Katia has stroked a cockatoo in her time.

Katia’s interests are many and varied. She has something special lined up for Christmas.

I am so pleased to thank all my lovely Seahorse members for their recent kind wishes to Stacey, who has been unwell with Covid.  She is now recovering and will be back on her feet soon.  In the meantime I can tell you some exciting news.

Katia Thornwood has a new series about to be released for all my members. Now, as you probably know Katia generally writes just for our treasured Seahorse members – those naughty boys and gurls who so desperately need a little extra discipline. However, in line with the Christmas season, she’s asked me to put this new series out to all my Patreon members. Her generosity knows no bounds (particularly when I am paying her wages).

Katia is keen on her tropical birds. She has been known to stroke a large cockatoo from time to time.

Those of you who know Katia will realise she is quite a strict disciplinarian. She longs for the days of the past when the kindly local policeman, that everybody on the street knows, would give a recalcitrant teenager a clip round the ear as they were hauled off to the gallows. Now, of course, she applies a more impacting version of discipline all of her own. Her new series is called The Lovers and will enthrall all who read it.

What few people know is that Katia is also very keen on her tropical birds. She loves parrots and conures, and has been know to stroke a large cockatoo from time to time as well. Anyway, I know you’ll enjoy the upcoming series, The Lovers. If you’re not already a member just join as a Seahorse member for December at just $10 for the month to enjoy this great collection. What better way is there to make Christmas special?

I will be spending a little more time online this month, so if you’d like to check in with me just go to the site and you might find me there chatting through the site chat system. I love to connect with my gurls.



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