It’s almost June, and I made a foray into the office, something I rarely do these days. To be quite honest, and between you and I, I’ve avoided going into the office since Sylvester crashed the virtual office Christmas party, pulled the pockets out of his pants and did his impression of an elephant. One just never knows when a mark may have been overstepped.
To make things still more unpredictable, we have a new human resources director. Colin, the last HR director was rather eccentric. He had tattoos all over his body, including a Canadian flag over his heart and a map of Canada on his face. He may have been a little odd, but at least with Colin you always knew where you were.
I was intercepted by the new HR director, Debra, as I entered the deserted reception area. A large woman, she approached me and asked who I was, not having been introduced to me before. She wore a ski jacket, which seemed a little odd in late May here in Vancouver. I also noticed she seemed to be well acquainted with my personnel file, which did not inspire confidence. Personally I prefer to keep a low profile when it comes to HR people.
I glanced around the reception area, noticing that the walls were adorned with new paintings.
“Geoff’s drawn up a corporate revitalization plan,” she said, referring to the CEO, while noticing I was looking around at the artwork on the office walls.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“Oh, we’re going to be brightening up the office and moving toward a greener profile,” replied Debra. “He says we have to pay more attention to our green footprint.”
I glanced at my shoes. I decided that while in town I should stop by that Italian shoe shop.

“What does that really mean,” I asked.
“It means he’s turned off the heating,” came her reply. Well, at least that explained the ski jacket. I immediately noticed that the office was a lot cooler than it used to be.
“I see,” I replied trying not to show my disappointment.
“And that we have this,” and at this moment she paused, “… this art on the walls.”
“Oh,” I said, “that’s what it is.”
She smirked at me. I felt a little more encouraged. Could Debra be an ally? She looked at a large piece positioned behind where our receptionist would generally sit.
“What does it say to you, Fiona?” she asked.
“It says to me that the artist has a pet cat with severe gastric distress,” I replied.
“Yes,” she agreed doubtfully. “You obviously have a keen eye. Actually, it says that Geoff’s daughter is out of rehab again and he’s bought a load of her art to put a few dollars in her pocket.”
“Our receptionist may need counselling if she’s exposed to these for too long,” I replied.
That however is not the main reason I’m writing to you today. As we get into summer it’s time to reach for that miniskirt and get into it. If you don’t have one, either finding one in a store, or even going to a good quality thrift store and hunting down a bargain is a great idea. If you’re on my Patreon why not post a pic in the community section. There’s a challenge for you Daphanie! Daphanie is one of my favorite members and very active on our Whatsapp Group. To help you along the way try this little self hypnosis file. It may encourage you.
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