A short documentary goes behind the scenes with the state representative from Montana as she made international news fighting for trans medical care—and making a momentous decision in her own life.
THe Boss Speaks.
Kamala Harris straight up killed a baby on stage last night.
Oh, what a lovely debate. However, I do think it a trifle unkind to use the senile and mentally unhinged for our entertainment. Now, I have to put a dog in the casserole for lunch.
Become a member!Can you believe a word that comes out of this man’s mouth?
Even responding to this kind of idiocy seems ridiculous, however this idiot has his name on a presidential ballot. To not respond to it is in a sense a response as well.
If you are just sick and tired of Trumps bullshit express your frustration with a $5 donation to Zooe Zephyr, one of our trans politicians who is doing well. https://fionadobson.com/show-your-support-for-zoe-zephyr-today/
In most of the world, sport unites us.
The original olympic ideals were excellence, respect and friendship. I know these are qualities my membership value. When we hear about people excluding trans people from sport, and keep in mind this targets a tiny number of athletes, don’t be fooled into thinking they’re arguing a ‘fairness’ issue. It’s purely a dog whistle to create a negative talking point about us.
Instead, lets stay focused on the real issues here. Competing with friends, at a school, local or international level, should always be about friendships, respect and excellence. It should never be about finding a way to create a political fracture between people who simply enjoy sport.
Enjoy this from Mia. And be sure to help her out with a Patreon membership – she works hard for it.
Trump too chicken to debate Harris.
Better, Stronger, Faster.
Sylvester came into my kitchen this morning with a smug look on his face and asked me, “Is your refrigerator running?”
I sighed and thought to myself, ‘ok, Sylvester’s learned a joke. I better let him do it.’
“I believe it is,” I said glancing at the fridge in an exaggerated manner.
“Good, because if it is, I’ll vote for it,” Sylvester then collapsed in a quivering mass of his own laughter. I sipped my coffee patiently until this display of idiocy was over.
“What is this, a Democratic Party ‘in joke’?” I asked.
Sylvester was still quivering. It was unusual to see Sylvester laughing at a joke that didn’t involve panties, coming in the back way or pulling someone’s finger. You know, Sylvester really can be quite coarse at times. Is there a small chance he could be evolving from his Neanderthal roots?
But that’s not the main reason I am writing today, and don’t worry, it’s not going to be an email soaked in political hyperbole. I know some of my members don’t like that. So instead, being Canadian, I thought I’d tell you a quick hockey story. Yeah. That’s more fun. And I have to say, I do like going down to the hockey rink and watching local teams play. I have even supported the local team by volunteering and helping them with the electric scoreboard. I love to go down there and score with the boys. I like to help out the girls too, of course. I always keep my hand in.
But, you’re diverting me from the main thrust of the story today. We have this player who has been the main scorer of the local team. He’s very talented but he’s been having some issues lately. And in a couple of weeks we have a critical game against another very good team. They’re not professional but I know at least one player on their team is exceptional and used to play at a very high level, so we need to be very organised.
Sebastian, who is a very sound strategist, surprisingly for a kombucha drinking yogi, understands.
“Joe is just too old. He’s got arthritis in his knees. And he keeps forgetting to show up for practice,” said Sebastian, while adjusting my downward dog yoga position from behind. “And if we lose this game we’ll be out of the league. It took us at least four years to get back in last time we were relegated.”
“I can see the problem,” I said, easing into the pose.
“I don’t think there’s any choice,” he went on. “We just need to substitute him out for someone better than we had before. Better, stronger, faster.”
“Do we have that technology?” I said.
“We have the technology,” replied Sebastian, very seriously.
“It’s so obvious,” I agreed. “Why didn’t I think of that?”
Sebastian can be unusually wise. His views have adjusted my own from time to time and I find his insights penetrate deeply at both an intellectual and physical level. Anyway, I thought I should share that non-political update with you.
Have a lovely week. Be sure to sign up as a good gurl this week if you haven’t already, as Auntie Kittie is keen for me to suggest a few more sissies come her way. Those were her words, not mine.
Trans people are not defined by their transitions.
@gloria_swansong #stitch with @mags_a_million Let’s clear the air on what Transgender means and what the movement is all about. #trans #transnonbinary #transhistory #lgbtqeducation ♬ original sound – Gloria_Swansong
Let’s clear the air on what Transgender means and what the movement is all about.
Transgender is about transversing genders, spanning the space between male and female. It is a broad term and doesn’t specifically define one gender expression.
Become a Patron!
Never be afraid.
Never be afraid to believe in yourself. Happy Pride!
Art by @tikaestudio
With thanks to Lynda Carter – https://www.tumblr.com/reallyndacarter
Would you rather be stuck in a forest with a man or Donald Trump?
Shock polling result!
89% of respondents say they’d rather meet a man in the forest than Donald Trump!
Transgender Day of Visibility – Pain of Being Invisible
It’s International Transgender Day of Visibility so I share my story of being invisible.
Support Jessie Gender here: https://www.patreon.com/jessiegender
Brianna Ghey. We will not forget.
How two teenagers planned the murder of Brianna Ghey.
Brianna Ghey murder: Moment teenage killers Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe arrested
Brianna Ghey: Teenage killers sentenced to life for murder | BBC News
Donate to help prevent this type of crime: https://www.gofundme.com/f/briannagheymemorial
Conservatives Don’t Care About Your Kids
Learn more about Trans Lifeline: https://translifeline.org/
Support Matt Bernstein at https://www.patreon.com/mattbernstein
J.K. Rowling’s Spiral into Madness (with ContraPoints)
Support Matt here – https://www.patreon.com/mattbernstein
I ran for office to find out. And I won! Kinda.
Featured Friends – Leeja Miller
From Anita Bryant’s crusade against the gays, to the infiltration of the religious right and moral majority into presidential politics via Reagan, to the election of Donald Trump and the growth of the white supremacy movement in the United States, the anti-trans fervor gripping the United States is the culmination of many disparate hateful groups and movements coming to fruition all at the same time. This is Why Conservatives Are So Obsessed With Trans Kids.
The three things you can do right now to advance transgender rights.
I am often asked by my members and friends, ‘what can I do right now to stop the spread of hate that is so pervasive in American politics today?’. While it’s great to march or protest, the fact remains many of us don’t wish to out ourselves in that way.
Yet, we also want to do what we can to support trans rights, and simply prevent the relentless onslaught on gender issues that seems to be a part of life in America today. My response is usually the same. Vote.
However, there’s only the opportunity to vote every couple of years and for some people it can seem a pointless exercise, particularly if you live in a state that is overwhelmingly controlled by the Republican party. Today I have a simple recipe for people wanting to make a difference. Here are three simple things that you can do that will help. In suggesting these initiatives I would remind my friends that this is a long game. It took a long time to win the freedoms we have achieved so far, and it may take a long time to protect them.
Continue reading “The three things you can do right now to advance transgender rights.”What “Parents’ Rights” REALLY Means.
Zoe Bee explains how Parents Rights have become a trans battleground.
You can support Zoe by using her Patreon! ➤ https://www.patreon.com/zoe_bee