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Accept yourself as you are – create yourself as you desire.
Donate to Trans Harm Reduction: Support the channel on Patreon: / lily_lxndr F
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Why hello there! I’m Leah, and I’m here to cover the news, cultural trends and politics from a progressive point of view, with a particular focus on lgbtqia issues. Today we are discussing some stuff that is rather serious in regards to surviving the next 4 years.
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As we enter the Transgender Awareness Week, enjoy this from Jessie Gender.
Support Jessie Gender here:
Hi everyone!
For those new here, my name’s Andy and I’m a transgender woman who has recently started coming out and transitioning. I’ve been sharing my story and experience here on YouTube as a way for me to share what’s on my mind, and to help me verbalise certain things and send them into the universe.
I have to be honest, the decision the American people have made to re-elect Trump has devastated me and so many other people. It’s hard to come to terms with this, and a lot of people are feeling so scared and anxious about the future.
I must admit that I feel somewhat powerless in the face of this rise of a much more right-wing, authoritarian (at best) way of thinking. It saddens and terrifies me that the people who have learned from history are the ones dedicated to repeating it.
I felt I needed to say something – anything – in the hope that it might touch and comfort some of you out there. I want you to know that I am here, even though perhaps a long way away, I feel you.
Looking to history as a blueprint for what we can do – what I can do – shows that there is such power in strenth in unity and community. I hope you can find your group and your people if you haven’t already done so.
As always, I’d love to hear about your experiences and your perspectives – I look forward to hearing from you all in the comments section below!
Love and peace,
If you like this video Andy requests you donate to Mermaids – the UK charity – here’s the link:
The people have spoken and have definitively elected Donald Trump as the 47th president of the United States. This was close, but it reflects the current divide in the United States. What can we learn from this election and what do we do now?
Listen to the podcast version of every episode here:
I am very much aware of the distress of many of my members following the election. Many trans people are feeling vulnerable.
I have to say, I’ve seen this before. I remember when Maggie Thatcher was elected in the UK. We shared many of the same feelings people are experiencing today. And we survived, pressured the government and pushed the old witch out. We never give up.
If you are feeling concerned and exposed please use the sign up form below to join a system I am setting up. The idea of the support group is to put members of each US state in touch with one another. There is no cost associated with this. By signing up you will be joining this fledging project, and I will email you instructions to join.
Be aware that this is a work in progress. I feel we should get active swiftly though, hence this post. The people who will benefit from this group are trans people in the US of all ages, who are feeling concerned about their healthcare, their physical safety or about social pressures in their area. This is not going to be of interest to people who are purely in the scene for dating/fetish activities. Don’t worry boys, we have other activities for you at 🙂
If you feel you’d benefit from connections to other trans people in your state be sure to join and look out for the emailed instructions.
I was talking to Sylvester this very morning. He said to me, “How is it that anyone who was alive in the eighties and nineties- people who listened to our music – could possibly vote for that stinking pile of orange crap?”
“I assume you are talking about Mr. Trump,” I said. “And I’ll thank you not to use that language in my kitchen.”
“Really, though!” He said. “How can this election be this close? People who lived through Boy George, The Thompson Twins and David Bowie… How can they betray the things we all believed in?”
“Sylvester, calm down,” I suggested. “In any given population you are going to get a certain number of people who are either misinformed, selfish or monumentally stupid. People who don’t understand how to use Google to check facts. They’re what we call in Canada, ‘Morons’. We will see exactly how many there are in the US in a few days.”
“You can usually tell them apart from normal people,” I continued. “They refuse to consider any opinion but their own, often buy into ideas that keep them at the bottom of the social pile, and are too uneducated to realise that what they think is commitment is actually ignorance. They fear women, they fear immigrants and they fear people who don’t subscribe to their brand of idiocy. They also often think that their gun is a solution.”
As you likely know Pig And Pig Farmer was one of the first publications to endorse Donald Trump in 2016. Even Amanda, who edits this venerable publication has refused to endorse the foul pile of orange crap this year.
She just can’t bring herself to vote for a person who sexually abuses women, pushing policies that will damage so many people, and only enrich the wealthy few. While Trans healthcare is not her foremost concern, as a mother she can’t in good conscience vote for a person who is denying so many women the right to autonomy over their body. She knows that if one of her daughters needs an abortion, she doesn’t want to have to argue the point with a politician or a law enforcement officer.
“Amanda,” I said as we chatted on the phone while I organised a few things in my office, “most of the things they blame on Biden are nothing to do with him. I assure you this isn’t the first time the middle east has had a war, and while they blame Biden for the immigration situation, I guarantee you that’s something that’s been developing over decades. They’ll take these issues and try and manipulate you into thinking they’re all the fault of the person in power. As for that Afghanistan mess, Trump created the whole thing by being an inexperienced and naïve commander in chief. The truth is, neither of them are great, but Trump comes with a whole fascist agenda – and that’s what our parents fought a war to overcome.”
I then had to ring off as I told her I had to assign a few jobs to the team her and hand jobs out in the board room. I really do think her hearing is going.
“Hand jobs out in the boardroom?” she replied.
“Don’t worry, Amanda,” I said. “Things will work out if everyone keeps their heads.”
Sebastian stopped by during the morning, too. As you know, his sister is named Rainbow. What you might not know is that she’s named after the Greenpeace ship, Rainbow Warrior. As you can imagine she was raised with values around the environment that are dear to my own heart. Here in beautiful British Columbia we live by the words, leave only footprints behind. To be fair, my footprints are usually with a very pronounced four inch heel – but looking after the environment is very dear to my heart. It’s a small thing, but I don’t want my children living on a burned out cinder of a planet. And talk of ‘drill baby, drill’ turns my stomach. If you can imagine a dinosaur looking up at the sky and saying, ‘Gee, isn’t that a great looking asteroid heading our way! Let’s try and get a closer look!’, then you can imagine the way I feel about pushing carbon fuels further than absolutely necessary.
Personally, it’s the trans persecution that is the hardest of many lines that have been crossed. I know of many trans people who are feeling frightened by the possibility of losing health care. If he gets in, that’s practically guaranteed to end. Any thought that RFK has any knowledge or understanding of modern healthcare is beyond comprehension. That Trump would give that antivaxxer any say in health matters defies understanding – yet no more so than injecting bleach to overcome Covid.
Only someone who fails to understand how tariffs work could ever suggest the idea of bringing in tariffs in a country that imports so many of its consumer goods. The tariffs will come straight out of American pockets and trigger one of the worst recessions the US has ever seen.
And let’s be honest here. He’s going to be dead long before his mess gets cleaned up. He’s an old crock who is making his last play before he dies a lonely failed little man. Most people stupid enough to vote for that will have to live with the results longer than he will. Unfortunately, if he gets in, so will the rest of the US. For those of us who are trans, the consequences will be far reaching. Fortunately, Canada will always provide a home to people persecuted in their home countries.
As for making America great again, if Trump is elected the US will become the laughing stock of the world. Except that if you’re trans, it’s not going to be very funny. Anyone voting for Trump is no friend of the Transgender movement, and they’re no friend of mine.
Many of us are worried. Of course, it’s a worrying time. However, we will get through this. I’m online much of the time over the next few days. Visit the website if you need to, and look for the chat system if you need to talk. I will make m yself as available as I can. We’re going to be ok.
Have a voting plan, take a friend and bring whatever you need in case you need to wait in line. Make it count.
A short documentary goes behind the scenes with the state representative from Montana as she made international news fighting for trans medical care—and making a momentous decision in her own life.
Oh, what a lovely debate. However, I do think it a trifle unkind to use the senile and mentally unhinged for our entertainment. Now, I have to put a dog in the casserole for lunch.
Become a member!Even responding to this kind of idiocy seems ridiculous, however this idiot has his name on a presidential ballot. To not respond to it is in a sense a response as well.
If you are just sick and tired of Trumps bullshit express your frustration with a $5 donation to Zooe Zephyr, one of our trans politicians who is doing well.
The original olympic ideals were excellence, respect and friendship. I know these are qualities my membership value. When we hear about people excluding trans people from sport, and keep in mind this targets a tiny number of athletes, don’t be fooled into thinking they’re arguing a ‘fairness’ issue. It’s purely a dog whistle to create a negative talking point about us.
Instead, lets stay focused on the real issues here. Competing with friends, at a school, local or international level, should always be about friendships, respect and excellence. It should never be about finding a way to create a political fracture between people who simply enjoy sport.
Enjoy this from Mia. And be sure to help her out with a Patreon membership – she works hard for it.
Sylvester came into my kitchen this morning with a smug look on his face and asked me, “Is your refrigerator running?”
I sighed and thought to myself, ‘ok, Sylvester’s learned a joke. I better let him do it.’
“I believe it is,” I said glancing at the fridge in an exaggerated manner.
“Good, because if it is, I’ll vote for it,” Sylvester then collapsed in a quivering mass of his own laughter. I sipped my coffee patiently until this display of idiocy was over.
“What is this, a Democratic Party ‘in joke’?” I asked.
Sylvester was still quivering. It was unusual to see Sylvester laughing at a joke that didn’t involve panties, coming in the back way or pulling someone’s finger. You know, Sylvester really can be quite coarse at times. Is there a small chance he could be evolving from his Neanderthal roots?
But that’s not the main reason I am writing today, and don’t worry, it’s not going to be an email soaked in political hyperbole. I know some of my members don’t like that. So instead, being Canadian, I thought I’d tell you a quick hockey story. Yeah. That’s more fun. And I have to say, I do like going down to the hockey rink and watching local teams play. I have even supported the local team by volunteering and helping them with the electric scoreboard. I love to go down there and score with the boys. I like to help out the girls too, of course. I always keep my hand in.
But, you’re diverting me from the main thrust of the story today. We have this player who has been the main scorer of the local team. He’s very talented but he’s been having some issues lately. And in a couple of weeks we have a critical game against another very good team. They’re not professional but I know at least one player on their team is exceptional and used to play at a very high level, so we need to be very organised.
Sebastian, who is a very sound strategist, surprisingly for a kombucha drinking yogi, understands.
“Joe is just too old. He’s got arthritis in his knees. And he keeps forgetting to show up for practice,” said Sebastian, while adjusting my downward dog yoga position from behind. “And if we lose this game we’ll be out of the league. It took us at least four years to get back in last time we were relegated.”
“I can see the problem,” I said, easing into the pose.
“I don’t think there’s any choice,” he went on. “We just need to substitute him out for someone better than we had before. Better, stronger, faster.”
“Do we have that technology?” I said.
“We have the technology,” replied Sebastian, very seriously.
“It’s so obvious,” I agreed. “Why didn’t I think of that?”
Sebastian can be unusually wise. His views have adjusted my own from time to time and I find his insights penetrate deeply at both an intellectual and physical level. Anyway, I thought I should share that non-political update with you.
Have a lovely week. Be sure to sign up as a good gurl this week if you haven’t already, as Auntie Kittie is keen for me to suggest a few more sissies come her way. Those were her words, not mine.
@gloria_swansong #stitch with @mags_a_million Let’s clear the air on what Transgender means and what the movement is all about. #trans #transnonbinary #transhistory #lgbtqeducation ♬ original sound – Gloria_Swansong
Let’s clear the air on what Transgender means and what the movement is all about.
Transgender is about transversing genders, spanning the space between male and female. It is a broad term and doesn’t specifically define one gender expression.
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Never be afraid to believe in yourself. Happy Pride!
Art by @tikaestudio
With thanks to Lynda Carter –
Shock polling result!
89% of respondents say they’d rather meet a man in the forest than Donald Trump!
How two teenagers planned the murder of Brianna Ghey.
Brianna Ghey murder: Moment teenage killers Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe arrested
Brianna Ghey: Teenage killers sentenced to life for murder | BBC News
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