Too soon?

What excitements this morning! I had a call from Sylvester, my mechanic, asking if he could possibly borrow Ali to help him.

“What on earth for?” I asked.

“I need some help fixing the church’s bus and all my staff are off this weekend.  You know that young pastor who’s organising the charity picnic this year? He’s the one Mistress Meg knows . Well, the bus has broken down and he needs it quickly so he can take the guests later today out to where they have the event. He really shouldn’t be driving that thing,” said Sylvester.

“Goodness,” I said. “I’m sure Ali would be happy to help. I’ll ask him to get down to your workshop as quick as his slipper-clad feet can carry him.  Are there many people going to this picnic?”

“The pastor has invited the sick, the needy and the impotent,” said Sylvester.

“Well, that’s quite a lot of people,” I replied.

“I understand the sick and the needy will be there, but the impotent couldn’t come.”

“What a shame,” I said.

And so by late morning I was walking down to Sylvester’s workshop laden with some lunch for the boys. I’d made a nice pie and some sandwiches. As I entered the workshop I could see Sylvester half lost beneath the bonnet, but no sign of Ali. The bus was jacked up with one wheel off and part of the exhaust system on the work bench.

“Hello… I’ve brought you lunch.  Is Ali about,” I asked.

“He’s under the back of the bus working on the suspension,” replied Sylvester. “He’s in the wheel well.”

“Isn’t that a bit dangerous,” I said feeling quite concerned.

“Oh no, he’s fine. The bus is jacked up properly,” insisted Sylvester.

“Goodness me, you wouldn’t want him to hurt himself. He might fall out?” I continued.

At that very moment Auntie Kittie arrived at the workshop, brandishing a bottle of wine.

“Too soon?” She asked holding out the wine bottle.

“It’s never too soon to open the wine,” I replied.

As you can imagine, once the bus was nicely fixed we all enjoyed a glass of wine and the offerings I’d brought. Needless to say the pastor got his bus and all went well.

But that isn’t the main reason I’m writing to you.  I thought I’d just remind you that if you haven’t already joined my Good Gurls, just $1 a month gives you some wonderful offerings from Auntie Kittie, and myself. Be sure to sign up if you’ve not done so already.

Have a lovely week.



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