I was with Bernard the other day, on a shoot. Sebastian, my personal trainer, and I were posing for a few outdoor shots.
“Jack it off!” He shouted excitedly.
“I’m sorry?” I replied. Bernard, my personal trainer, and I were posing by a lake, and Bernard was some distance away using his enormous long lens.
“Jack it off,” he went on.
I glanced at Sebastian. Honestly, the things I do for my art!
“Bernard, I’m really not sure about this…” I shot Sebastian an uncomfortable smile, and shrugged.
“Take your jacket off,” shouted Bernard.
“Oh,” I said. “My jacket!”
I giggled and Sebastian laughed. In some of my photography shoots you’d be surprised the way things happen.
Anyway, that leads me into the reason I’m writing this. I am very happy to see your pics. Feel free to send them in to me at fdobson@zoho.com. The best ones get included on this page.
I hope to have a guide to shooting yourself soon. It’s going to be called Fiona’s Guide To Doing It For Yourself.
Your pics:
Here’s a great pic from Cassie, one of my members.

I have a full interview with Charlize, who sent this great pic.
Nicole first dressed when she was 12. She guiltily tried on her mum’s tights and now she loves all things feminine. She loves dressing full time, enjoys partying as a gurl and loves to live full time as a transvestite.
Nicole lives in the UK near Leeds, living as a woman as much as possible. She tells me “I would love to work in a formal office in my favourite smart suits and pencil dresses and would wear 4 inch and 5 inch heels all day every day!”
Nicole likes to do ballet as it makes her feel still more feminine especially when on pointe.
Nicole can be found in my Little Black Book.
Danica has long enjoyed dressing and loves the sporty look. She’s featured in an interview here: https://fionadobson.com/interviews/danica/
Audrey is enjoying my Premium Program and loves her navy blue cocktail dress. She’s progressing nicely.

Monique from Europe is just starting on her journey. She’s begun shopping and is finding joy in accepting who she really is.
By the way, Monique is a member of My Little Black Book. Be sure to connect with her when you have the chance.
Kitty is a creative and craft loving gurl who loves to get noticed. She makes the most delightful creations and also enjoys being photographed in items she’s made herself.
Kitty’s favorite material to work with is mohair yarn and she makes sweaters for her many female friends.
Clearly she’s also great at modelling them herself too.
Love your stories, as do I know myself that my mind its generally in the gutter as well. Often times think I could very easily trade my now life in for some whorish times n probably be happier for doing so. Giggles.
Love the pic of cassie, as well as I’ll be sending a few myself Thanku
How sweet of you to say so! I’m blushing. FD
I have always been a transexual ,I’m excited about this program, I have to be a full time total female inside and outside and I am so loving becoming the girl I am
I’m on HRT few decades now as well as see OBGYN twice yearly for blood work done on the safety of doing so. As do i have 38-28-41 measurements and full B cups flowing into small C now. It’s getting harder for me to blend in as I have in my life after two failed attempts stemming 13+ years. I so need to be me, as can’t believe I’ve spent my whole life getting there. Depressing at times.
If ever you’d like to chat, I wood so love that. As do I live in North East Ohio. Maybe your in this country do I travel the entire USA on weekly basis. Minus getting over an old injury. Been off like 3 more months this year. Thanks to Ohio workers comp. Another issue i need to get resolved as I’ve been off like 6 months this year, but usually happy just work when I do get right again
Hello Brandy, I see this article was written about 7 month ago. Hope you are still around. If you are I would love to chat with you. Would love to hear about your journey to were you are now.
Hello Brandy! I a am also in N. E. Ohio… say hello if you can! Lovely story!
I think Cassie looks great, love the outfits especially the heels mwah xxx
So love Cassie’s style! She is really a role model and I love her slim girlish figure.
And, I simply love that skinny jean look with the cute top. Must have those heels with the hidden platform in pink. So cute and sexy.
Cross-dressers, have the best sense of style of anyone
Actually cross-dresser it’s bars in person to take better care of yourself and stay in shape. Great legs
I can’t wait for the day that Fiona decides I’ve made enough improvement to be honored by being in her book. I trust her completely and I am grateful for her firm guidance.
Wow these pictures are so awesome. I joined the premium program. I love what Fiona is doing to me. I’ve given up the last remaining bits of my will… to her. I’m hoping she will expose me as her own if I get better at makeup, hosiery and lingerie, as well as feminine poise and charm. Falling so deeply, feeling so weak and helpless feels so much better.
Fiona thank you so much for my honorable mention here, and thank you for sharing my photographs. I very badly love to be seen on your site. I’m hoping I can earn many more exposures here as my feminine skills improve. Your’s always, Kitty
Hello good afternoon ladies. This is my first time doing this but i d like yo simply say you are all very beautiful women.
Hi gurls, Marrc/Jaeme here.
I am so happy that I have found this site! It makes me feel ever so feminine, and I just adore being girly! But, I do need a friend to share my thoughts and dreams with!
Roxanne Lanyon
The best possible way to find some new friends is on My Little Black Book. It’s only $24.95 for the year and is a good way to chat, connect and find supportive friendships with Admirers and other CDs.
You can find all the details here: https://fionadobson.com/fionas-little-black-book/
I’ve always wanted to be a girl since I was a young boy. I played dress up but never played with boys like that. When I hit puberty, I wished my breasts would grow, unfortunately they never did.
When I started dating girls, I always found a way to wear their panties. Soon I started buying things for myself. I found it fun to flirt with the sales women when the asked about the purchases. I think they knew.
Now that I am older, going on 60, I could careless and go out often as a guy with my fake tits, in a bra, and panties on. I like to wear capri style shorts too.
Being in a wheelchair, I think gives me a bit of leeway. If I dress, I think I make a pretty good older lady. Davie
You girls all look lovely! Sexy, elegant, practical… bravo bravo
You all look so pritty (i’m a lil jealous)
I hope to see more of you
New to website but loving it. I’m mtf trans fully on HRT and very alone looking for new friends
Hi Alexis, Be sure to check out My Little Black Book. There’s a lot of people who will be very happy to talk there.
Lovely pictures ladies wow some very sexy gurls on here thanks to Fiona for this great site
Charlize wow stunning
I love the photos of all the sexy ladies, perhaps you can inform me as to what I must do to get my photos on your site ?
Of course, Joanne. Just email me at fdobson@zoho.com and I’ll add them to the library. I don’t guarantee to use any but I will take a look.