Is that a carrot in your cycling shorts or are you just pleased to see me?

With the fine weather comes the chance to wear more exciting clothes. I love to get into a mini skirt in the summer. And equally the sun brings out the more eccentric dressing styles.

Not least among these are my friends that cycle. Seeing Sebastian cycling up the road to my quiet house in Huckleberry Close is both a curious and disturbing sight. While my bicycle has a very pretty wicker basket and I added a few pink tassels for style to the handlebars, Sebastian prefers a more sporty style. Crouched over the handle bars he looks like nothing so much as he’s being prepared for a very sporty mobile enema.

“You look so athletic,” I mentioned to Sebastian as he dismounted. “But where do you put your shopping?”

He looked a little disdainfully at me and then said, “I cycle for my body, not my shopping.”

I felt a little as though I had been put in my place, but replied, “Well, those pants look as though you pushed your vegetable order down them.”

I feel strangely liberated commenting on others clothing, as I glide across the grass wearing a bright lemon pleated skirt and pale blue tee shirt. I should try not to be unkind to Sebastian. And it has to be said that his vegetable order is nothing if not plentiful.

He shifted awkwardly as I chatted. But that does rather neatly bring the subject onto food and soon it will be time for the Huckleberry Close summer party. We usually each bring a dish, and everybody shares in the wide diversity of food often from our own cultures. This year I am preparing boerewors, a lovely South African sausage dish with Sebastian’s help. Now there really is a man who knows his way around a sausage. Auntie Kittie is making a lovely Pavlova, and so I asked Ali what he would be making.

“I was thinking of a Syrian soup, Shakriya. It’s lamb with yoghurt,” he said.

“That does sound delightful,” I said excited to try some new dishes.

“Is Sylvester bringing anything?” asked Ali.

“I think he’ll do what he usually does and bring a simple tart.”

“Oh,” replied Ali. “He’s met someone then?”

I do wonder about Ali. Sometimes I think he understands more English than he says.

But that’s not the main reason I’m writing to you this week. I have posted some great content this week. As we move into our ‘post Patreon’ development I am moving content over to the website all the time. Mistress MegMax and even Auntie Kittie have been beavering away in my kitchen, posting and writing content to add to For my Seahorses Mistress Meg has added some new content in the series about Stories Your Mother Never Told You, and of course I’ve posted some content for all my members about being outed to my children, and of course we now have all the released episodes of Clothes Maketh The Man posted up and available to all. You can get them here. And this weekend we posted The Long Game, a two part story that anyone who had a sister who dressed them will appreciate.

Have a delightful week. I know Mistress Meg will be posting some hypnosis files this week, so we have that to look forward to, and I think the next episode of Clothes Maketh The Man should land in the next few days.



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