Beware Western Culture is being destroyed by crossdressers!

You can support Natalie HERE.

So, what do you think of ‘Western Civilisation’?

And when some douche says, “Oh, I think that might be a good idea…”

We say, “Actually, I think the idea of a drag club on Davie Street is a way better idea!”

You’re going to love this video from Contrapoints. If you have doubts about post modern neo-marxism, or maybe just need time to adjust your klan hood, you’re going to have fun with this. Now, get your corn dog out and watch this.


What are you buying the fascist pig in your life for Christmas?

Now, I know what you’re thinking. What can you buy the fascist pig in your life this year for Christmas?

Just the other day one of my members reached out to me and asked, “Fiona, what am I to do? I have to go back home to see the family for Christmas and it’s going to be horrible. I’m dreading it!”

I assured them that I do understand. As you know, I am very empathetic. It did make me wonder what a suitable gift for the aging Karen in your life may be.

“I have the perfect gift for you,” I replied. “Just buy them this delightful year planner. Buy the time they start using it you’ll be long gone, and as they’re entering their weekly klan meetings in it you can feel safe in the knowlege that they probably will be in blissful ignorance of the meaning of the color scheme, and some of the unusual holidays mentioned within it. You can use the link below to get it.

And what a thoughtful gift it is. After all, who wants one of their Klan meetings to clash with International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) – March 31st.

On a more serious note, I do realise this is not the easiest time of year for many of our members. My Elite Whatsapp Group can be very supportive, as well as joining my Premium Program, breathing some sanity into the holiday season, if for some unfathomable reason you’re not already a member. I will also be online frequently in the coming days. Drop in to Http:// and I will try be as supportive as possible. Just look for the chat window that comes up if I am online.

Have a lovely day,


You can support our friend Natalie Wynn HERE.

The importance of being Visible.

For years people have used coded messages to convey hidden meanings.  They do so to garner support from others who can read those messages. It signals that we are stronger together, and that we are not alone.

I lived in South Africa during the apartheid years. Seeing many different ways in which an authoritarian was resisted opened my eyes to the importance of daily conscious energy to progressively move the margins of society in the direction needed. It’s rarely a cataclysmic shift that makes a difference. Revolutions are, by definition, out of the ordinary. To shift the zeitgeist one has to do so a fraction of an inch at a time. Everyday. Never giving up.

As distasteful as it sounds we see alliance displays very clearly when watching MAGA crowds. Yes, I know – just try to hold onto your lunch. Whether it’s the red ball cap, the simple letter ‘Q’ or a single finger raised in a one arm salute, you can witness non-verbal messaging at play.  Now, I don’t counsel watching any MAGA rallies. If I want to watch a bunch of losers displaying their failed understanding of politics I need only look at some January 6th footage from the Capitol. I try to avoid doing so within half an hour of eating.  But hyperbole aside, these methods of unifying support are often very effective. In the case of large crowds it’s all rather moronic, a little like believing a message gets better by shouting it louder. Natalie Wynn describes this very well in one of her videos HERE.

For a smaller group, a minority for example such as trans people, being able to identify our own supporters and allies is important. Imagine being lost in a crowd, possibly hostile, and having no idea who one’s allies are. Perhaps it’s everyone around you – or perhaps none.  For this reason I am a strong proponent of carrying symbols that convey support for trans, bi and LGBTQ values. I show my colors, as it were. I also know that while not everyone will recognise my message, many people who are aligned with me will recognise the symbols and take some comfort from them.

The idea of this is not to provoke. It’s to signal to allies, ‘Yes, I am here.’  Not everyone needs to be a Valkyrie or social justice warrior. My intention is not to create a combative atmosphere – something that does nothing o appeal to the feminine side of my personality.  I’d rather bring change through quietly reasoned self awareness of what is morally right. Gently assuring our sisters and friends, these are my choices and I am unashamed of them is important.

With that in mind, especially as we move toward election cycles I do suggest members actively ‘flag’ themselves. This can take the form of a simple button, a tee shirt or even the simple color choice in an outfit. It’s true that some people may see such signals and take them to be provocative, however if that’s the case you’ve just forced a bigot to reveal themselves, which is better than not knowing who the bigot in a party is.

With his in mind I’ve got a special page on my site with a few ideas for some subtle and other not so subtle trans supporting ideas. My personal favorite is a button saying ‘404 Error – Gender Not Found’.

Check it out and perhaps you can adopt one or two of the ideas.



PS. Part 57 of Clothes Maketh The Man is out!

Voting | ContraPoints

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Crossdressing in isolation can be fun, even when life’s a drag.

I know that many of my members are frustrated at being locked down, and as the days go by it can seem like there’s no end in sight. I recently listened to a BBC report from a US reporter locked down in Wuhan, who described the experience as being a psychological process not unlike the stages of grief.

There are various descriptions of this around the net, but the most common appears to suggest the following are stages of grief:

Denial – Sylvester: “This isn’t necessary!” Me: “Tell that to the people without health insurance.”

Anger – Amanda: “I’ll be buggered if I’m wearing a mask.” Me: “Please wear a mask.”

Bargaining – Sebastian: “If I socially isolate today, maybe we’ll get past this sooner.” Me: “Let’s do it.”

Depression – Auntie Kittie: “Let’s hit the wine reserves.” Me: “Yours or mine?”

Acceptance – Ali: “The garden looks nice today.” Me: “The garden looks lovely.”

I thought this a very interesting way of thinking about this. We’re just going to have to get used to this. There’s no arguing with it, and as much as some orange haired buffoon might try to push people back to work early, the health of those I love are more important to me than his profits. So, I would like to share a few things to help you get through this difficult time. These are merely the opinions of a crossdressing advertising executive, and I don’t expect the world to whole heartedly agree with me. However, you may find some of these suggestions to be of interest.

Continue reading “Crossdressing in isolation can be fun, even when life’s a drag.”