Feminizing your man requires you to open your mind a little and allowing yourself to push your boundaries. Most women are not born or raised to have the sexual confidence that seems to come so naturally to a dominant female.
It is worth considering that most women who do successfully become the alpha partner do so because they have learned to embrace their power. They are not afraid to confidently face the word with a firm and level gaze, and find their joy in this mastery of the weaker male sex.
Developing the poise and control to master any situation that you are faced with requires time and practice. We can start that by expanding your sexual boundaries a little. This self hypnosis recording will help you do this.
Learning to silently smile at the desperate need of your partner will eventually become second nature. Noticing the way they can’t help but yield to their base responses will give you your ultimate power, but in the meantime developing growing confidence in all you do is an effective way to practice quietly gaining a sense poise, and learning to project strength.
This is not a girl to be messed with, after all. Instead you are going to start to enjoy projecting your natural energy and power. I’d like you to start listening to more hypnosis, and imagining you are the one saying the words, pressing your will on to your partner. This is not something to do with hesitation and uncertainty. Far from it. This requires you to boldly step forward and grasp the lever of power.
We never like to show uncertainty, though it can be easy to do so by accident. With this in mind I’d like you to seriously consider the power of a mask. Masks are a powerful psychological tool that allows us to remove some of our expression, and to do so to our advantage. Below is a small selection. Choose one and think about adding it to your lingerie collection for those times when you need to adopt additional power.
You’ll be surprised how it changes the way you feel about yourself. Even more, you’ll be surprised about how he reacts to this new version of yourself.