Charles Dana Gibson was an illustrator in the late 19th century who created classic drawings of young, pure women with gorgeous hairstyles and bedroom eye looks on divinely beautiful faces. The women depicted were full figured and voluptuous, yet still virtuous. And always refined and feminine. I did this hairstyle myself using one of my wigs, and it took a while to do it. I added a chiffon blouse with and ornate lacy upper bodice and a high ruffled neck, coupled with a genuine vintage Gunne Sax prairie skirt. It was about as Victorian a look as I was able to muster with what I had on hand.
I recently picked up some more Victorian-style blouses, mainly because I kept my eyes peeled for them. Every time I see a Victorian-era film or T.V. show, it increases my interest in the styles. One thing I’m going to try in the not-too-distant future is adding a bustle under some of my roomier long skirts and dresses, just to see if I can pull it off…that is, pull off the look, not the dress…
Read more about Gibson here:
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