Women Who Feminize Their Men.

Enjoy the new program for women free here.

When Jodi wants to remind her husband who the boss is she simply goes to the lingerie draw and pulls out a nice new gift wrapped box and hands it to him. Inside is his reward for being such a sensible man and doing as she wishes.

“He’s always the same. He can barely help himself,” she says from her Salt Lake City home. “He practically destroys the box as he’s trying to open it. I watch with a mixture of excitement and amusement. It’s quite fun seeing what a total slave he is to this.”

Find loads more information about how to feminize the man in your life just by searching for it here.

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Women who love to feminize their men.

She’s just waiting for you to unleash her.

The many women who love to feminize their men can now enjoy FionaDobson.com even more. I’ve recently started a new Premium Program just for my lovely women members.

If you’d just like to try the basic program for women you can do so free here.

In the meantime there’s still all the wonderful content from Mistress Meg about women who feminize their men.

For the best in step by step guidance on feminizing your man be sure to check out my program for women.

Become a Patron!

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Look what the women who feminize their partners are up to!

Well, it’s been a lovely week already. Here in Canada we have just celebrated Thanksgiving.

Amanda, who hails from the Midwest and is the esteemed editor of Pig And Pig Farmer Weekly, recently asked Sylvester why we celebrate Thanksgiving at a different time to our dear friends to the south, in the US. Sylvester cryptically replied, “That’s one of those climate change things, Amanda,” which appeared to satisfy her.

I have to draw attention to a slight correction on the website, where some confusion arose among readers. As you know people ask my advice for all kinds of things. When Mildred, from Colorado Springs recently enquired about how to help her niece house train her new puppy, naturally I replied on the site with what I felt was very good advice.

“Pick the puppy up, and take it around the house, saying ‘no’ at each location, before carefully putting it down on a piece of old newspaper.”

A surprising number of readers thought I meant shoot it through the head. Well, it’s an understandable mistake.

To compensate I am offering those members who mentioned this a booklet I have prepared on how to remove animal blood stains from curtains and soft furnishings.

But that’s not the main reason I’m writing to you tonight. I thought I might mention to you a rather sweet gesture made by one of the ladies who are members of my feminization program for wives. You can find it here. What a thoughtful sweetheart she is.

Be sure to join my Patreon to show your support for my programs HERE.



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A nice trick for our wives who love to feminize their partners.

So many of my female members love to dress their partners. Sandra, for example, tells me that after making up her husband, who has the femme name ‘Alexis’, she took a couple of headshots, she found a thoughtful way to surprise him.

She ordered a lovely ceramic cup with his headshot and the name ‘Alexis’ on it. Imagine his reaction when she gave him a nice cup of hot chocolate in the cup for the first time. Of course, Alexis loved it.

Here’s a link for you to do the same thing. https://amzn.to/3PTmdi8

You can find out more about my program for ladies here.

Join my Ladies Program now.

How to talk to your partner about crossdressing. Part 5

Part 1 can be found HERE.

Remembering that this is all about timing, we’re going to move a conversation into the area of fantasies. This should not seem forced, so pick you time carefully. Don’t just say “The weather’s nice for the time of year, and by the way, what do you fantasise about?”

Wait for your moment. Approach the subject with sensitivity, and be gentle. Tell her you would love to know what she fantasises about, because you want to make her happier and to serve her sexually as well as you can.

Continue reading “How to talk to your partner about crossdressing. Part 5”

How to talk to your partner about crossdressing. Part 4

Part 1 can be found HERE.

At this stage you’re beginning to move your partner toward acting in a specific manner with you. She’s been primed, sees herself as a liberal thinking and open to intimate suggestions (after all, everybody sees her that way), and she sees herself as being in control in a liberated and powerful way.

Continue reading “How to talk to your partner about crossdressing. Part 4”