There’s a lot here, so I created this page to help guide you a little. You can sometimes find me online chatting on the site, and I am very happy to guide you using the chat facility, but you can quickly identify some of the sections here to help.
You’ll find a wealth of free content here, so don’t worry this site is not only for those who choose premium content. My intention is to provide great information and entertaining content to all my members, paying or otherwise. If you find you’re feeling at home here, you will likely find you want to enjoy some of the premium content, which you can of course cancel at any time.
Settle down and use this page to help decide which parts of the blog are best for your particular needs.
Each visitor to FionaDobson.com has their own experience and objectives. Some want to learn a little more about crossdressing, some wish to meet a crossdresser or chat with other crossdressers, and there are some who hope for complete transition. We have a little bit of something for everyone, so let’s get started with a few headings. If you click on the heading that appeals, it will take you to a section that tells you more about what we have for you.
Most of all, my mission is to help. You need feel no shame here. If you’re looking for some racy stories, I’ve got you covered. If you’re interested in simply understanding a little more about gender fluidity, I am also here for you. And if you need some support talking to other crossdressers, you’re also in the right place. Pretty cool, huh? There’s also a few frequently asked questions below that may help you.
You’ll have fun here, probably learn a lot and find a community of people who are likely just like me and you. You’re also going to be introduced to Sylvester, Sebastian, Amanda and Ali, to name a few of the regulars floating around here. If you are worried about how to get the most out of this site, just read my guide HERE.
There’s really something for everyone here. Be my guest and enjoy it.
Here are some headings to start with:
Understanding crossdressing and gender fluidity
Especially for Her – Feminize Your Partner
Go straight to my online store.
Feminization Programs
Some visitors here are looking for a little helpful guidance. Others are well on the way to full transition. Perhaps you can imagine how hard it is to satisfy all those visitors. Well, I’ve done a pretty good job of doing just that. With well over 12,000 members I’m pleased to say my team and I are supporting a lot of wonderful people.
Here you’ll find supportive material about non-binary life, but also fun stories, some erotic content, and some great ways to chat and meet other crossdressers. It’s a new place for you to feel safe and call home.

I offer a basic program which really is a useful insight to the program. It’s an introduction to crossdressing and gives a good idea of the style of training you’ll get here. Keep in mind, that although it’s quite extensive, it’s only a look into the main program. The Premium Program is an extensive exploration of crossdressing and gender fluidity.
Before very long you’ll realise there’s a lot more to this than simply putting on a pair of panties. You can find a guide here that may answer a few of your questions about crossdressing. We explore some wonderful hypnosis, some conditioning exercises, tasks and tips and tricks of crossdressing. You’ll learn how to identify women or men who actively want to be with a crossdresser – there are more than you can imagine. You’ll learn how to talk to them, and how to approach them sensitively. We also look at the psychology of gender and help you release any shame and awkward feelings about dressing. This let’s you really enjoy this part of yourself, which for many members has been unhealthily stifled for much of their life.
I sincerely do help people accept themselves and become who they desire. You can see there’s a lot to cover. Actually there’s many months (currently about 18) of work here. You may wish to sign up for the BASIC PROGRAM (which is free) or explore the PREMIUM PROGRAM
Erotic Fiction And Stories.
You’ll find a wealth of great writing here. I have serialised fiction for every taste in the crossdressing realm, from forced feminization to humor. The goal is to provide something you can read on the morning commute and be entertained, informed and educated. Clothes Maketh The Man has been read by a loyal readership of over 75,000 for the last 3 years. The Dating Game is a wonderful series by Mollie Blake. And the weekly messages from myself and other members of the team explore the daily happenings in Huckleberry Close. If you want a snigger, or a shiver of fear, you’ll find it here. Some also make their way onto Soundcloud and Youtube, so they can be used as evening listening. You’ll find Julius Braddock’s writing gritty and cutting edge, dealing with PTSD and the harsh reality of Africa in the 90’s. And Katia Thornwood’s steel edged wit will chill you. It’s all here.

The best way to enjoy the fiction side of Fiona Dobson is to register and enjoy the regular episodes of Clothes Maketh The Man and the many other stories here. You can also find me on Patreon, here – https://www.patreon.com/fionadobsonCD . My Seahorse members enjoy the more edgy content including forced feminization and the femdom world of Katia Thornwood and Mistress Meg.
Chatting With Other CDs
I have a wonderful group of members who all conform to a specific set of guidelines. We chat in my Elite Whatsapp Group. This is quite a clever service. Most of us are CDs, though there’s a few admirers. One or two genetic female members too. We talk about everything from Archery to Zoology. At times you’ll hear us giving advice to Vanessa’s hairdresser – who is seeing the chat as Vanessa gets her hair done, and at other times you’ll hear encouragement for members going out dressed for the first time. I’ve seen conversations about the trials and tribulations of family visiting unexpectedly, and of shoeing miniature horses. Yes, it’s all there. Our Elite members often become friends, and support one another. Deviation from the guidelines results in an immediate and permanent ban – which helps everyone stay inside the lines.
Understanding crossdressing and gender fluidity
My Premium Program goes into much of the detail of transgender and crossdressing culture, and is a great way to learn much more than you’re likely picking up by just surfing the net. I generally suggest to people who are deeply invested in this lifestyle to become Unicorn members – which gives all the above services, and they are able to cherry pick those that serve them well. It really is a great service, as they learn so much and can share their experiences and gain support from others in the community through the various mechanisms I offer. I am also available via email at fdobson@zoho.com
Members looking for a deeper understanding of the trans world might also wish to join the ‘Behind The Scenes‘ group. This includes many of the more private sides of my life, which touch on the trans community from a more down to earth perspective. It includes the darker aspects of the trans experience, such as for example the recent killing of Brianna Ghey and the loss of trans protection in some US states. Learn more here. I would recommend this for members who are probably already part way into the Premium Program.
Frequently Asked Questions.
There’s a great guide here to help you understand some aspects of crossdressing. Have a read and see if it helps.
There are a few questions that always come up. You may find the answers helpful.
“I like to crossdress. Does that make me gay?”
Not at all. In our recent survey of 2300 members 8% defined themselves as gay.
“Is there something wrong with me?”
No. If you feel awkward about crossdressing it’s likely because you’re stifling these feelings. Accepting yourself is really a good place to start. Those are simple words but you may want to explore the programs I offer to help with this.
“How do I find someone to dress with – male or female”
Many people, both male and female, find crossdressers attractive. When you struggle to find these more accepting people it’s likely because you don’t know how to recognise them. That’s one of the things we teach in my Premium Program. Alternatively you may wish to think about joining The Elite Whatsapp group to build connections.
Signing up for my basic program is free. If you can’t afford to pay anything for using this site, it’s ok. Click through on a few of the advertisements you see in the site for products, as this does help me.