Show your support for Zoe Zephyr today.

From time to time I like to draw attention to the people out there who are really making a difference for anyone who considers themselves trans. Zooey is one of the finest of us.

You can learn about Zooey here

Regardless of your political stance, it is up to us to support our sisters who achieve public office, as they are our voice in the corridors of power. If you’re a US resident and can help Zooey she is one of several emerging voices that can help us. It’s a great way to help all your sisters.

You can support her work here – I encourage you to get behind her in true Fiona Dobson style and give her something to smile about. When I mentioned that to Sylvester he made some lewd suggestion. He really can be quite coarse at times!

My support for Zooey is not only a salute to her courage, it is also a reminder that rights are not given. They are won. Zooey is out there winning battles daily and it’s a never ending task. She deserves our support.

So, if you have a spare dollar be smart, make a difference and let’s give Zooey one.

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