What on earth should Auntie Kittie do?

“Naughty Gerald!” said Auntie Kittie as she came into my kitchen just the other day.

She then went on to tell me the story below, that I told her I would pass on to my dedicated members. Perhaps you can help?

Auntie Kittie writes:

When my little nephew Gerald arrived at my house just as I was going out to buy some milk I was completely taken by surprise.

“Gerald, what on earth are you doing here?” I asked.

“Auntie,” he replied, “My bicycle has a flat. Can I phone mum to pick me up?”

“Of course,” just occupy yourself for half an hour, while I do some quick shopping.”

With that I left him and went off to the nearby shops. Huckleberry Close is such a convenient place to live and I really only needed milk. As it happened that resulted in me arriving back at the house a little unexpectedly fifteen minutes later.

I parked on the street as I knew I would be running out later in the evening and so entered the house quietly through the side door. As I stepped inside I heard the sound of a footfall upstairs.  That seemed a little odd, as Gerald should have been doing his homework quietly in the living room.

Having removed my shoes I walked in my stockinged feet silently up the stairs. As I did so I was a little disappointed to see that Gerald had gone into my study. If I’ve told my nephews once, I’ve told them a hundred times, not to go into my study.

I quietly looked through the doorway to see Gerald quietly studying an old portfolio book. Studying in a state of great excitement, and breathlessly. I knew precisely what was in the portfolio book.  When I was a young woman of twenty years of age I did a little modelling. This particular book was a collection of somewhat salacious pictures a photographer boyfriend had taken.   

To think my own nephew was abusing himself over those images! I was shocked, and stifled a gasp.  What should I do? If I chastized the young man he would be mortified. And yet this invasion of privacy could hardly go unpunished.

Do tell me, what do you think I should do?

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