- Clothes Maketh The Man. When Andy finds himself at the mercy of the evil Devina things are going to go from bad to worse. And yet, surely there’s a chance for him to find his own path to happiness? Not if Devina has anything to do with it. This ongoing series (it’s been running for 5 years to date) has a new episode every two or three weeks.
- The Sweet Stench Of Revenge. A young boy is bullied in high school, yet revenge comes as surely as the passage of time. Enjoy this ten part adventure.
- My Grand Daughter Drops In. A vision of the future read by Jules Sanderson. Enjoy this story which you can listen to at no cost.
- An English Country Garden. A deep and thoughtful piece of writing by Julius Braddock. A four part exploration of emergence and understanding of crossdressing and polyamory highlights the path some find to acceptance.
- The Dating Game. Mollie Blake’s ongoing serial about David (Diana) and Lucy. From the ski slope to the lecture hall, this is a great look at the unusual world of academia and crossdressing.
- Jen’s Guide To Cuckolding – Jen is a hardworking librarian at the local library. She’s a popular lady in the community and likes to get out and about. However, her weekends are a whole other story.
- The Travelogues of Katia Thornwood. Incidental pieces from the pen of Mistress Katia Thornwood.
- The Foreshore Light. A ghost story to chill the marrow.
https://fionadobson.com/hobbs-island-hotel-a-halloween-ghost-story/ - Hobbs Island Hotel. A remote conference on an island. Yet, all is not as it appears.
- I’m Sorry, Gerald’s not home right now. A man goes missing but his wife is unconcerned. A crime story with an unusual result.
Many other stories can be found on this site. Using the Tag “Stories” will bring up most of this content.
If you prefer something in a more ghostly vein, you’re going to love The Apartment, or A Living Doll.
10. For something easy to listen to and SFW – https://fionadobson.com/jensen-and-the-lady-of-the-manor/ You’re sure to enjoy Jensen And The Lady Of The Manor.
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