Most crossdressers enjoy their activities in a somewhat private way. Unlike ‘drag queens’ they feel a sense of privacy adds to their enjoyment, and definitely don’t wish to step outside of their comfort zone unless there is a well established confidence already built.
While this isn’t the case for everyone, it’s certainly the case for many of my members. I was saying to Sebastian just this Wednesday, as he was helping me adjust my yoga position, I feel an intimate connection with every one of my members. I feel that I understand their struggle and their joy. And it’s a path that’s sadly not understood by many. Even as Sebastian helped me into an inversion, I said that the connection is one that is deep and very personal.
With that in mind, I thought I’d talk this week about wearing some clothes somewhat less associated with crossdressing. I think we all agree that lovely soft evening gowns are very beautiful. For the average woman, there’s a desire to wear them out and be seen. Ironically, because crossdressers tend not to want to go outside in such a public exposure (at least in the early part of their journey), this is an activity that is denied us by society.
That however does not mean that you can’t enjoy these wonderful garments. Especially these days, the cost is not prohibitive. There’s nothing in the world wrong with being ‘overdressed’ in the privacy of your own home. Remember, it’s not so long ago that many people ‘dressed for dinner’.
With this in mind, this week I’m featuring these lovely gowns. You can buy these and wear them in the privacy of your own home, enjoy their delightful flow and movement, and perhaps wear them in public – when you are ready. Enjoy them, and remember you can buy them at very reasonable rates online. |
In the meantime, sometimes you have to learn to be invisible.