’s a good way to do so. Think back to when you were in high school. Likely there was a girl there who you admired. There were some aspects of her character you liked, and you’d like to have today. Perhaps it was her winning smile, or the way she moved. Maybe it was her feisty attitude, or perhaps her depth and thoughtfulness. By choosing her name you are doing a few things.  One is to honor the memory of this person, even if you’ve never seen her since and never will. You’re also affirming subconsciously your admiration of the characteristics that she exhibited. By using her name you’ll find that you are quietly reminded of how good you can be. Your name will silently influence you to be a better person. A person you can admire.

While some people like a very Sissie name, like Trixie or Candie, these names communicate a rather different message. Yes, you can call them ‘stripper’ names. Well, chances are that if you’re using a name like that those are messages you are trying to communicate. There’s nothing remotely wrong with that, as long as that’s the image you wish to present to the world. Personally I like to dress femme everyday, so whether I am in a client meeting at work or going to the sports centre I want my name to fit.

If I were introduced to a new client at a meeting as ‘Trixie’ they might think the entertainment had arrived. So, your name says a lot to the world in general and also to yourself. If you’re at a total loss to find the right name then here’s a little trick. Take your year of birth, and then put it into a google search preceded by ‘popular girls names’. It’s likely that in the first four or five names there will be a name that feels right. I’ve helped many members with his and it usually works. Apart from anything else, if you’re 45 and stumble on a name that was never popular among people of your own age it will probably never feel quite right.

The first few times you use the name it will feel a little strange, but before long it will begin to feel right. If you sign up to a few mailing lists ( here’s a good one – http://FionaDobson.com/my-programs) with this name and start getting used to seeing it in your inbox you will soon delight in it. When someone calls you by your new name you will find it a delight. And before long it will feel as natural as… well, as ‘Fiona’ does for me.

Fiona Dobson.