Selfies For Crossdressers ā€“ Part 1

Selfies For Crossdressers ā€“ Part 1


Iā€™ve always loved photography. From the early days, when I worked for a local wedding photographer, to more recent years working in an advertising agency, Iā€™ve never been far from a lens and shutter. And now as a crossdresser with a love of photography I am very happy to bring a few tips and tricks, suggestions and stories, that you may find of value. If you enjoy them be sure to comment and share them.




As Bernard unloaded the car, and I sat beside it on one of his large trunks full of gear while drinking a mimosa, I smiled at him and said, ā€œGoodness, Bernard! I had no idea your equipment was so very large!ā€

I lifted my phone, made sure the bright sunshine was bouncing off my upturned cheeks, beamed at the screen and took a quick selfie. A moment later it was shared on my Snapchat to my children and shared it to Instagram.

ā€œItā€™s not getting any easier to haul about the place with age,ā€ said Bernard. ā€œMy backā€¦ā€ he groaned as he moved another heavy case.

I poured a little more Champagne into my glass, and lay back on the trunk.

ā€œYou really should take it easy, Bernard,ā€ I said. ā€œDidnā€™t you have heart surgery recently?ā€

ā€œOh, yes,ā€ he groaned. ā€œIā€™m recovering. Slowly.ā€

I looked at the enormous collection of photography gear Bernard required for the shoot we were preparing, and then checked my Instagram and was tickled to see that Iā€™d got a handful of likes already. 

A few moments later a minivan pulled up at the location and three young models climbed out, chattering away and looking anorexic.

ā€œMimosa and a sandwich?ā€ I asked.

ā€œJust a drink please,ā€ said one. 

ā€œOoooā€¦ Mimosaā€™sā€ said another.

ā€œI never would have guessed,ā€ I murmured and poured the drinks.

Youā€™d think that as a crossdresser in an advertising agency with numerous fashion clients, Iā€™d get a good deal of free clothing. Far from it. Most of the free clothes are size two and hang off the models as though theyā€™ve been in a famine for the last year. Iā€™d not say that I envy the models their figures, but the filthy bitches are always getting the free stuff from the clients I work so hard to service (Ed: phrasing).

But all of this is quite by the way. Iā€™m really trying to illustrate the fact that in spite of Bernardā€™s enormous equipment (Ed: phrasing) today thereā€™s really no need to have particularly complex camera equipment. Most modern phones are more than capable of taking great pictures, and even todayā€™s cheap cameras are capable of rendering crystal clear images. If one is shooting pics for a 60 foot high poster on the side of the building youā€™re going to need more professional equipment. However, for a picture thatā€™s going to be used online or in a 5 x 7 inch enlargement, you really donā€™t need complex photography gear.

Ashley Barronā€Šā€”ā€ŠOur CD of the Year recently (ā€Šā€”ā€Šis a selfie master.

For the purposes of this series Iā€™m going to assume you are using a simple camera, or a typical smart phone. Iphones, Samsungs and most other smart phones are quite adequate for our purposes.

A selfie stick, a phone holder with a suction cup or a tripod with clamp for a cell phone is also recommended, though by no means essential. And finally, Iā€™ve always found that a roll of duct tape always comes in useful, even if itā€™s just to tape any critical mouths shut. It also doesnā€™t do any harm at all to include a bottle of wine among your essential supplies. You may need it.

Just for a moment, going to the subject of phones and cameras. This is going to sound obvious, but thereā€™s a lot of people who overlook a simple thing. If you do want to manipulate the settings on your phone itā€™s really very simple to learn how. For most of what weā€™ll do you really donā€™t need to do much in the way of changing settings, however, should you wish to your first stop should be to type the name of the phone, the model and then ā€˜exposure settingsā€™ into Google. Youā€™ll find instructions for most phones immediately come up, unusually with a simple set of additional information regarding the other settings you can manipulate. Nothing mentioned in this document should be beyond the reach of the average user of a smart phone. If it is, thereā€™s always the wine.

Part 2 will be out in 3 days.

Why are you so quiet?

For the last week I have not written a great deal.  I do answer questions online for those coming to the site and seeing my chat interface there when I can, however Iā€™ve not been very productive with new posts in the last week. You can see when I am online and available to chat, as thereā€™s a little icon in the bottom of your screen saying so.

Of course, my program material is still being sent out to all my members and I am giving the support I always do. However, thereā€™s good reason for the apparent silence.  I should explain.

Those of you who are regular readers may know my wife is always travelling. I donā€™t share a great deal of information in this regard, as you might know. However, I should explain that my wife is from Ukraine. Her daughter lives in Kiev with her two young sons.

I try not to be too political in these pages. When it comes to LGBTQ politics I feel this is a platform that I try to use appropriately to put some ideas out there, and like many writers I do like take the occasional swipe at authority and the self important stuffed shirts ā€“ most of whom need it from time to time. Generally, I try to focus on entertaining my members, and on providing a selection of informative and sometimes educational content. However, events in Europe in the last week are impossible to ignore.

I know over 70% of my members live in the USA, and that Kiev might seem a long way from these shores.Ā  However, it really isn’t far away at all. Here in Canada Ukrainians are the fifth largest ethnic group in the country.

Events in the USA have considerable impact for many of us who do travel and have family in Europe. For example, when a politician undermines the integrity of an organisation, such as NATO, there are consequences. The damage done by four years of mismanagement on the part of the former administration very nearly derailed the organisation that has guaranteed the peace of Europe for the last seventy years. To the ignorant and the insular this may mean little ā€“ and I would be the first to agree that most such organisations are imperfect. However, we may be in the process of learning how very much we depend on the commitment of some of these structures. There really is a reason we have norms and standards in government. There is a reason we hold ourselves to a standard dictated by something other than pure profit and self interest. My many European members are likely as uneasy about the future as I am.

Tonight Kiev is under attack. For those of us with loved ones there we cannot divert our attention to the folly of a selfish greedy misogynist whose cowardice played a large role in bringing us to this place. Our thoughts are with those we love who are in desperate trouble. In these pages I have always emphasised the need to accept ourselves, and not dwell on the failings of others. Itā€™s not always an easy thing to do. However, we must try to do so. And these dark days are not likely to be easy. So, for a few days I appreciate your indulgence.

Below is a track from a band called Baccara, performed at a televised concert in Kiev a few years ago.Ā  I first heard this band when skiing in Italy in the Dolomite mountains as a preteen. The band was current at the time and the music would be piped out over the ski slope sound system. It was a lovely touch. I was surprised to find that the duo happened to do a TV special performance in Kiev years later. I thought it a good way to remind us all that even though these places seem far off, they touch us in a myriad of ways. The people who performed, staged and presented this show are just like you and I.Ā  They have children that need to be driven to school, chores to be done and their own little idiosyncrasies, too. As a dictatorā€™s bombs and rockets fall on innocent children in Kiev tonight we might want to spare a thought for the joy we are capable of sharing, when we focus on the positive and creative things we can do ā€“ and how easily we lose these things if we are not careful.

Please, spare a moment to pray for Ukraine.


Jensen And The Lady Of The Manor – Part 6.

A theft, a disguise and a horsebox. What could be more Jensen! Enjoy the continuing adventures of Jensen and Mrs. Sinclair.

Another great crossdressing story form Jules Sanderson

Get more ‘Jensen’ here.

Check out my programs here. I have something for everyone.

Jensen And The Lady Of The Manor – Part 5.

Jensen and Mrs. Sinclair are getting in deep.

Get all the Jensen episodes HERE.

Jensen And The Lady Of The Manor – Part 4.

As Jensen tries to deflect the attentions of a diligent police woman, attention settles where it’s least wanted. Can Mrs. Sinclair help him out of some hot water? You can find all the Jensen episodes HERE.

Note from Fiona…

So, Jules Sandison writes this. It’s a great story. They also insist that I make sure that when it’s posted it has relevant associated advertising. I totally get that! I’m having so much fun researching Hornby train sets on Amazon. I’ve also come across some wonderful videos of train layouts. I hope you appreciate all the things we do here! LOL. FD

Jensen And The Lady Of The Manor – Part 3.

Jensen puts his skills to good use in this latest episode. But wasn’t it all just a little too easy? Enjoy this latest episode from – the crossdressing blog you’ll love even if you’ve never tried on your sister’s panties.

Ms. Katia Thornwood’s list is available in it’s entirety HERE.

You can find all the Jensen episodes HERE.

Let’s try to be accepting of others.

Ali has been here in Canada for several years now, having arrived as a refugee along with his lovely family from Syria. As I have mentioned before he was a botany professor in Damascus University prior to the war there, and is now my gardener. His knowledge of fauna and flora really is most extensive.

Arriving from a country such as Syria one does have to check some of the experiences and baggage that we bring, at the door ā€“ as it were. Jeff, who looks after immigration at our local airport, says that most immigrants are all too ready to let go of the past and look forward to their new life in Canada. And many, like Ali, bring some wonderful talents to our communities, regardless of what they may have done in the past. Like many of us, Ali does not talk much about his former life. I imagine it could be quite dark but have had few glimpses of what it may have entailed. Itā€™s really none of my business.

Jeff takes great pride in telling me that he checks the passports of all immigrants arriving at the airport (other than when heā€™s on his lunch break or picking up his kids from school). He says that Canada accepts the poor, the disadvantaged and the impotent. He then rather sheepishly adds that unfortunately, while the poor and disadvantaged regularly show up, unfortunately the impotent couldnā€™t come.

Aliā€™s language skills, however, appear to still require some polish. As I sat drinking my morning tea in my kitchen Ali joined me and flicked through the local paper that had just been delivered.  I had just finished my daily yoga workout and was still in my pink leggings and powder blue sports bra, thatā€™s so good for working out.

He took his tea black and was quite absorbed in the paper.

ā€œIt says here,ā€ he said at length, ā€that the city is going to have a ā€˜pilot racoon cullā€™.ā€

ā€œItā€™s about time,ā€ I said, knowing how mischievous the racoon population of Huckleberry Close can be. ā€œTheyā€™re too clever by half.ā€

Ali frowned as he read the article.

ā€œItā€™s just that you wouldnā€™t think they could do that,ā€ he replied.

ā€œWhat do you mean?ā€ I said sensing something amiss.

Sipping his tea Ali continued reading without looking up and turned the page.  ā€œYouā€™d think theyā€™d fail the eye test.  I did.ā€

I sometimes wonder about Ali and his command of English. It is, however, better than my command of his obscure dialect of Arabic. Iā€™d given up my attempts to learn his language after failing to master such a simple phrase as ā€œIs it safe to drink the water in this hospital?ā€

We all of us have our own particular perspective that brings a bit of ourselves to all we observe. As a crossdressing non-binary person, when I see a Zebra I do not take offence at the black and white nature of the creature. Ali, on the other hand, sees a majestic beast of the African plains while Sebastian sees a walking barcode. He then goes on to pretend to scan it in much the same way as the checkout girl in the corner store, and adds, ā€œAt least itā€™s easy to keep track of them.ā€

We all of us have our divergent ways of looking at things and each is equally correct. As trans people I think we have to learn acceptance of others with views that donā€™t align with our own. They, like us, are travelling their own journey. As people who are often misunderstood, it is up to us to try to understand others – the good, the bad and the ugly – with kindness and without judgement.

But that is not the main reason Iā€™ve written to you this morning.  Iā€™ve been adding new content to some of my programs.  They are now even better value than ever. Be sure to join if youā€™ve not done so already. I always do my very best for my lovely members.



Unhand that banana!



Seldom, if ever, do I like to come between friends (calm down Amber, in Colorado). Yet this morning I came down the stairsĀ having had a refreshing shower to findĀ SylvesterĀ shakingĀ SebastianĀ vigorously by the neck. I leaped in, interposing myself (phrasing) between them, my colorful summer swing dress swishing about me.

ā€œCalm down, boys!ā€ I said, as I struggled to hold them apart.

ā€œI will not calm down!ā€ said Sylvester, still fuming. ā€œHe said he wants me in a three way!ā€

I glanced at Sebastian. Iā€™d always had my suspicions. He glared at me, Sylvesterā€™s grip loosening.

ā€œSylvester, I think you should put Sebastian down. Heā€™s gone a funny color. Besides, you might enjoyā€¦ā€

ā€œI was trying to explain three way calling,ā€ chimed in Sebastian, as the color came back to his face. ā€œAll I said was, ā€œwould you like to join Max and I in a three way?ā€ā€


ā€œWell, I think I see where the confusionā€™s crept in,ā€ I said. ā€œPerhapsĀ MaxĀ and you could help Sebastian get a little more utility from his smart phone. You know, Sylvester, Iā€™ve seen your messages that end with that quaint little expression, ā€œSent from a phone thatā€™s smarter than I am.ā€ I think in your case it might well be true.ā€

Thirty minutes later Sylvester was being watched by three of us marveling as he attempted to open a Soundcloud song that had been shared over Watsapp.

ā€œItā€™s quite remarkable,ā€ I said, shaking my head. ā€œItā€™s like watching a monkey try to operate a type writer.ā€

ā€œCome on, Sylvester. Youā€™ve got 999,999 more tries to go! Given enough time,ā€ said Sebastian very softly, ā€œsome people believe thatĀ enough monkeysĀ would type the complete works of Shakespeare.ā€

You could almost feel the gears inside Sylvesterā€™s head grinding. He frowned again, and prodded the file in the Watsapp window.

ā€œ999,998.ā€ Said Sebastian softly.

Max moved towardĀ the fruit bowl, so kindly made byĀ one of my members, and reached for a banana.

ā€œDonā€™t,ā€ I said to Max reproachfully.

But thatā€™s not the main reason Iā€™m writing to you today. I thought Iā€™d share a rather wonderfulĀ BBC articleĀ with you. In this piece about the people ofĀ Guna Yala, their unusual lifestyle is examined. As a child develops they are allowed to move toward a more male or female orientation. While this is still essentially binary in nature there is clearly a more equal approach to gender. There is also a greater choice in how the Guna present themselves.Ā Itā€™s a fascinating readĀ and I hope you enjoy it.

Donā€™t forgetĀ ourĀ Premium ProgramĀ is growing all the time.

Have a lovely week,



Continue reading “Unhand that banana!”

Clothes Maketh The Man – Part 53 is out.

Poor Veronica.  Mrs. Gravely took the phone from me and replaced it in the draw and locked it. 

ā€œI donā€™t think I need to tell you that any deviation from the program will lead to Veronica being re-introduced to the lash.  Neither of us want that, do we?ā€

No,ā€ I said, still shocked at the sight of Veronicaā€™s lash marks.

ā€œYou will address me as ā€˜Maā€™amā€™, Andrea,ā€ she said and looked at me, waiting.

Go to part 53.

Go to the Chapter List.

Jensen And The Lady Of The Manor – Part 2.

The second part of this series finds Jensen slipping deeper into Mrs Sinclair’s intrigue. Jensen’s unusual punishment becomes evident. Ms. Katia Thornwood’s list is available in it’s entirety here:

You can find the first episode here –

You can find all the Jensen episodes HERE.

I’m never too busy to shop.

Iā€™ve just finished a busy week of work at the advertising agency. Iā€™ve hardly had time to do the volunteering I love to do down at the SPCA. I often help out in their office.  Itā€™s so tiny, though. Thereā€™s hardly room to swing a cat in there!

I have however had time to get a little shopping in.  I decided to pay a visit to the department store downtown, and Sylvester, my mechanic, joined me. When heā€™d finished going round and round in the revolving door he followed me into the lingerie department. He really can be infantile at times, you know.

Such a delightful way to spend the afternoon. Looking at lingerie with a neanderthal companion. He is however good at carrying boxes while Iā€™m shopping. You can find some of my shopping list suggestions HERE.

In the meantime I thought you might enjoy the video below.Ā  Itā€™s a talk by Paula Stone Williams. They transitioned in their fifties and experienced life as both a man and a woman.Ā  Their perspective is worth hearing. If youā€™d like more content on the psychology of crossdressing, you can find it on my site here –

Have a great week.



It’s a great day to be a Good Gurl!

So many of my members go through their lives suppressing this part of themselves. And yet in many ways it’s the most creative part of them.

Is it any wonder that they are frustrated and tired. So, to brighten your day, I have put together the Fiona Dobson playlist. Young Max helped me, fine young man, leaning over me from behind as worked on my laptop. We selected some songs, and I think he found some of them quite moving.

Breathlessly he said, “these are some great hits, we should get them out and give them an airing.”

“Music really is the best way to lift someone’s mood,” I said enjoying the selection.

“Oh yes,” he replied. “This will get them swinging.”

Young Max is such a puppy. Of course, he doesn’t remember when it was all vinyl. You might find this hard to believe, but I’ve had my hands on a huge number of 7 inchers over the years!

Enjoy the playlist below whenever you need to lift your mood. I add to it regularly.


Join as a Good Gurl today!

There’s no ‘f’ in trannies!

The latest episode of Clothes Maketh The Man is out. You can find it here.

Before I go any further, I should clarify something for Mildred from Colorado Springs, in response to your question of how to prevent her puppy stealing food from kitchen surfaces I had advised her to put it in the fridge. I was, of course, referring to the food, and not the dog. I understand Spot is making a full recovery, but now avoids confined spaces.

Now that things are a little less locked down I am having more guests over at my place.  Last night Sylvester and I enjoyed a nice glass of wine while we waited for Marjory and Amanda, my wifeā€™s appalling friend, to arrive for a night of board games. Apparently Amanda was a little late getting home, her industrial welding class having over run.

Thereā€™s no ā€˜fā€™ in ā€˜Tranniesā€™ said Sylvester, as I arranged the letters on the Scrabble board.

ā€œDonā€™t be so silly,ā€ I said as I placed the lettered tiles on the board. ā€œThere, ā€˜Transferenceā€™ and the ā€˜Tā€™ is on a double word score.ā€

Iā€™ve been trying to keep Sylvester amused as heā€™s been moping about the place recently. I think heā€™s a little jealous of Marjory, whoā€™s in a lesbian relationship with Amanda. All the same he did his best to be gracious, and put some music on while we played the game.

Marjory, who is very big on the competitive eating circuit, enjoys country music and Sylvester created a selection of Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson classics.

ā€œSylvester,ā€ said Marjory, ā€œYou have such good taste.  Iā€™m a little surprised.ā€

Sylvester looked a little sheepish, and then Marjory added, ā€œIā€™ve always liked Johnny Cash, but Iā€™ve never really been a fan of Willieā€™s.ā€

Sylvester cast a sideways glance at Amanda, but wisely said nothing. Poor Sylvester.

But thatā€™s not the main reason Iā€™m writing to you tonight. Iā€™m just letting you know that thereā€™s a new episode of Clothes Maketh The Man out, part 52, and reminding all my members that Iā€™ve recently added some wonderful new hypnosis files to the Seahorse ProgramMistress Meg has been particularly busy, creating some great material. Thereā€™s always plenty of hypnosis files on the site, many of which are free, and they can be found by following this link.

I have adjusted some of my pricing recently giving a discount to those booking for a one year subscription. Be sure to check out my programs here ā€“

Have a lovely week,

Fiona Dobson

The Travelogue Of Katia Thornwood ā€“ Part 1

All work and no play does make a person dull. And in my work, I need to always have an edge, or many, preferably sharp, pointed or at the very least, hard.

So Iā€™m travelling to South East Asia for research, and of course a little respite. First stop, Cambodia, a little resort just outside of Seam Reap. Then Thailand ā€“ that heady mix of dirt, excitement, and mystery that Iā€™ve always found so intoxicating a prospect.

Siem Reap is a harsh Mistress in herself. The heat is hard to explain, inescapable, it invades every pore and the only way to survive it is to surrender to it. My dewy skin breathes in temporary relief as the tuk tuk turns and the mildest hint of a breeze ripples through my cotton shirt, over my bare dĆ©colletage, sensually brushing bare skin and bringing me to life in a way I havenā€™t felt in a long while.

The road is an ordered chaos of interweaving tuk tuks, mopeds and cattle. The smell is a heady mix of boiling refuse and floral fragrance from the vegetation of the fields and forests beyond.

I contemplate being a stranger in a foreign land must be somewhat similar to how my submissives feel at times. At the mercy of many things that are beyond their control, trusting that things will work out because they have to, yet knowing around every turn is something that may just push them completely out of their comfort zone, at best, or completely destroy them, at worse.

Continue reading “”

Wrap your lips around this.

First of all I should make a quick correction, for the benefit of one of my members who has contacted me regarding some confusion in advice I gave her recently. When I said that a pair of sugar tongs may be used to pull fur balls from a cat, I should have pointed out that these are found in the catā€™s throat. Now that thatā€™s clarified, I can get along with todayā€™s post.

While I do not condone smoking in an way, I admit that at New Year I will sit in my conservatory and smoke a cigar with Sylvester to celebrate the arrival of the new year. I know itā€™s not very ladylike, but Mistress Meg and Katia Thornwood do enjoy the occasional puff and as long as itā€™s just once a year I donā€™t really have a problem with it.

As I sat in a ratan chair, blowing snow piling up outside the window, I remarked to Sylvester that nothing can really beat getting your lips round eight inches of Cuban and that itā€™s a lovely way to start the new year.

My long maxi pleated skirt fell about my stockinged legs, as we sat there watching the snow. I felt nice and cozy in the night, warmed by a sherry and a radiator which keeps this pleasant room toasty on cold winter nights.

Sylvester blew a smoke ring and then said, ā€œI didnā€™t realise these cigars were from Cuba.ā€

ā€œThe cigars? Oh, no I think these are from Nicaragua,ā€ I replied.

He really should follow the plot.

Anyway, thatā€™s not the main reason I am writing. Thereā€™s a fun new self hypnosis on my site which I thought Iā€™d tell you about. You can find it here.

I hope 2022 is getting off to a good start for you.

