Clothes Maketh The Man – Part 69.

– Find Part 1 here â€“ Chapter list here â€“ “So, wait a minute,” I said. “Are you telling me we’re the good guys?” “Of course we’re the good guys. Well, girls,” Annabel corrected herself. “Gino here works for FDA. They’re our client.” My head was spinning.  I was trying to reconcile the words I was hearing with the …

Clothes Maketh The Man – Part 68 is out.

– Find Part 1 here â€“ Chapter list here â€“ One of the men detached himself from the group and said, “Let me show you lovely ladies to your rooms.” “Why all this cloak and dagger stuff,” I asked Annabel quietly as we were led to our accommodation. “These are very secretive people,” she replied. Annabell and I followed …

Clothes Maketh The Man – Part 68.

– Find Part 1 here â€“ Chapter list here â€“ One of the men detached himself from the group and said, “Let me show you lovely ladies to your rooms.” “Why all this cloak and dagger stuff,” I asked Annabel quietly as we were led to our accommodation. “These are very secretive people,” she replied. Annabell and I followed …

Enjoy Clothes Maketh The Man.

Have you ever had one of those days when you just know you’ve placed your trust in precisely the wrong person? Follow Andy’s adventures as he stumbles from one crossdressing disaster to the next in the iconic story of Clothes Maketh The Man. Become a Patron!

Part 67 of Clothes Maketh The Man is out!

– Find Part 1 here â€“ Chapter list here â€“ The movement of the train threw us together again and our bodies seemed alive with energy. “But how?” I said, astonished that 30 had a key to the very thing that stood between us. “Later,” she said reaching down and unlocking the device between her legs. It’s components clattered …

Clothes Maketh The Man – Part 67.

– Find Part 1 here â€“ Chapter list here â€“ The movement of the train threw us together again and our bodies seemed alive with energy. “But how?” I said, astonished that 30 had a key to the very thing that stood between us. “Later,” she said reaching down and unlocking the device between her legs. It’s components clattered …


– Find Part 1 here â€“ Chapter list here â€“ Now, I know what you’re going to say.  As I felt these two clods frog-marching me across the meadow, my gingham blouse exposing just a little more than it should as they roughly held my arms, “Andy’s in trouble again!” I can almost hear your voice in my head. …