Welcome Rini…

Rini – one of my newest members.

What a delightful surprise to find a lovely new member, Rini, today, who kindly sent this lovely pic. I look forward to all email from my members and try to answer each and every one. Sometimes that not easy, as I usually have to field around 130 emails a day. If I get a little behind (phrasing), don’t be too surprised. However, I do eventually get to everyone.

I’ve been amazed by the growth on the site. We are now listed as one of the top crossdresser websites in the world. That’s due to the loyalty and kindness of all my followers.



2 Replies to “Welcome Rini…”

    1. You need to talk to a professional makeup artist. Many advertise on wedding sites, or on local facebook groups for models or photographers. Have a professional makeover done, and learn all you can from it. It’s fun and you may find you make a valuable friend to help you in future. Check out a few before you decide on one. FD

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