This weeks news and a quick competition.

I must say it’s been a very active week.  So many things going on. We had a rather unfortunate incident this week involving Sebastian.

You’ll remember, no doubt, that Sebastian is quite an athlete. He’s really a very good personal trainer and also loves adventure sports. However, as things have been a little tough in that department, with many people not wanting to come and work out in close proximity to others, he decided to help of his friends running their bungee jumping business.

To say things didn’t work out so well is something of an understatement. Let’s just say that you’d think the war veteran would have mentioned something about having a wooden leg.  I can’t say much more about it as there’s a law suit and a coroners investigation and all that, so I should probably not touch the subject.

In light of the inclement weather some of us have been exposed to (not Ted Cruz, of course), I have a little more of a Mediterranean theme today. It may help warm you up if you’re in the arctic blow off, or whatever they’re calling this outflow of cool air from the north.

I had a very nice morning this morning with Auntie Kittie dropping off her handwritten notes for Max to type into the system. She’s really a technological dinosaur. She joined Ali, my Syrian gardener and I in my kitchen as we were having our morning coffee.

I handed her a coffee and she said “I’m just going to sweeten it a little,” and then reached into her handbag and poured a little whiskey into it from a flask she keeps there.

“That’s not really a sweetener,” I pointed out.

“It’s not as fattening as sugar,” she pointed out.

Well, it’s a point of view, I thought.

“Perhaps you can help me,” I said. “I just can’t think what I can get for my wife. It’s her birthday coming up.”

“How old is she,” asked Ali, taking a little of the date jam and putting it on his toast.

“Well, don’t tell her I told you” I said and told him.

“I would imagine you could get a concrete mixer, two rolls of barbed wire and several sacks of fertilizer,” replied Ali.

I am never quite sure when Ali is putting it on.  He seems in many ways to have adjusted to life in Canada very well, but from time to time I wonder.

“Ali, we don’t generally trade our wives for… a concrete mixer… in Canada. We are, of course, open to accepting most aspects of other cultures, but that’s not one that is generally very accepted here. When I say, “I don’t know what to get for her” I am referring to ‘what present’ to get for her.” I must speak to his English teacher.

But all this is not the main reason I’m writing to you this weekend. I just wanted to point out that I have an exciting new program for wives and friends who are interested in feminizing their partners. You can find all the details HERE. (  ) Perhaps you can think of someone you’d like to share this to.

I’ve also started posting profiles of some of the people you come across in these posts.  I’ve put up the first, a profile of Bernard HERE. It may help you explore a few people in the World Of Fiona Dobson. I hope you enjoy these.

This week Bernard has suggested a free give away membership to my Elite Whatsapp Group. If you win you get free entry into this great and supportive group. You’ll need to obey the guidelines, but other than that there’s no catch!

So, here’s this weeks challenge. Can you name the type of rig on the boat in the video below. The answer is a six letter word. The first to comment with the right answer will win. You can log in to comment HERE. If you’re not registered on the site just register HERE. Then just post your answer as a comment.



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