The pure gold of your hidden feminine self.

When you think of all the things you would like to change about yourself there is a tendency to focus on the aesthetic. Yet we know very well that this is the easy part. The greater achievement is to shift the way we think.

In accepting the female aspect of ourselves we will likely never have a completely feminine experience. Weā€™re not going to experience the pain and joy of childbirth, for example. At least not anytime soon. We will also never experience the angst of the teenage girl developing, nor the uncertainty that many women experience in anticipation of a first date; something that could ending in a deep relationship, or possibly a shallow grave.

Continue reading “The pure gold of your hidden feminine self.”

Gender is a construct.

As people explore ideas about gender it can be helpful to learn from others who have walked this path or one similar to it. Gender Rebels is a podcast that explores the issues and has some informative content that can help us with our views of how gender impacts us, and how society perceives gender.

Women who love to feminize their husbands. Katia Thornwood.

Women who love to feminize their husbands. Katia Thornwood.

There are many reasons women love to play with gender roles. In this series of interviews I talk to some of the women who love to feminize their partners. Iā€™ll start with our own team. FD       

First of all Iā€™d say that itā€™s more accurate to say that I like to feminize other peopleā€™s husbands.  I enjoy watching them do as I tell them, but most of all I enjoy seeing their supplication at a psychological level.

For example, with my sissies, I will rarely use anything like cuffs, or any form of physical bondage. Iā€™d far rather watch the look of conflicted confusion on their face as I tell them to do something, and they are not sure if they should protest, or not, but then they realise it will do no good. 

I find I can usually set things up in such a way that my sissies obey. They know the consequences will be grave if they donā€™t. Itā€™s funny how quickly they learn when properly motivated.

As one of my braver guests once said, ā€œI wanted to appeal to your better nature, but then I realised you didnā€™t have one.ā€

He lived to regret that crack.

No, I like to see the interplay of emotions. I might tell someone to do something they donā€™t want to, and you can almost see the cogs going round inside their head.

ā€œOh, I donā€™t want to do thatā€¦ but if I donā€™t I know something bad will happen. Mistress Katia is very unkind sometimesā€¦ I donā€™t want to do this, but Iā€™ll do it. Itā€™s better than the consequences.ā€

Iā€™ve seen the same sort of things going on behind the eyes of a cocker spaniel I once had. Men are quite like cocker spaniels really. Especially when they look up at you with those big eyes as though theyā€™re pleading with you.  Itā€™s usually a sign they need a good slapping about, you know.

But Iā€™m really only doing things for their own good.  My guests usually come back. Well, grovel back. But the effects are the same.

I know most of them would really love to let go of the pressure of their life. Theyā€™d like to relax.  Well, I just give them that push that forces them to let go. After all, how much thought can you give to the profit and loss statement youā€™re supposed to be working on when youā€™re dressed in a frilly pink maids outfit and I have you sucking a pacifier? It just helps people let go of their stress.

Mind you, one of my clients did show up to a board meeting once wearing a pink lacy collar Iā€™d had him in for hours. He just forgot to take it off.  Well, heā€™s more careful now, so you see he did learn something.

Yes, Iā€™d say my brand of feminization is definitely a sort of ā€˜self improvementā€™ program.

You can get more of Katia Thornwood in my Seahorse Level.

Ready to become a Seahorse?

Is that a wand in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?

What a tragic shame that author J.K.Rowling once again sees fit to attack trans rights. As much as some of her writing is wonderful, we love her for that, not her ill-found opinions on gender.

Rowling is once more in the headlines for her views about gender. It’s very curious, by the way, that she also uses a male pen name, when it suits her. Either way, she’s likely raising her profile to sell a few more books – and I can’t blame her for that. But the her target, once again is transgendered people. The above video from Natalie Wynn, Contrapoints, is the best analysis of Rowling’s position I’ve found to date. Instead of just a knee jerk reaction, it’s a deeper examination of her views. As ever, Natalie does an excellent job of blowing away the smoke and finding the kernel of truth that is otherwise obscured by the noise of social media.

It’s a little like finding out Eric Clapton is an anti-vaxxer. We feel betrayed, though we never really imagined we’d look to these talented icons for their human rights or healthcare ‘wisdom’. It just sits badly knowing that we’d offered them our trust and come away disappointed.

OK – so, that’s the last cent these people get from me. They relegate themselves to the role of off-stage court jester – just someone in a funny outfit changing to get home at the end of the night. Just another face in a crowd. How sad that they should consider our trust so disposable.

I grew up in the UK, at a time when television presenter Jimmy Savile was very popular. For those who don’t know who he is, he presented Top Of The Pops, a popular television show, as well as a host of other shows, including some ‘Make A Wish’ style shows for children that were terminally ill. He was a character somewhat beloved (I cringe even writing that now) by his substantial audience. He was knighted and died before the truth about his reprehensible true nature emerged. He turned out to be a serial pedophile with victims going back decades.

It does make me think that perhaps we offer our trust to readily. Taking a step back and asking ourselves if some celebrity huckster on a soap box really is the best person to offer our trust to might be wise now and then. American voters can hardly be surprised at the appalling state of their country when they vote failed TV show celebrities into office. With a president who suggested 15 cases of Covid would just ‘vanish’, and not only weakened NATO but actively undermined a strategic ally, this might be something to think about. These choices have lasting consequences beyond our shores. Just ask anyone in Bucha, in Ukraine.

Yes, the opportunist may have a nice catch phrase, but does that qualify them to lead a modern economy in a complex international situation? Perhaps they should climb back in their box and only emerge when we toss out a few coins to see them dance for us. An amusing performance is all very well, but it ends when the curtain comes down. Then the talent goes back to the dressing room, they take off their costumes and make up and leave the theater by the rear exit and wait at the bus stop with a late night coffee from McDonalds. We can offer them the ticket price, but we don’t need to offer them our hearts.

Those of us in the trans world should guard our feelings particularly in such things, and hold our expectations in check. The erosion of hard won trans rights under right wing pressure is not only a step backward in U.S. society, it’s one that is diametrically out of step with other modern cultures. It’s no exaggeration to think that right after women’s abortion rights are eroded we should expect that we’re next. Historically that’s how this one has played. Trans rights are currently in the cross hairs.

I try to avoid being political on here, however we are who we are. Like it or not, our people are the trannies, the queers and, yes, sometimes the freaks. Our trans sisters and brothers are people we may not ever have met, but they are the only people who really know what it is to be ‘like us’. As such when we see people like J.K. Rowling undermining our ‘family’ they are undermining each of us.

Without needing to go into left/right politics we should ask ourselves sincerely who we do choose to offer our trust. If it is someone who is a celebrity clown, or a celebrated author or musician, then let’s choose to give them a few coins to perform on a stage. We don’t need to vote for them or listen to their views on subjects they are painfully ill qualified to weigh in on.

I don’t really advocate confrontation. I believe we can hold our silence and exercise our view in the privacy of a voting booth. These days it seems everyone needs to vent their opinion on social media, likely in the search for allies. Trans people have learned through the ages that sometimes silence is a wiser course. However facing the onslaught of voices on the right, people bend to pressure and question their own positions, sometimes compromise, and hold their noses and vote. We can’t do that. We have to vote our values.

Our trust is a valuable commodity. Let’s not give it away too easily.


Sylvester’s ‘Manhole’.

With the emergence of the spring flowers in my garden Ali, my Syrian gardener is positively skipping about in the back garden tending to the blossoming blooms. And on such a glorious sunny day what could possibly come along to disrupt my day?

Well might you ask. Looking a little bedraggled Sylvester ā€” he of the bedroom eyes and bathroom mind ā€” blundered into the kitchen and looked expectantly at the coffee brewing.

ā€œYouā€™re looking a little disheveled, Sylvester,ā€ I commented.

ā€œThatā€™s because Iā€™ve been staring into a man hole all morning,ā€ he replied.

ā€œYou really can be quite course, Sylvester. What you do in the privacy of your own home I really donā€™t wish to share,ā€ I replied, quite understandably.

ā€œNo! You donā€™t understandā€¦ā€ he protested.

ā€œOh, I assure you I understand. I just donā€™t think you need to advertise the fact.ā€ I poured the coffee.

ā€œSome guy was stuck in it,ā€ he continued.

ā€œFor goodness sake, Iā€™ve barely finished my breakfast!ā€ I said and poured a little milk in the coffee.

ā€œThere was this poor guy stuck in the manhole in the road outside my house. Theyā€™re doing some engineering work after those floods we had last fall. He did something to his back, and so I helped him out,ā€ explained Sylvester.

ā€œSo,ā€ I said, ever the patient friend, ā€œyouā€™re telling me that you helped out some guy who was stuck in a ā€˜manholeā€™. And you donā€™t see how funny that sounds?ā€

But Sylvesterā€™s nefarious doings arenā€™t the main reason Iā€™m writing. In these times of inflation and uncertainty I’d like to reassure you, when you subscribe as a member on my site you are then locked into a monthly rate that doesn’t change. You’re also able to cancel at any time, and return later if you wish. While there’s a mountain of free content here, there’s also some great paid content – but I fully understand that not everyone can afford this. I try to support all my members, paid or otherwise.

As members go on their journey through gender exploration I know they will come in, and sometime go out, of the site. Many members cycle and have binge/purge experiences. That’s ok, and my systems are built to accommodate that precise activity.

Be sure to explore some of my programs and find the one that’s most enjoyable for you. Whether you are looking for a supportive community, occasional stories, or a program to help with your journey into transformation, I am here for you.



Bigger breasts – generally a good thing.

I always listened to my motherā€™s advice. She would often say things like, ā€˜If you have something to say about someone, make it something positive.ā€Iā€™ve always thought this is very good advice. Itā€™s kept me out of trouble, mostly, however this week I had a situation in which this seemed to backfire.As you likely know, Amanda (my wifeā€™s appalling friend) has a habit of dropping in unannounced at the most inopportune of moments. She was with us just last weekend on one such unplanned visit. I have asked Sylvester, who is something of an inventor in his spare time (see Sylvesterā€™s Boner), to come up with some kind of early warning device to avoid such situations.

Julie and I were helping Ali in the garden just yesterday afternoon, where he was pruning my bush. Weā€™d polished off a bottle of Riesling, when I heard a timid squeaky voice coming from the direction of my neighbourā€™s garden. Ali and I walked over to look over the hedge, and there was Marjorie, Maxā€™s mother. Youā€™ll remember that Max is my neighbors 20 year old son. A strange boy, but very helpful.

ā€œOh, Fiona,ā€ she said. ā€œI need your advice.ā€

Ali, ever helpful, cast an eye over her flower beds and then chimed in, ā€œReally madam, itā€™s alright. I can see your vulvodynia is blooming early this year. It just needs a little more water.ā€ Aliā€™s English lessons are rather unconventional, however he does wonders in the garden.

ā€œThatā€™ll be all, Ali. I can take this from here.ā€ I said, dismissing him to go back to tending to my bush.
Marjorie was gawping at me in a puzzled way trying to fathom what we were talking about. Aliā€™s Syrian accent is still quite strong.

ā€œThat strange woman you had in the garden this weekend. She wants Max to work on some magazine.ā€

ā€œOh, Amanda. Yes, sheā€™s the editor at Pig and Pig Farmer Weekly. Itā€™s the Washington Post of the agricultural sector. A bastion of the fourth estate,ā€ and then I added doubtfully, ā€œand one of the only media organisations to endorse Mr. Trump.ā€

ā€œOh,ā€ she said, as though suddenly understanding. ā€œI just wondered, whatā€™s she really like? I mean, I donā€™t want my darling Max working for just anyone.ā€

I stifled the urge to say that that was exactly who Max should work for ā€“ anyone who would give him a job. ā€˜Just anyoneā€™ seemed a perfect description, given his work ethic. He is a lovely boy, and very capable when it comes to tech tasks, but other than that his talents are best described as aesthetic.
ā€œHmmm, whatā€™s she really likeā€¦ā€ I mused. That was a tough one. I remembered my motherā€™s advice, and it could have been the Riesling talking, but responded ā€œShe has fine breasts. Very fulsome.ā€
ā€œWhat,ā€ said Marjorie, a little taken aback.

ā€œA full bosom,ā€ I reiterated. I really couldnā€™t think of anything else positive to say.

ā€œThatā€™s all you can tell me about her,ā€ she stammered.

ā€œWell,ā€ I blundered on, ā€œshe sees things in black and white. Somewhat judgemental, some might say.ā€ My mind slipped back to the incident with the adult toy and Hannibal, my dachshund. ā€œItā€™s not surprising, I suppose,ā€ I went on. ā€œItā€™s all connected. Black and white, Friesians cattle, dairy farming and breastsā€¦ā€

Marjorie stormed off, muttering and shaking her head. I have the feeling sheā€™s never really approved of my lifestyle. I really canā€™t think why.

And in that very vein, I have a lovely self hypnosis file for my many friends who have recently been asking about breast enlargement. This is a lot of fun.

Self hypnosis is one tool for this, but there are a few other methods you can use. One of the most effective, though discrete is the use of soy milk.  If you choose a flavored one, like Vanilla So Good, and just be sure to drink a good size glass a day, youā€™ll find it gradually has a very beneficial impact. Soy contains isoflavones, a plant oestrogen that is similar to the estrogen that you humans produce. It is these isoflavones that give soy its cancer-prevention properties. Researchers have expressed concern that the estrogens in soy protein may affect the hormone levels in men ā€“ which suits us fine. Drinking more than usual quantities could result in breast growth in men. High consumption of soy protein, equivalent to over three litres of soy milk a day, could lead to hormonal shifts.

I’m not a fan of using HRT pharmacy. I find it’s not a good idea to put anything into your body that can’t at least phone you the following day and tell you how much they enjoyed it.

You can find the hypnosis file here:

Thereā€™s some food for thought. If you join the Premium Program we introduce you to a few practices that can stimulate these shifts. If you havenā€™t signed up yet, now is a great time to do so.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Heels – The world looks better from 3 inches higher.

Put your best foot forward and enjoy the heels you deserve!

“I think another inch or two might be nice,” I said to Julie, stepping my legs a little wider apart.

“Does it feel good,” she asked, running her crimson red nails up my fishnet clad leg and smothing the line of the nylons.

“Oh, yes,” I replied. I bent further forward and adjusted the strap on the heels I was trying on.

A good pair of heels brings out the shape of your legs, accentuates your bum and introduces a new and challenging posture, that will help you find that feminine look you crave.

Many people wish to look feminine, more than feel feminine. Heels are a challenge for many men who chose to crossdress, however they can be rewarding and when mastered give you a sense of self assurance that brings your crossdressing to a new level.

Enjoy some of the lovely shoes below, and then take your time first wearing, and then practicing your posture and walk in stunning heels.


No one should be without a body stocking!

If you are getting my weekly emails – which you get when you sign up for the Free Program – you’ll already know the importance of having a great body stocking in your wardrobe. Ā I was reminded, when looking at Sylvester’s legs the other day, that some of us bare a closer resemblance to the lower primates than others. Having a great body stocking is a good way to disguise body hair.

Here’s a selection of options that are fun, easy to wear and will make you feel fabulous.


Clothes Maketh The Man – Part 54 is out.

I am sending this as I hurry off to my optician for some replacement glasses. Just this morning I noticed Sebastian, my personal trainer, has some new frames and how good they looked on him.

“Sebastian,” I said while working on some core exercises, “I must say those new glasses do look good on you.”

“Oh thank you, Fiona,” he replied standing over me.

“Yes,” I said breathlessly, “I do like it when a man splashes out on a nice pair.”

But that’s not the main reason I’m writing. For those of you following Andrea’s adventures in Clothes Maketh The Man, you’ll be thrilled to know that Part 54 is now out. Andrea finds herself slipping deeper into trouble all the time. And now sheā€™s mucking out a stable with a pair of trannies and a pitchfork. Enjoy part 54 of Clothes Maketh The Man HERE.

You can find all parts of Clothes Maketh The Man HERE.

Have a lovely week,



I’m getting Sylvester’s boxers down.

ā€œThatā€™s it, Sylvester,ā€ I said. ā€œYou just take down your boxers and Iā€™ll stick a big one up there!ā€

While perched on the top of a step ladder Sylvester handed me down the two portraits of his fatherā€™s prize winner pedigree boxer dogs. They won the dog show here several years ago, and as I liked the pictures so much Sylvester allowed me to display the paintings in my living room while his apartment was being decorated. They made a nice change, but to be honest Iā€™m a little bored of them now.  Iā€™m replacing them with a huge photograph of Hannibal, my dachshund now.  I do like to freshen up the look of my living room in spring, donā€™t you?

I’ve had a lovely week, Marjory my neighbour invited me over yesterday evening, having hired a sweet young French chef to cook her birthday dinner. What a handsome young man he is! And I think he took a shine to me, too.

After thanking him in the kitchen for such a lovely meal I spotted something between the frog’s legs, and the cake. So many candles! In the end we lit them, and the chef and my friends all sang happy birthday for Marjory before she blew them all out in the dinning room. It brought quite a lump to my throat. Such fun!

But thatā€™s not the main reason Iā€™m writing today. I’ve been trying to be supportive to Rainbow, Sebastian‘s sister. She’s terribly worried about the people in Ukraine, where she has a number of friends.

“They should do something about those awful Russians,” she said to me while sitting at my kitchen table. “Can’t they send someone?”

“Like who?” I asked.

“I don’t know. The Pope, or the other one,” and then she paused and scratched her head, and then remembering said, “That nice Bono, or Greta Thunberg, perhaps.”

“I’m not sure Greta’s quite the right person,” I replied, “though she might have something to say about the carbon emissions of those useless T72 tanks. They seem to burn very well, if nothing else, but I don’t think that does much for global warming. Then again nor does a thermobaric weapon. The environment doesn’t seem to be a priority for Mr. Putin.”

“I feel so helpless,” she added at length.

“Well, you don’t have to,” I said. “Unicef, the UN agency with a mandate to help women and children, is organising help for women and children in Ukraine. So is UNHCR, who look after refugees.”

Giving here has the funds matched by the agency and is applied directly to women and children in need, and is the most efficient way to provide help. I didn’t need to add that previously having worked for Unicef in Africa, in field emergencies in Sudan and Somalia, I could vouch for their effectiveness.

“It’s a tragedy,” I said, giving her a hug. “But one way or another we’re all going to be a part of sorting it out. And I don’t mind paying a few extra dollars for gas if it means we don’t give Mr. Putin the kind of help he needs to hurt innocent women and children in Ukraine. Let’s just hope people are wise enough not to let his friends, people like that orange haired loser of a former president, ever get anywhere near the reins of power ever again.”

With that I suggested Rainbow come upstairs and help me pick out a nice yellow and blue outfit to wear when I go out today. Perhaps you could do the same.

If you feel generous use the links above to send a few dollars to support people affected by the war in Ukraine. Send me a copy of your receipt and I will enroll you at no cost in our Whatsapp Group – a gift worth $10 a month. Just send me a copy of your receipt to

Have a lovely week.


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We are outsiders.

We are outsiders.

We are outsiders,

On the periphery,

Watching everyone else,

Pretending weā€™re like them,

But knowing weā€™re not.

The best we can hope for is to find a place where we donā€™t have to pretend.

Is home a place to run to, or a place we run from?

Only to hide out in places weā€™re more accepted, unconditionally.

Places that feel more like home to us,

because we can finally be who we are.

Sylvester wants to squirt some mastic in my crack!

On a fine spring morning like this I often feel compelled to go out and have a jog around the local park and then return for a refreshing morning shower. This morning I did so, with a spring in my step and a discrete bulge in my yoga pants.

After working up a little bit of a sweat running and watching a few of the dog walkers out in the park playing with their balls, (calm yourself Amber in Colorado), I got home, turned on the shower and stepped under the warm stream of rejuvenating water.

I think I smelled as lemon fresh as a grove of lemon trees beside a soap factory when I stepped out of the shower. By the time I sat down at the computer in the kitchen I was ready for anything.

After I opened up my computer two things immediately caught my attention. The first was a delightful email from Kay Lee, who sent this lovely picture. I’m sure you’ll agree she looks delightful.

The second was a drop of water beside my ‘Return’ key on the computer. A moment later there was another. Looking up, I could see a slightly indiscreet stain on the ceiling where some water was seeping through. I moved my computer away from the drip, and then called Sylvester, who is so handy at these things.

Sylvester is such a darling. He hurried round, parking in my wife’s slot, and used my rear entrance. She’s away travelling – I believe she’s in Patagonia this week (wherever that is).

After a lot of huffing and puffing and bending over in the shower he declared very excitedly that he thought he’d have to squirt some mastic in my crack. I felt quite nervous at the suggestion. I’m really not sure what mastic is, but if it helps I guess I will just have to succumb.

Anyway, he’s up there now getting ready. I may have to go and change in a moment. I do hope he takes the proper precautions!

Have a great day.



Selfies for Crossdressersā€Šā€”ā€ŠPart 8 (Conclusion).

If in doubt, keep it simple.

Many people are satisfied with composing every image on their phone as they take the photograph, but generally you can crop and create a stronger image by using a simple editing tool and working on the image after itā€™s been taken. Finding the right shape in the frame, perhaps editing it square for Instagram, or even changing the image radically and cropping down to a specific section of the photograph is all possible with any number of downloadable photo editing tools.

Changing the crop of the image lets you find the image within the image. This can make the difference between an average pic, and an amazing picture. Some people have a real knack for finding a better image simply by changing the crop of the picture.

There are also some post production tools that are particularly useful for crossdressers. I am a fan of InstaBeauty or MakeupPlus, which allow you to manipulate the image a little and crop and tidy things up. Generally good composition on your camera or phone means giving a little extra space for cropping and maybe straightening the image up a little.

An editing tool like InstaBeauty or MakeupPlus give you the chance to adjust color, manipulate eyes, lips and nose, and add some makeup effects. Donā€™t think of this as cheating, itā€™s not. Itā€™s using the tools. As you play with it, youā€™ll likely over do it at first.  With a little practice youā€™ll be creating even better pictures in post production.

Youā€™ll also see that makeup issues can be fairly easily resolved. Even those who are very challenged at make up will find the post production tools can really change the image nicely. I do urge a little caution.  Donā€™t over do it, and practice a while before you decide to post anything online.

Take a look at this video of our favorite singer, Boggie. It takes a lot of courage to say, ā€˜hey, this is what they do to me to make me look good.ā€™ Sheā€™s been quite outspoken about the way the media manipulate models to present them in an unrealistic manner. Sheā€™s a courageous campaigner and remarkable performer.  I like to remind people what they see in many cases in the media is not real. Itā€™s creative, doubtless, but we donā€™t need to hold ourselves to that standard. We are at our most beautiful when we accept ourselves as we are and create ourselves as we desire.

I hope youā€™ve enjoyed this series. Feel free to let me know.



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Selfies For Crossdressers – Part 7.

Forever Ashley – Ashley Baron.

Just as positioning the lights produces a variety of effects, the camera angle (and distance from the subject) can result in effects that are both surprising and can improve your selfie radically.

In a head and shoulder shot, if shot from higher up it exaggerates the size of the eyes and shortens the face a little.  Shooting from one side, or slightly to one side, gives the face depth and a little more of a three-dimensional look. A low angle can exaggerate the chin or add chins (urgh). Thereā€™s good reason why most selfies are shot from higher than level, and slightly to one side.

If you are able to use a self timer and a tripod, you can shoot full length.Ā  Youā€™ll find that shooting from lower down gives the effect of lengthening the leg and making you a bit taller.

Make sure your lens is clean, and if youā€™re using a tripod or clamp to hold the camera be sure to give yourself plenty of time on the self timer.  Donā€™t know how to find the self timer? Easy ā€“ just type the name of your phone or camera into Google and then self timer. It will come up in a moment.

Many cameras and phones have a degree of curvature in the lens. You can see if thereā€™s much curvature in your lens by finding a view of any grid like image and photograph it. Lenses on more expensive cameras are becoming increasingly true. Phones are not always quite so true, though.  This can result in some interesting effects.  Too close and a profile will result in a larger nose than youā€™d think. Itā€™s a better idea to shoot from slightly further away and zoom in a little. Using the zoom effect can reduce lens curvature.

Beware of the zoom!  The moment you start to use the zoom you increase the risk of camera shake being problematic and can result in a little blur. Thereā€™s two ways to combat this. The first is to use a tripod or a clamp to hold the camera or phone steady.  The second is a little more tricky.  Hereā€™s what you do:

  1. Change the ISO setting (film speed) to at least 400 but better 800.
  2. You will find that this makes the shutter speed much faster and as a result most movement is locked solid, though the image will be slightly grainy and lower contrast.
  3. Add a little flash to freeze the image completely.

As ever, if you donā€™t know where to find the ISO setting for your particular phone, simply google it. Same with how to turn on the flash.Ā  Itā€™s all out there on the net, regardless of the phone or camera.

