Auntie Kittie wants you to look your best for the Christmas season.

“What could be more perfect,” said Auntie Kittie as she sat in my kitchen and topped up her sherry, “than having some of my nieces and nephews over before Christmas for a little party.”

Katia Thornwood looked up from where she was writing in her journal.

“A costume party. That’s what would be more perfect.”

Auntie Kittie looked startled for a moment and then said, “Of course!”

I poured myself some liquorice tea and said softly, “I do think Gerald would look lovely in a maids uniform. Such a sweet young thing.”

“Then that’s what I shall do. In fact, I think all our Good Gurls should slip into something silky and suitable for their Christmas celebrations.”

If you’ve not yet thought about something suitable as a gift to yourself, perhaps you should think about getting a nice maid’s costume. I know Auntie would appreciate it. Auntie has a small selection of other gift ideas here.


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