We surveyed 2389 of our crossdresser members to see how they defined themselves. Here are the results.

We surveyed 2389 of our crossdresser members to see how they defined themselves. Here are the results.

Do you consider yourself heterosexual, bisexual or gay?

Heterosexual 786 (35%)
Bisexual 1105 (49%)
Gay 189 (8%)
None of the above 189 (8%)
There were also some very interesting comments made by some of our respondents. Poor Max, he’s been slaving over these numbers, and bringing them down to me as I sit in the spring sunshine.
When I saw how many people said ‘none of the above’ I nearly dropped my Martini! I’ve sent him back three times already to check those numbers, and bring me some sunscreen as well. He’s a good boy.
Among the comments one theme that came through was that some members found that if they were dressing at the time, they felt they were bisexual, however in the day to day life of dressing straight, they ‘felt’ straight and had no same sex attraction whatsoever.
One correspondent noted, rather unusually, ‘I’m 100% straight, I just like dick.’ I did feel the urge to probe that a little further, but resisted. After the first 500 responses the balance stayed more or less where it was at completion, so I am inclined to think these numbers are quite reflective of crossdressing friends.
One respondent did comment:
“Mainly hetero, occasionally bi, bordering on the lesbian part of my gurlishness.  Very often scratching my errrr… you know whats, in utter confusion about the gurl thing, and asking myself – “Why did I have to born a Catholic ?” That bit accounts for most of the guilt that rears its head once in a while…. :)”
Another said:
“I wish I was bisexual,  Haven’t taken that leap of faith and played with a crossdresser like myself, but want it so bad.  I hope for the best – that’s all you can do. And find a safe place to meet some one . I love all that you do .xoxo Patrisha”
Many of our respondents had the following sentiment:
“I love my wife of 31 years. I love to crossdress and feel girly. I have no desire to be with a man.”
I have seen quite a few comments that reflect the following:
“Never had a gay contact, might enjoy it if I was “forced” by my mistress.”
That’s very much about permission, and something into which we delve in the Premium Program.
One of my favorite comments was:
“Iā€™m heterosexual but finding myself metamorphing into a more feminine persona every time I listen to your hypnosis, read your emails personally addressed to me and spend time fantisizing about cross dressing. Right this moment Iā€™m finding myself feeling quite gay thinking about being taken by men.”
And another:
“I love it when I’m allowed to be the real me, Heather, because that’s who I really am. I enjoy being treated as a real women and this includes sexually. I’ve had several relationships over the years and have been used, but I had one partner who awoke the real Heather in me just with his touch. He was very special.”
The theme of sexual preference shifting when dressed was shown again in this comment:
“I’m always attracted to women AND when I\’m dressed, the opposite gender is especially enticing, and women and interesting in a whole different way.”
An interesting response was:
“Love being dominant with women and submissive with men.”
This was a common theme, too:
I have crossdressed for most of my 50+ years. I love it, and have a difficult time in finding a genetic female to accept me for the well rounded person that I have become. If I have to choose, I will remain alone.”
With this in mind I’ll be doing a little more work shortly about how to find a female collaborator with which to enjoy your crossdressing. Should you know any women who’d like to chat about this to help men understand what they get from it, please email me at fdobson@zoho.com
Feel free to comment below if you’d like to add anything.
– http://FionaDobson.com

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