Sometimes the smallest things give us away.

I received a lovely message this morning from one of my members, Leticia. They wrote a lovely description that I feel I should include below.

“It’s always a treat to hear from you, your stories are so clever and sexy.  I am fortunate to live on the outskirts of a small town, and the road out front leads into open country, through farmland all the way to the state line, and across a river.  I try to take a long walk every day, and it’s a perfect chance to practice my feminine walk, flowing with a graceful sway.  I am wearing running shoes, but I don’t need high heels to swing my hips. It helps me feel like a woman.”

This reminded me of an incident many years ago. I felt it worth recounting, as sometimes we give ourselves away without even knowing it. You can see my reply below.

Hi Leticia,

What a lovely picture you paint. I am so lucky to have so many wonderful members. You remind me that once, years ago, I had a friend who was studying kinesiology. They watched me walking down the street one day, before I’d really emerged as being so very gender fluid and came running along after me very excited.

“Do you know,” they said, “that you walk exactly like a woman. I can see your hips swinging and the motion you use in your gait – it’s so very feminine. I’ve not seen that so pronounced before… in a man. I mean, it’s sort of unusual.”

My acquaintance was suddenly aware that their enthusiasm for their study and their observation were a little inappropriate, and a moment later they felt quite awkward. I don’t think they realised that they’d seen something that was developing and growing within me and that it would become quite impossible to suppress. It was most enlightening, though I don’t think they really realised just how very deeply ingrained that characteristic was.



Sometimes who and what we are emerges in ways we least expect. I have learned not to fight it, but to just allow it to happen. I hope you do too. 

You’ll see that throughout my website and the contents of my Patreon I talk about accepting yourself as you are, and creating yourself as you desire.  Sometimes we can’t really help it.

Have you experienced similar moments of revelation? Be sure to tell me about them in the comments below.



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