Even when you’re on your own, I’m right here with you.

Hi there, I hope you’re enjoying the weekend as we move further into this strange period. I have been told this is the blog you’ll love, even if you’ve never tried on your sisters panties. There’s a wealth of crossdressing advice, ideas and stories. There’s humor and there’s horror.  There’s even hypnosis. We’ve got it …

The Stories

Many other stories can be found on this site. Using the Tag “Stories” will bring up most of this content. If you prefer something in a more ghostly vein, you’re going to love The Apartment, or A Living Doll. 10. For something easy to listen to and SFW – https://fionadobson.com/jensen-and-the-lady-of-the-manor/ You’re sure to enjoy Jensen …

Site Guide

There’s a lot here, so I created this page to help guide you a little. You can sometimes find me online chatting on the site, and I am very happy to guide you using the chat facility, but you can quickly identify some of the sections here to help. You’ll find a wealth of free …

My Programs

My Programs I am so pleased to support my members. My programs offer some very specific content, which is generally delivered via email. This content is deigned to be entertaining, informative and supportive. I always endeavor to be here for my members, and should you be struggling to find what’s right for you please reach …

The importance of charity.

I hope you’ve been practicing your makeup routine, in preparation for Halloween. So many crossdressers spend time on their clothes without realising that the most attractive thing a gurl can wear is a smile… preferably under a nice coating of YSL or Chanel lipstick.

Marjorie has an infestation!

Hi, Sitting in my kitchen, enjoying a quiet cup of tea, wearing my favorite kimono, I was surprised to see Ali hurrying through the gate in the fence between my garden and my neighbors. Ali, you’ll remember is my wonderful gardener. He’s a Syrian refugee, and the nicest man you can imagine.

You’ll be surprised what we squeezed in this week!

I was talking to Bernard, my photographer, earlier today. He’s been helping me select a few of our ‘Pink’ girls photo’s. “Fiona,” he said, “I feel there’s something growing here… developing.” “I’m sure there is, Bernard,” I replied. He spends a lot of time looking at photographs on his computer. “I feel a great thrust …


Follow me on Mastodon! Thank you so much for looking in on my blog.  I know that you will have lots of fun with my program, as so many people have already done so.  If you enjoy the world of cross dressing I know you will love ‘Clothes Maketh The Man‘, a continuing story written …