Accept yourself as you are – create yourself as you desire.
What a lovely conversation with Ella today, one of my website visitors I had the good fortune to chat with. Ella wanted some suggestions for a sports bra she could wear under her clothes at work. Sometimes wearing something special beneath our other clothes is a nice way to quietly indulge ourselves without others knowing.
I suggested something I had done myself – simply choosing a nice sports bra to wear discretely. Depending what you wear over it you can choose any of hundreds of styles. Here’s a couple of my personal favorites.
This tank top with built in bra features a sexy sweetheart neckline. The widen band on the bottom makes it more snug fit, lifts the girls nicely, which makes sure this sports yoga bra don’t easily slide or roll up, and helpfully keeps your boobs in the place when you’re doing low-medium impact exercises.
Sports bras used to be very basic, little more than a tight elasticated band built to compress and hold firm. Nowadays there are many more designs and flamboyant options. Depending what you wear over them, you can enjoy the sensation of a firm hold, while still enjoying a flair for fun.
Twist Front Sports Bra Deep V-Neck Crop Top
The strappy sports bra features flattering front twist detail and criss-cross open backless to show your charming line.
Ultra-Soft Butterluxe fabric engineered for extremely comfort and lightweight, keeps you relaxed and peaceful throughout the day.
Become a member!How to avoid purging your wardrobe.
Everyone struggles with this in the early stages of their journey. Those guilty moments of looking at a collection of clothes and saying to yourself ‘what am I doing?’, followed by throwing out sometimes expensive clothes.
You don’t have to do it this way. There’s a few things that will help, and all you need to do is step through this simple process to remove the purging and save yourself some money. So, if you want to end that wasteful process, read this, and act on it.
Step One. Understand this is all about shame. You swing like a pendulum moving from excitement dressing, to shame and regret that you’re doing this in secret. You can start the process of getting past this by understand that there’s nothing shameless about this. It’s simply a part of you longing for fulfillment. The simplest way to start getting over this is to using my hypnosis content. Try this for a start.
Step Two. You are going to need to start understanding what this is about. If it’s more than a passing fetish (and it is if you’re really feeling shame), then you ae going to want to understand more about trans issues, and how it’s perfectly understandable and normal for many of us. You may not be a ‘woman’ but you may feel like one. That’s neither an illness, nor a sin. It may be a signal that there’s something going on you’re going to have to organise in your head. If you listen to some of the videos in my Featured Friends sections you will find that most of us are perfectly normal and reasonable people. We’re not freaks. We’re probably just like you. Below is a video by Contrapoints that’s a fun place to start but gives you some serious things to think about. Listen to it, and then come back to it again a day later and listen to it again. Understand it. This stuff takes time and is a lot to assimilate, but if you’re going to understand this stuff you need to do it.
Step Three. When you purge you’re probably tossing out hyper femme clothes you feel, in a moment of shame, are not ‘you’. You’re going to change how you dress. Instead of buying some excessively feminine clothes, you can by more practical androgynous clothes that move you into a semi femme aesthetic. There will be time to buy the more femme clothes later. That’s not to say you won’t have any super femme clothes, but you will also have some nice simple androgynous clothing. Getting the pastel lambs wool sweater and the more feminine cut jeans will not arouse others concerns, but will allow you to dress in a more androgynous way any time you like. Putting on a little eye makeup is all you need to present much more femme whenever you wish to. You’re not going to toss clothes like that and you won’t feel shame associated with them.
Step Four. This is not meant to be a hard sell. I don’t need to do that, and people in my programs know it’s not my way. However, to send your expensive habit of purging clothes you will help yourself enormously if you join my Premium Program, because it will help you learn more and accept more about yourself. This is all about understanding your gender, and accepting yourself. There’s nothing to be ashamed of about being who you are. So subscribe to the damned program and stop wasting money!
These steps will help, if you do them. If you don’t, well I’ll see you back here when you do it all over again, because this thing doesn’t just stop. It’s part of you.
Turtleneck Batwing Long Sleeve Ribbed Knit Casual Soft Pullover – $45.99
One of our Whatsapp members drew my attention to this great video. Personally it’s not quite my cup of tea, however Safiya does have a great style and talks about it so nicely that I felt it may be of interest to my members.
Safiya is also doing something that we all do. She’s enjoying her aesthetic look of choice. She talks about it passionately, and that’s always worthy of respect. I really enjoyed her video.
Become a Patron!Now, I know what you’re thinking. What can you buy the fascist pig in your life this year for Christmas?
Just the other day one of my members reached out to me and asked, “Fiona, what am I to do? I have to go back home to see the family for Christmas and it’s going to be horrible. I’m dreading it!”
I assured them that I do understand. As you know, I am very empathetic. It did make me wonder what a suitable gift for the aging Karen in your life may be.
“I have the perfect gift for you,” I replied. “Just buy them this delightful year planner. Buy the time they start using it you’ll be long gone, and as they’re entering their weekly klan meetings in it you can feel safe in the knowlege that they probably will be in blissful ignorance of the meaning of the color scheme, and some of the unusual holidays mentioned within it. You can use the link below to get it.
And what a thoughtful gift it is. After all, who wants one of their Klan meetings to clash with International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) – March 31st.
On a more serious note, I do realise this is not the easiest time of year for many of our members. My Elite Whatsapp Group can be very supportive, as well as joining my Premium Program, breathing some sanity into the holiday season, if for some unfathomable reason you’re not already a member. I will also be online frequently in the coming days. Drop in to Http://FionaDobson.com and I will try be as supportive as possible. Just look for the chat window that comes up if I am online.
Have a lovely day,
You can support our friend Natalie Wynn HERE.
Since I had Sylvester do some work on my electrical wiring I have been having trouble with my fuses. Periodically I find myself bathed in darkness as the electricity goes out. I’ve had several electricians come to check the system, and another is coming to check the fuses shortly. Currently I blow three or four a week under the stairs. Frankly, I’ve had about as much as I can swallow. I think I should just replace the entire wiring system.
That, however is not the main reason I am writing today. I thought I’d include a little tip for all those crossdressers who are yet to master their make up, and let’s be honest, there’s a few!
Generally a girl starts playing with make up when they’re nine or ten years old. These are often forrays into mum’s handbag or make up draw and at first they are disastrous. However, particularly after playing with friends, they gradually improve. As they get older their makeup often becomes bolder and they learn various subtleties in their choices of color and their techniques.
Many crossdressers struggle, and get upset with themselves for not getting great results from the very start of their makeup use. This can be disheartening. I understand, and you should be aware that it doesn’t have to be that way. Be patient and practice.
While I don’t generally give specific make up tips – there’s many others out there who do amazing makeup tutorials on Youtube – I will offer this. If you choose subtle colors, using minimal amounts, you can gradually incorporate a few colors into your everyday regime without putting yourself into a position where you’re exposing yourself unnecessarily. A subtle amount of eye makeup to sharpen your look is a great way to feel feminine and to gradually improve your makeup skills.
The palette above is a good example of what you may want to start using. Nothing too garish, unless you are really ready to go full Ru Paul on the world. If you’re just starting out, applying a nice blend of shades now and then will be satisfying and even if you’re not completely ‘out’, can really help you enjoy your look.
After using make up for years I can firmly attest that less is generally more. Don’t be afraid to go for ‘subtle’. It will build up your confidence and if you can integrate it into your daily life. Then as you do gain proficiency you will find that experimenting with a greater range of tones is easy.
The other tip I’d add for anyone using eyeshadows for the first time is to be sure you have a selection of brushes. Applying the shades with a nice brush gives you even coverage and makes merging one color with another much easier. Using a little foundation on the eyelid will provide a smooth start point, though sometimes when you just need to grab and go, it’s not entirely necessary.
Enjoy the video tutorial below, but be sure to explore the Amazon link below for color palettes that might work well for you. In the end be sure to remember that practice makes perfect.
Don’t forget, you can join my Elite Whatsapp Group to enjoy chatting with new friends about your adventures with makeup. Check out the Elite Whatsapp Group here.
When Max, my next door neighbor’s son, dropped by unexpectedly this afternoon, and found me doing a yoga workout, he asked me where I’d been all morning. As he watched me stretch in my leotard, he seemed really quite engrossed. I mentioned that I’d been busy having a Brazilian, and he said something about shaving. I have no idea why.
It did however, remind me that so many of my members worry about body hair. And it’s true, it can be tricky, especially if one is essentially closeted in their dressing. However, I am a strong believer that one of the most enjoyable ways of concealing body hair is to wear a body stocking. It’s aesthetically beautiful, and really does conceal most of the issue.
Continue reading “Body hair 101 for crossdressers.”Now, I know what you’re thinking. It’s true though, eight inches is my torso measurement. You know, most of us are completely unaware of what our true measurements are. However, because I simply have to get a new corset I need to measure myself correctly.
You know, it can be wonderful fun to have a friend measure you. I always suggest having someone you enjoy being with come and help. With this in mind I called Sylvester to get him to come over to help me. Unfortunately he was busy. Honestly, he’s a slave to his business. He’s never happier than when he’s got his hands on someone’s exhaust pipe.
Sebastian is out climbing this weekend. He’s going up the Devil’s Danglers he tells me. They are a challenging climb, I understand, but it’s remarkable what Sebastian can get up when he puts his mind to it.
I would have asked Amanda or Marjory to help with the measurements, but this is Marjory’s busy season in the competitive eating circuit. She’s apparently excelling in the sausage category this year, which is surprisingly ironic considering the blossoming of her relationship with Amanda.
Now, as you know, my next door neighbors son Max has at times been a little jealous of Sebastian, my personal trainer, when he comes over and helps me with yoga. Max has been noticed spying on us from his upstairs window while I’m getting my downward dog on in the garden. Well, in the interests of humanity I felt I simply had to ask Max to come over and help me measure myself properly for a new corset. I felt this might help ease his tension a little.
I stood in the kitchen as Max placed the measuring tape first under my breasts, to get an accurate underbust measurement, and then standing behind me he wrapped the tape around at my waist. Now, this is very important. Getting these measurements is essential to get just the right fit in a corset. You may want to take notes.
“Max,” I said as his breath quickened. “I feel size is very important. Be sure to get it just right.”
Next he placed his strong young hands on my hips as I stretched, and measured very carefully. FInally he took my torso measurement. This is most important. This is from the underbust point to the hip crease of when you are sitting in Max’s lap. Poor boy was struggling quite hard at this point. I think all this measuring was wearing poor Max out. He seemed very red faced and was breathing heavily.
“And now the final part, Max,” I said. “We have to decide if my belly is ‘soft and squishy’ or ‘lean’. What do you think?”
I placed his hand on my belly.
“It’s sort of firm,” he said.
“Yes, and I expect you are too!”
And the final thing you need to have a note of when ordering a corset is your height. It’s most important to let your corsetier know. I had found a delightful denim corset from https://glamorouscorset.com/ which was perfect to wear either with a pair of nice jeans, or a nice skirt. It’s so good to find truly versatile clothes. You can see the one I chose here: https://glamorouscorset.com/product-category/material/denim/ I chose this one specifically because I knew I could rely on the product quality coming from Glamorouscorset.com and also the stylish look that I’d be able to make good use of year round.
These are important details, because a corset can do so much for your look. While there’s a range of price points with corset manufacturers, like most things, it’s wise not to go down market. A good corset can serve for years when well looked after and really grows to your needs. Don’t just go for the cheapest supplier you can find – look for quality and sound reputation. I knew I was on solid ground with glamorouscorset.com .
Sure enough a few days later I received a package from my friends there. The first thing I noticed was the beautiful presentation of the corset. It comes in a presentation bag that suggests this is a product of quality. My friends included a detailed handbook about care for the corset and how to season it. These things are very important as the investment in effort pays off as you continue to use their product. I was particularly impressed by the attention to detail that had been made. On inspection the corset was perfect. I’ve bought corsets before and I’ve had them hand made. This corset was without doubt one of the nicest and best fitting I’ve ever had. I look forward to years of service with it.
Now, Max is looking forward to years of service too, I think. I suppose I should ask him to help me put it on sometime. Teasing the puppies can be such fun!
If you’re interested in getting into a great corset I have a special surprise for you. If you use this code – FIONA15 – you will get a special discount from GlamorousCorset.com Be sure to have a good look around their website. It’s very comprehensive and you’ll quickly realise that your dealing with a company that is proud of doing the job right. Send them proper measurements as I’ve described above, and be sure to mention I sent you!
Have a wonderful week.
For years people have used coded messages to convey hidden meanings. They do so to garner support from others who can read those messages. It signals that we are stronger together, and that we are not alone.
I lived in South Africa during the apartheid years. Seeing many different ways in which an authoritarian was resisted opened my eyes to the importance of daily conscious energy to progressively move the margins of society in the direction needed. It’s rarely a cataclysmic shift that makes a difference. Revolutions are, by definition, out of the ordinary. To shift the zeitgeist one has to do so a fraction of an inch at a time. Everyday. Never giving up.
As distasteful as it sounds we see alliance displays very clearly when watching MAGA crowds. Yes, I know – just try to hold onto your lunch. Whether it’s the red ball cap, the simple letter ‘Q’ or a single finger raised in a one arm salute, you can witness non-verbal messaging at play. Now, I don’t counsel watching any MAGA rallies. If I want to watch a bunch of losers displaying their failed understanding of politics I need only look at some January 6th footage from the Capitol. I try to avoid doing so within half an hour of eating. But hyperbole aside, these methods of unifying support are often very effective. In the case of large crowds it’s all rather moronic, a little like believing a message gets better by shouting it louder. Natalie Wynn describes this very well in one of her videos HERE.
For a smaller group, a minority for example such as trans people, being able to identify our own supporters and allies is important. Imagine being lost in a crowd, possibly hostile, and having no idea who one’s allies are. Perhaps it’s everyone around you – or perhaps none. For this reason I am a strong proponent of carrying symbols that convey support for trans, bi and LGBTQ values. I show my colors, as it were. I also know that while not everyone will recognise my message, many people who are aligned with me will recognise the symbols and take some comfort from them.
The idea of this is not to provoke. It’s to signal to allies, ‘Yes, I am here.’ Not everyone needs to be a Valkyrie or social justice warrior. My intention is not to create a combative atmosphere – something that does nothing o appeal to the feminine side of my personality. I’d rather bring change through quietly reasoned self awareness of what is morally right. Gently assuring our sisters and friends, these are my choices and I am unashamed of them is important.
With that in mind, especially as we move toward election cycles I do suggest members actively ‘flag’ themselves. This can take the form of a simple button, a tee shirt or even the simple color choice in an outfit. It’s true that some people may see such signals and take them to be provocative, however if that’s the case you’ve just forced a bigot to reveal themselves, which is better than not knowing who the bigot in a party is.
With his in mind I’ve got a special page on my site with a few ideas for some subtle and other not so subtle trans supporting ideas. My personal favorite is a button saying ‘404 Error – Gender Not Found’.
Check it out and perhaps you can adopt one or two of the ideas.
As we kiss goodbye to a hot summer it’s time to start adjusting your look. Just think of all those lovely russet hues that you can lean into!
I was just saying to Sylvester this morning, “It’s a time to start adjusting into the warm colors of the fall.”
Sylvester is very touchy these days, what with Amanda travelling the competitive eating circuit with Marjory, my next door neighbor. He does get quite jealous. She’s been gone for weeks. It’s a wonder that Pig and Pig Farmer Weekly hasn’t gone into terminal decline. I understand she edits the trade publication even while on the road.
For Sylvester, putting together a fall wardrobe consists of switching the denim blues to the Carhartt browns, though I have to admit Carhartt does have some functional women’s workwear these days – https://www.carhartt.com/c/womens
It’s rather hard for Sylvester to compete with Marjory, for that beating lump of gristle that passes for a heart inside Amanda’s breast. Marjory is even more down to earth than Sylvester, and she just blunders forth. It’s quite remarkable to me that she ever gave birth to such a sensitive boy as Max, who as you likely know, looks after the technology things for me. Marjory is the kind of person that announces her pregnancy by switching to menthols. She even has a sticker on the back of her truck that says, “My other car is also a truck.”
A gold star dyed in the wool lesbian if ever you saw one! You just have to love her!
Sylvester can’t really compete, although he does turn a few heads down at the hockey rink when driving the Zamboni. Some women are just impressed by the wheels. Honestly! Men! It’s all rather infantile if you ask me. A little like the time he tried to help his friend Roland with his circus act. Roland is a talented spoon thrower. Yes, I know – it’s all to do with the terms of his parole. But you get the idea.
I don’t know how I’m going to squeeze it all in! All the shopping, parties, family events, and looking after so many members! Well, perhaps I should take my own advice and lubricate things with a little help from Amazon.
Here’s a few great Christmas ideas. I must say my idea of a wonderful Christmas would be for Amanda, my wife’s appalling friend, to emigrate to Molvania – though I doubt it’s likely to happen any time soon. And let’s face it, Pig And Pig Farmer would be unlikely to find another editor of her enormous caliber.
Enjoy my Christmas list and add some ideas of your own in the comments section. FD
Who | What |
Sylvester, My mechanic just loves messing around in his workshop. If it’s not covered in oil and slippery to the touch, it’s just not his thing! Here’s a few ideas. | |
Sebastian. My personal trainer is a health nut. He’s all about vegetables, getting sweaty on the mat and working up a sweat. I hate to disappoint him. He’s going to love these yoga accessories. | |
Ali. Ali is often a dirty boy in my garden. He’s a wonderful gardener, but being a Syrian refugee is still getting things together here. I’m always happy to lend a hand. | |
Bernard. He’s a wonderful photographer and a great artist. He loves to travel with me on shoots and assignments for the advertising agency. Plenty of good ideas here. I had thought of giving him a carrot, in view of recent events but it seemed a little unkind. | |
Julie: She’s hard at it with our Admirer members. Always very diligent and communicative, I thought a nice little piece of technology would help her out. | |
Katia. Buying for Katia is easy. She love anything lacy and sexy – though leans toward leather and studded. | |
Amanda: My wife’s appalling friend would do well to have a walking tour of Molvania. Taking in the oldest operating nuclear facility in eastern Europe, and meeting interesting people who have never visited a dentist sounds right up her street. | |
Everyone else! I never like to be caught off guard and find I’ve forgotten about a friends gift. With this in mind I always have a few Amazon Gift Cards about the place. Being able to pull one out and hand it to a surprise guest leaves me looking particularly generous and them feeling totally embarrassed at forgetting to bring a gift! |
Here are a few Christmas ideas.
The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me… from Fiona Dobson on Vimeo.
I’ve always felt great support in my yoga, knowing that Sebastian is right behind me, whether I am doing a forward fold or a sun salutation. Always knowing he’s there to plunge in and make sure I don’t overdo it is a constant source of reassurance for me.
At his suggestion I am including a few of his ideas for anyone interested in enjoying yoga. Now, as you likely know, yoga isn’t just about stretching. Some people would even say that to think of it in those limited terms is quite ignorant. It is, of course, also about looking good.
To quote Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you look.”
So I’m including a small selection of clothing ideas you may enjoy. As I write this I am sitting on Sebastian’s right hand and we’re creating it together. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.
Lemedy Women Padded Sports Bra. – https://amzn.to/3wkhewp
This is a great sports bra. It can easily be padded for the fuller look, but is great for a thorough workout too. It’s available in a range of great colors and will look great as you pretzel yourself into shape.
High Waisted Yoga Shorts – https://amzn.to/3uitICO
What could be better. High waisted yoga shorts feel lovely and emphasize your waist. They’re also comfortable and convenient to wear. Carrying a pair in a back pack and slipping into them before your yoga class is a simple way to look great and change swiftly into something that will be great to work out in.
Women’s Yoga Leggings – https://amzn.to/3wkiTSF
It’s important to have a nice pair of leggings, whether you’re doing yoga or just relaxing at home. They show of your legs and have a desirable slimming effect for most body shapes. These particular ones offer a high waist, which helps tummy control. Can you think of a better way of showing off your great shape?
All yoga wear should be comfortable and help you feel positive. It’s worth taking time to find clothes that you can enjoy while practicing yoga. You’ll find this enhances your practice and makes the whole experience more enjoyable.
Online Yoga Classes.
I always recommend Ekhart Yoga, run by Esther Ekhart. Whether you’re looking for a high energy work out or something more mellow, Esther is sure to provide you with exactly what you need. Here is a selection of her free youtube based classes – https://www.youtube.com/c/Ekhartyoga/videos
Become a Patron!I will admit that going out to dinner with Sylvester in a formal setting is somewhat like taking out a baboon in a tuxedo, however I do enjoy dressing for dinner and using any excuse to wear an evening gown.
Of course, my work at the advertising agency does require me to attend several formal dinners every month. So, with this in mind I thought I’d give a little attention to the idea of more formal wear.
So many times I’ve seen my lovely members spend their time and energy on lingerie without giving proper attention to the other dressing opportunities that present themselves. Having a few friends over for a formal dinner is a lovely way to celebrate at home, and presents a great opportunity to enjoy some delightful clothes in a comfortable setting.
A lovely aspect of so many of these dresses is that they do show of the shape of the body so well. So if you are inclined to either use body shapers or really work on your physical shape, they are a great addition to any crossdressing wardrobe. And what better excuse do you need to wear a corset?
Ordering online is increasingly easy and of course the selection is very broad. Be sure you check measurements, as there’s no joy in finding you’re squeezing into something that’s really too small.
There can be little doubt that the single piece of crossdressing equipment that makes the greatest impact on how you look is the corset. Suddenly you have a waist, and look very different!
That dress now hangs a little more naturally. You have curves that make you excited and others wild with desire. Everything is different.
You’re going to love the selection below. Take a good look and then experiment. Keep in mind that buying a little larger than you think you need may be a good idea. You can easily be cinched down a size or two.
Remember, it’s great to experiment with a few ideas. If you can find a girlfriend to help you, you’re going to enjoy this even more.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with corsets. They are fun and give you an instant waistline. Some have a longer body style than others. They can be worn over or under a blouse, and there’s the tricky question of whether on not you want an underbust line, or one that cradles breast forms, or your natural breast mass.
Eventually you’ll want to spend a substantial amount on a corset. At that point a professional fitting is a great idea. When you’re spending upwards of $300 on a corset, you don’t want to make mistakes. However, you’ll likely find it’s worth every cents. Until then try any of the ones you see on this page and have some fun with them.
One of the most fun aspects of corsetry is the idea of going steampunk. I love to waer steampunk clothes and the corset is a staple of the style. Below are a few great corsets that can combine with jeans, or a long skirt, and boots, perfect for a steampunk adventure. I can hardly wait to get out there once more.
As summer moves toward its gentle close, and the warming glow of the forest fires in the distance thankfully fade, I am forced to remind myself to make the best of the last weeks of this glorious summer.
What better way to celebrate the sun and move toward fall than by enjoying the soft flow and movement of a stylish and comfortable swing dress. I was saying this to myself as Sebastian sat, dejectedly at my table in the kitchen.
He was staring intently at his phone, a frown firmly welded to his face.
“What on earth’s the matter?” I said, pouring a glass of organic free range goats milk.
“It’s my sister, Charmaine” he said. “She’s so wonderful. But…”
“But what?” I asked.
“But she’s just posted a picture on her Instagram, and there’s a great big ring on her finger. She’s engaged.”
“What delightful news,” I said with a smile.
“Well, it would be delightful. You see she went to Cuba, a lovely little village, and met this wonderful man she’s fallen in love with. She flies back every few months and is so in love.”
“But Sebastian, this is wonderful news,” I gushed. “I’m so happy for Charmaine.”
Sebastian’s sister is so sweet. She has been waiting for the right man so long, and finally her prince has come.
“Well, it would be wonderful. Except this last time she flew to Cuba she was supposed to be at her grandmother’s funeral, and cried off saying she was broke.”
“Oh,” I said.
“And since my mother’s now discovered Instagram, it’s only a matter of time till she learns that instead of planting my dear old granny, she was out gallivanting around the place getting herself engaged to a Cuban. I can almost hear the clock ticking.”
I spread the lovely dress out as I sat, and turned to Sebastian to reassure him.
“Darling,” I said, “I’m sure your grandmother wants nothing less than her grand daughter’s happiness. Besides, the old trout will never know. And your mother will get over it. Your sister has found something magical. and that’s really what counts, isn’t it?”
I know my readers well enough to know that you may have a suggestion to help me here. Help me out and use the comments to suggest what Charmaine should tell her mother.
It’s a wonderful time to color up your wardrobe with some pink sneakers. Here’s a few cool options. These are great for on the beach, or at the fitness studio.
Sebastian, my personal trainer, had always liked me to wear my pink trainers when working out. He tells me that when they are just behind my ears the color offsets the glow of my cheek. He’s a very naughty trainer.
Pink was not always a feminine color, there being several military uniforms of the Napolionic era that included pink trim. Only at the end of the 1800’s did the color begin to take on a feminine undertone. You can learn a little more about the cultural history of ‘pink’ here.
For a crossdresser pink offers the opportunity to introduce an overtly feminine accessory that softens the most manly of presentations. Remember, when buying femme shoe sizes add at least two sizes to convert to a male size. If you have broad feet this may not be enough.
I thought I’d touch on something many people ask about. So many of us confine our dressing to lingerie and club wear, and yet we yearn to embrace the feminine within us. This is a little like the person learning to drive practicing in a Formula 1 racing car.
There are many opportunities to enjoy a feminine presentation by adopting a somewhat androgynous look in our day to day life, or even in the workplace. So, today we’re looking at how we can bring aspects of dressing into the work place in subtle ways.
Now, if you wear a uniform at work, this may be a bit of a stretch. The same may be true if you’re working in an iron foundry. However, I’d love to see you get creative and even send in a photo or two of how you bring this one off. Remember, it’s as much about how you feel, as how you look.
Let me give you an example. If you work in an environment in which jeans is ok, try wearing a more feminine cut of jeans. Use a loose sweater with them, and you can still find yourself acceptably dressed for many workplaces. If you were to loop a nice slim belt around your waistline, you’d have moved firmly into the realm of crossdressing – which is likely to be too much for your workplace. So, it’s a matter of finding the threshold and moving a little closer to it, to satisfy that part of you which desires to feel feminine.
If you can find an outfit that works for you, in the knowledge that if you added a wig and heels you’d look feminine, then you know you’re moving in the right direction. Personally, I love to wear a kilt now and then. This is a great way to push the boundaries even further. I understand that this is not going to work for everyone, however, it’s a fun way to push that threshold.
If you are using a little eye make up and a little blush now and then, this will take you even closer to that threshold. Be careful, you may not want to ‘out yourself’ by accident.
Be sure to send me a pic or two if you find you’re able to pull it off. Let me know if I can use them on the website.