Faced with the threat of blackmail and exposure, reluctant crossdresser Andy is forced to confront his conflicting desires. On the one hand, playing along with Devina’s filthy plan would be dangerous and could make things worse, but on the other his curiosity and secret wish to take things further was growing with every passing moment.
“I suppose I could…” I found myself saying.
“Of course you can. Now, let’s get you ready, shall we?” said Devina.
I don’t know what came over me. I suddenly not only wanted to see what might happen, I actually found myself craving the thought of being there, for some random man. He would doubtless take me, probably violently and use me like some kind of, well, tramp. And the thought excited me.
I tried to stop myself, “Devina, how could you do such unspeakable things to me,” I stammered. “And now this?”