Sebastian’s slipped out.


ā€˜Well, it all sounds highly suspicious to me,ā€ I said. ā€œAnd, Ali, I thought you said you had a word with Jeff in immigration.  You were going to have him stopped at the airport.ā€

Ali looked a little sheepish and then said quietly, ā€œHe took the lunchtime flight.ā€

ā€œSo?ā€ I asked.

ā€œWell he was on his break,ā€ said Ali. Then he added, as though it explained everything, ā€œHe had to take his dog to the vet.ā€

ā€œHis dog?ā€

ā€œYes, Fiona.ā€

Ali withdrew from my kitchen and returned to pottering in the garden, leaving me quite unsettled. I was still feeling disrupted when Marjory appeared at the back door a few minutes later.

Marjory tolerates me in a state of mild disapproval. While feeling quite confused about my crossdressing, she has come to terms with it partly because her son Max helps me with some technology matters, and the fact that sheā€™s in a rather sordid relationship with my wifeā€™s best friend, Amanda.

I donā€™t have any issue with her lesbian proclivities, itā€™s more a matter of finding anything to do with Amanda sordid. If youā€™re a regular reader youā€™ll know Amanda has a strange fondness for tweed, and that sheā€™s the editor of that venerable organ, Pig And Pig Farmer.

ā€œI just thought Iā€™d pop in,ā€ said Marjory, inviting herself in.

ā€œMake yourself at home,ā€ I said and poured the tea.

ā€œSo, I heard Sebastian escaped,ā€ said Marjory. I think she views some of my good friends as being rather like captives in some prison of friendship.

I made a mental note to slap Max.

ā€œI believe heā€™s off on an escape – a holiday – some such. Oh thatā€™s right, itā€™s something for Personal Trainers Without Borders.ā€

ā€œHow exciting,ā€ squeeled Marjory. I began to understand why Amanda and Marjory made such a natural couple. Iā€™m sure neither of them would be tolerated by anyone else for extended periods of time. ā€œWhere did he go?ā€

ā€œThey sent him to a place called ā€˜Moldovaā€™. Somewhere east, I believe.ā€ I said.

ā€œMoldova?ā€ replied Marjory. ā€œNot ā€˜The Moldovaā€™?ā€

I looked at Marjory with circumspect reserve. Iā€™d heard of The Yukon, and The Bosphorous and The Arctic. Iā€™d never heard of a country like Moldova being credited with a ā€˜Theā€™.

ā€œWell, yes, I believe so,ā€ I replied, wondering what was driving this familiarity.

ā€œIā€™ve just been reading about that place. Itā€™s a fascinating culture. Who would have thoughtā€¦ā€

ā€œFascinating? I thought it was a bit of a toilet,ā€ I replied. Admittedly Iā€™d not really done much in the way of research. ā€œ As far as I can see their main source of export earnings come from the processing of first world toxic waste and the ransoms from the kidnapping of foreign nationals.ā€

ā€œWell, one might say that,ā€ said Marjory rather taken aback. ā€œEven so, you donā€™t find many countries in the twenty first century where thereā€™s still a tradition of cannibalism.ā€

I stopped in mid sip and placed my teacup on the counter.  

ā€œA tradition of what?ā€ I said calmly.

ā€œCanabalism. One of the last culturesā€¦ā€ As Marjoryā€™s words trailed off, I spoke over her.

ā€œPersonal Trainers Without Borders have sent two people out there who disappeared without trace. And now Sebastianā€™s there.ā€

What was it heā€™d said he was planning to do there? I searched my memory for what heā€™s been saying about the place. Something to do with nutrition.

ā€œOh, God!ā€ I said. ā€œSebastianā€™s supposed to be teaching them about being vegan! I thought that sounded a little dodgy. I donā€™t think this is quite what he had in mind when he heard heā€™d be getting aquainted with their nutrition and culinary practices.ā€

ā€œYou canā€™t be serious,ā€ said Marjory.

ā€œI told him he shouldnā€™t leave Montreal! No good can come of it.ā€

I have yet to receive a post card from Sebastian. I assume they donā€™t have internet out there. Come to that they probably donā€™t have a postal service. I shall wait and see what happens.

However, thatā€™s not the main reason Iā€™m writing. Ā I am thrilled the way my Patreon is coming along. You can help me reach my next goal by signing on here –ĀĀ Ā and joining up. Ā 

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I need hardly add that my Patreon now contains some wonderful hypnosis, stories from the lascivious Mistress Meg and Katia Thornwood, as well as a host of other delights. Be sure to look through my Patreon page

Have a lovely week,


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