From Brianna Ghey’s vigil.

Ellen M said a few words at Brianna’s vigil in Newcastle, in the UK. Her words are wise, powerful and moving. If you’re as upset as I am about this, then don’t be backwards in coming forward and supporting Trans youth with BE: Trans Support. Here’s a transcript of her words. If you’re on Mastodon you can follow her at


Tonight I spoke at the Newcastle vigil for #BriannaGhey as a spokesperson for Be:Trans Support. It was emotional and there was an excellent turnout of both trans people and cis allies. There were some excellent speeches from a wide variety of people – some angry and political, others talking about their feelings. I spoke to some people who were around the same age as Brianna and it filled my heart with joy to see such kind, caring and loving young people. It really gives me hope for the future.
This is what I said:

The death of Brianna Ghey has struck to the very heart of the trans community in the UK. From all reports, she was a strong young woman, who was loved and supported by a family proud of her transness. She was caring and loving to those around her, helping other young trans people with their transition even while fighting for her own right to live her life.

We are upset. We are scared. We are angry. Feelings which are legitimate and understandable.

That it appears that she was killed by two of her contemporaries carries its own horror. It is said that children are our hope for the future but that cannot be taken for granted. Cycles of bigotry fuel themselves – but so does love.

What we need now is to channel our fear and anger into positivity. Let it make us stronger and tell those who oppose us, those who belittle us and those who would legislate us out of existence that they will never stop us.

We need to follow Brianna’s example and reach out to others, to come together and care for and support each other. To take the anger, loss, confusion and fear we feel now and turn it into fuel for the engine of love.

What I would like you to do now is to turn to a stranger next to you and – with their consent – hug them and then tell them that you love them and you stand with them.


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