Are you ready for Halloween?

It’s soon going to be Halloween, and Auntie Kittie is suggesting all her girls embrace their powers this year by dressing as Wonder Woman. You can find your costume right here:

If you love cheesy special effects and great outfits, check the clip below. It might inspire you to get ready for a wonderful Halloween. Now, who are you going to ask to do your makeup?

Just to make it interesting you can win a $100 membership to our Seahorse group for one year by sending your Halloween pics in to – Auntie will make a pile of your emails and then pull one member off at random from that pile of emails (yes, she actually prints them!) to select a winner. Perhaps it’s just a selfie of you in costume, or maybe it’s a photo essay of your friends dressing you up and putting the right makeup on… send it in and we will post all we reasonably can!

Your pics will appear on the site, so be sure you’re ok with me using them. No, you don’t need to be a member already to enter this competition.

Don’t forget there’s plenty of Halloween content on the site. You can find some HERE. Oh, and by the way, the results are in for this week’s ‘Shit Of The Week‘ Award.



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