It’s Friday night, so let’s do this…

Look, do I really need an excuse to post this? So, here it is. It’s for all my lovely members who’ve been so kind this last few weeks.

In other news…

Faith from Gender Rebels has a new book out. It’s worth reading. No, I’m not paid to say that.

“When 16-year-old Matt Baily is expelled from his evangelical Christian high school, he faces the prospect of going to public school for the first time. There he firstexperiences the world beyond the strict, conservative Christianity he has grownup with. When he befriends wannabe Warhol Superstar Michelle, he is finally able to share his deepest darkest secret with another person–he has always longed to be a girl.”

Looks pretty good. Get it here –

I’ll be online on the site chatting late. Win a free membership by chatting to me and starting off with the words “I think I just stepped in some trump!”.



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Enjoy the Fiona Dobson Crossdressing Playlist below – it’s sure to put a smile on your face.

Trans Flag for Wall | Transgender Pride Banner Tapestry | Large 40″ x 60″ – $12.66

Clothes Maketh The Man – Part 70.

ā€“ Find Part 1 here ā€“ Chapter list here ā€“

Is it something they say about a drowning man? He was going down for the third timeā€¦ Well, at the pool party I was drowning.

For the life of me I canā€™t quite understand how two people can discuss details of their new cars while, only a few feet away, the trannie hired entertainment is getting banged by a man that had just snorted down more powder than we get in a night on our Canadian ski hills.

If these people were indifferent to the behaviour being inflicted on me, they were no more indifferent than I was to the latest in the line up that was forming behind the man between my legs. I was phoning it in, to mix metaphors.

Continue reading “Clothes Maketh The Man – Part 70.”

Sylvester couldn’t get his chopper out!

What a busy week itā€™s been. Poor Sylvester has barely even got his chopper out. Heā€™s looking most frustrated.

Iā€™ve told him, there are times when circumstances just donā€™t allow a good ride, and itā€™s times like that we have to do the preventative maintenance. He usually looks despondent when I say such things, and then goes off to grease his nipples, or something. I have no idea what that is, by the way. Anyway, perhaps the weather will improve and heā€™ll be able to get out on his bike.

So, after seeing the debate I reached for a nice length of rope to go and hang myself, changed my mind and then wrote a cutting post. After posting it, I thought better of things and deleted it. Few people come to my site for political commentary. All I can say is we now get to see whether people are capable of facing facts, biting the bullet and asking a good man to do whatā€™s best for the country and withdraw from the race. Personally, I feel Joe is a good man, and heā€™s done ok. But now itā€™s time. His ambitions and the ambitions of those that surround him simply do not take precedence over the future of a country. My concern is most of all for the many trans kids who will see an end to their medications if the rapist felon gets elected. I know we cannot depend on the liar to protect trans rights, or to protect anyone but himself for that matter.

So, what can we do? Right away you can familiarise yourself with this – – which is a good starting point. If you live in an area which has no pathway to support for a candidate that could get themselves elected, then I would strongly suggest backing a candidate in a location they may be able to get elected, even if this is far from you. If you live in the middle of a right wing enclave, you can donate to Zooey Zephyr, in Montana and lend her your support. Those of us outside the USA canā€™t donate to support US candidates, there are rules against that, but we can look to people who are advancing trans rights in our own country and lend them whatever support we can. Sometimes this is monetary, sometimes by volunteering, and sometimes simply by expressing support for their message.

We are definitely living at a strange time in history. However, weā€™ve always been here, and we will always be here. Supporting our sisters in any way we can is more important than ever.  This week I was travelling in the foothills of the rocky mountains, and in a small town hardly big enough to swing a cat in I stopped to buy a coffee on a very long drive.  To my surprise a trans girl came in as I was ordering my coffee. I would guess she was 20 years old. She looked lovely and I turned to her, complimented her on her lovely hair, and then told her how those of us who are older are so very proud of our young sisters. I said to her, ā€˜you carry a flag that we were unable to, and we admire you for that. When we are gone, you will carry that flag onward.ā€™

She was so grateful. Many of us face a very solitary journey.  When we are able to express our support for one another it really helps.

With this in mind I am offering the first five people who email me at with the email subject line ā€˜I support my sistersā€™ free membership of my Whatsapp Group.  This is usually $10 a month, so itā€™s a substantial saving. Remember to check out the guidelines for the group chat.  Itā€™s been running very well for years and is a supportive place for many members unable to find community elsewhere. If youā€™d like another opportunity to chat with others, you can do so by choosing one of the options on my Patreon and using the community chat there. Just remember to keep it respectful and clean. Itā€™s about supporting one another.

You can get into my Patreon for as little as a dollar a month, and I could really use some new members there. Jump in and use ‘my back door’ if you want to be supportive.

Have a glorious week.



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Trans Rights are Human Rights Shirt – $6.99

Oh, no! Andrea’s in trouble again!

It’s the latest episode of Clothes Maketh The Man, part 69, and Andrea’s got herself in trouble deeper than ever.

Enjoy the ongoing adventures of Andrea/Andy as they go from one disaster to the next with their usual clueless confidence.

You can find the chapter list here>

Enjoying Clothes Maketh The Man? Support the production of this story by becoming a member of my Patreon for as little as a dollar a month.

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Owasso Police Department fail to safeguard children.

Nex Benedict, a 16-year-old non-binary high school student, loved nature and watching the television show The Walking Dead. Nex enjoyed drawing, reading and playing Ark and Minecraft. Nex also had a cat, Zeus, whom they loved. Nexā€™s family trace part of their roots to the Choctaw Nation, and were on a journey to understanding more about Nexā€™s identity – like many other parents of transgender and non-binary youth. On February 7, 2024, Nex was brutally and viciously beaten inside a bathroom at Owasso High School in Owasso, Oklahoma, where Nex was a student. Nex was taken to the hospital and released, only to be readmitted the following day. On February 8, 2024, Nex succumbed to sustained injuries and tragically died.

Wondering where the police were during this incident? Yes, so is everyone else. You can call the Owasso Police Department at 918-272-2244 to ask them. Here’s their website –

Police Chief Yancey – public protector or coward?

You can ask the Police Chief why his staff are incapable for protecting children in his region by reaching out to him here –

Dan Yancey

Chief of Police

Email Dan Yancey

Phone: 918-376-1564

When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go.

Sylvester informs me that should I ever be caught in an avalanche, I should make a point of peeing myself, so I can figure out which way the gravity takes the pee, and then I will know which way is up, and which down.  As you know, Canada has been having some quite hard weather recently, and such pieces of information are very helpful to know.  However, I do have a problem with this.

First of all, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll need any reminding to piss myself if Iā€™m caught in an avalanche. I really donā€™t! Second, Iā€™m not sure knowing which way is up is going to make a great deal of difference if Iā€™m under a hundred tons of snow at the time.

Sylvester tells me there was one man who was caught in an avalanche in his car, and drank 48 beers while he was trapped in his vehicle which had been rolled over and buried under the snow. He arrived home later covered in urine and told his wife the whole story. Frankly I think he probably made the whole thing up. It sounds to me like a pretty good Friday night out after work at the advertising agency.

I am currently working on a very interesting report for the advertising agency called ā€œUnderstanding Women Who Love to Feminize Their Men. The Dobson Report.ā€ This will soon be available to my Seahorse members.  For those who join my Patreon at the $1 a month level I will make it available as well just for the next 6 weeks.  I should be complete with that report in about a week. So, thereā€™s a great reason for you to either join my seahorse level, or my Patreon if you havenā€™t already done so.  In the meantime I want to thank all my Good Gurls, and my Seahorse, Unicorn and Premium Members. I couldnā€™t do what I do without your support.

And speaking of support, I have recently shelled out for a new phone for Auntie Kittie. She has one those fancy phones that are tethered to the wall to prevent them being stolen. She asked me to buy her a new one because something called ā€˜the rotary dialā€™ broke on hers. It all sounds far too technical for me.

Have a lovely week.


Women’s Ski Jacket and Pants Waterproof Windproof Snowsuit – 109.99

I’m looking forward to getting felt up in the loft.

Happy New Year to all my members. And what a wonderful time to accept who you are, and create the what you desire! A good start might be to sign up for Auntie Kitties’s Diary and join me as a Good Gurl for just $4.99 a month.

It’s a great time to start doing all those things we’ve been avoiding, like making our house more energy efficient and saving the world. With this in mind Sylvester is helping me install some insulation in the loft.

With so little snow on the local ski hills I can’t help thinking Climate Change is once again proving to be an issue. I said this very thing to Sylvester just the other day.

“I think it’s important we all do our share to reduce our carbon foot prints,” I said to him while in the garden.

I noticed Ali checking the soles of his gardening boots, as I said that.

I continued, “The sooner I get felt up in the loft the better!”

At this point Sylvester made some disgusting comment, but really, what can one do! He really can be quite coarse.

Have a lovely New Year. 2024 is likely to be an exciting one. Pull up your panties and strap in – I said ‘strap in’ – it’s going to be an exciting ride!

Enjoy a little Abba below.



Join as a Good Gurl for 4.99 a month.

History has not always been kind to crossdressers.

I sometimes have the strangest of dreams. Just last night I woke up quite startled, something slipping into my head quite unexpectedly.

It’s not unusual for me to have the occasional nightmare. I’ve even had dreams of playing the role in an unusual depiction of the death of renowned medieval crossdresser, Joan of Arc. That one was very odd. It followed an evening where I’d been out and watched an ice skating spectacular, and I later dreamed I was playing the lead in a dramatic presentation of the story of Joan, performed on ice. Needless to say the story had something of a surprise ending.

Last nights dream may have been the result of my reading some of the history of Marie Antoinette. She is widely quoted as having said, “Let them eat cake,” when told of the peasants plight in revolutionary France.

It turns out that she never said that. Instead it was written some twenty years prior to the revolution by well known French cuck Jean-Jaques Rousseau. You can read about it here. The words were attributed to Marie, along with a lot of sexually deviant behaviour (most enjoyable) that never actually occurred. This was politically motivated and provided a suitable excuse to whip her head off, thus putting paid to the problem of crowned heads wandering about the place after their revolution, instead of ending up in the basket along with all the trouble makers the French revolutionaries wanted to be rid of. Some of the fat bastards taking flights to space should take note.

Perhaps reading about this before I slid into sleep primed me for the disturbing dream, from which I woke with a start. My dachshund, Hannibal, was curled up in his basket beside my bed sleeping soundly at the time. I had to get up and pull on a kimono and make restoring cup of tea before finally feeling calm and getting back to sleep again. I did however take time to note the dream, and so I will share the entry I made in my journal, a pink volume by my bed with a picture of a unicorn on the cover.

I hope you enjoy sweeter dreams.

It was a cold dawn, the early light glistening on the cobbles of the Paris streets. A somber crowd had gathered in the square, where a guillotine stood.

Through the wreaths of mist a cart, pulled by two broken down horses clattered to a halt. And there she was, her hands bound behind her back. This wasn’t a princess, but someone of meagre birth. She stood proudly, but was manhandled down some rickety steps and led to the sinister looking device in the center of the square. Her little dog, Sasha, followed loyal to the very end.

The crowd fell silent as the metallic rasp of the blade being raised reached their ears. All eyes were on the woman, as she was pushed into place, a hard wooden yoke closing about her neck.

She knelt with dignity, silence descending over the crowd in anticipation of what was to follow. Then the unmistakable sound of the blade descending and suddenly it was all over. Until someone said, “Fetch” and that was when the wheels really came off.



Sylvester’s going to Amanda’s opening!

I was so shocked I nearly swallowed the glazed cherry in my appletini!

ā€œI beg your pardon?ā€ I said to Amanda.

ā€œI said, ā€˜Sylvesterā€™s coming to my opening,ā€ she replied. I have to admit I was only half listening, keeping an eye on Auntie Kittie who was making another move toward the punch bowl. With so many guests in my living room I have to be ever vigilant. I refocused my attention on Amanda.

ā€œGood God,ā€ I murmured. ā€œDoes Marjory know?ā€

I should explain. Amanda and Marjory are indulging their most carnal desires with one another. Urgh. Regardless, now and then Amanda and Sylvester succumb to their insatiable lust. Itā€™s all most distasteful.

Amanda was babbling on, ā€œā€¦ and since my parts have been drying up latelyā€¦ā€

ā€œFor Godā€™s sake, Amanda! Have you no shame?ā€ I said.

Amanda sidled off to the bathroom, through the assembled herd of white privilege. As though materializing from thin air Marjory appeared. I swear sheā€™s like a vampire., the way she comes and goes soundlessly.  

ā€œHas she been trying to strong arm you into going to her play?ā€ asked Marjory. ā€œItā€™s opening on Saturday night and sheā€™s trying to get anyone she can to go and see it.ā€

ā€œOh, thatā€™s what sheā€™s babbling on about. Are you going?ā€ I asked Marjory. ā€œI went to the last one.  No way! Iā€™m not doing that again,ā€ she replied, opening a bottle of beer with her bare hands

ā€œI went to the last one.  No way! Iā€™m not doing that again,ā€ she replied, opening a bottle of beer with her bare hands.

I saw Amanda returning and turned back toward Marjory but sheā€™d vanished leaving nothing but a feint smell of ozone.

ā€œAh, Amanda,ā€ I said with a smile. ā€œYou were telling me about your parts.ā€

These evening soirees are very pleasant. I tend to have a small gathering once a month, and the mixed residents of Huckleberry Close seem to enjoy them. Now that fall is closing in and the evenings are a little cooler it makes a nice diversion.

But thatā€™s not the main reason Iā€™m writing. I thought Iā€™d just mention to you a new feature Iā€™ve included in the website.  As you likely know thereā€™s some anti-Trans efforts emerging here and there. I was at a counter demonstration this very week in Vancouver, opposing some white supremacist nut jobs who were singling out trans rights and trying to persecute trans youth by lobbying to remove some of the many protections we enjoy here in Canada. Needless to say, they were met with vocal opposition. There were barely 150 of them and at least 1500 of us. It was great to connect with friends at the demonstration.

As you know, I generally try to keep politics out of the content here, however, with trans youth under threat I cannot avoid it entirely. As a result Iā€™ve been including some other voices on the site. Itā€™s a mixed bag of Featured Friends. If youā€™re curious just look for the tag Friends at the foot of some posts and youā€™ll find the likes of Contrapoints, Mia Mulder and Philosophy Tube among others. They provide some alternative views and voices. You can also use this link ( ). Thereā€™s a broad range of trans content there. I hope you enjoy it, and I am always happy to see your feedback.

As ever, if you wish to support my work, be sure to join one of the programs here or on Patreon. I am currently trying to build up my Patreon, so joining there is particularly appreciated.

Have a wonderful week.



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Featured Friends – Nikki Gordon Bloomfield.

Who has the time to keep tabs on the world of motoring, electric car technologies and the environment. Thank heavens we have Nikki on the case!

There’s been growing evidence suggesting there’s an economic downturn coming that may be as bad – if not worse – than the Great Recession of 2007-2009. As usual, that means some automakers are in for a tough time, especially start ups. But in the EV world, this time around is going to be far more brutal than anything we’ve seen before.

Enjoy this insight into emerging business and technologies on the road.


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