Are you ready for your massage ;) ?

Are you ready for your massage šŸ˜‰


Itā€™s the night before Christmas eve here in Huckleberry Close, and I have had the most extraordinary text message fromĀ Bernard. As you may know, Bernardā€™s health has not been good recently. Between being tazered and shot in the chest with a carrot, heā€™s had quite a year.

With this in mind he traveled to England for Christmas, where he has some family, and checked himself into a rather eccentric sounding health farm near something called ā€˜Newmarketā€™. Heā€™s being treated at ā€œThe Devilā€™s Dyke Centre for Alternative Health.ā€ This immediately had me thinking of a friend of mine who recently divorced her lesbian wife. As you might have guessed the divorce is not going well.

Bernardā€™s text read: ā€œHope all is well. Love to the crew. Just waiting for the nurse to give me my evening massage.Ā Ā  😉 ā€œ

Now, I donā€™t mean to be pedantic, but that smiley winkey face at the conclusion of the message did give me pause for thought. At the timeĀ Sylvester,Ā AliĀ and I were enjoying a few glasses of eggnog while I modeled a new gown I recently treated myself to, and Ali showed us a traditional arab jalabiyyah. Needless to say, Sylvester wore his Carhartt pants, and frankly I think Ali and I looked considerably more presentable than our swarthy friend.

AmandaĀ had joined us, ā€˜popping inā€™ as she does, not unlike a visit from the plague. We all sat around the log fire in my living room and enjoyed the winter evening.

Making conversation, Sylvester said, ā€œI see Bernardā€™s started using emojiā€™s. I donā€™t think heā€™s quite got the hang of it yet.ā€

ā€œI couldnā€™t agree more,ā€ I said, showing them both the recent text. ā€œI mean, really. What is one to make of that?ā€

The eggnog was fortified with substantial amounts of brandy, which neutralizes the sweetness a little, though does not reduce the calories, to Amandaā€™s disappointment. Iā€™ve been making this recipe for years, and it was given to me by my grandmother.

Ali passed on the eggnog, but Amanda drank it deeply. I could tell sheā€™d had more than is wise from her slightly slurred speech.

ā€œWhere on earth do you get this,ā€ asked Amanda looking at her glass. ā€œItā€™s so smooth!ā€

ā€œOh,ā€ I replied modestly, ā€œitā€™s just something I knocked up.ā€

ā€œRather like your first wife,ā€ I heard her mutter under her breath.

Just then Sylvester got to his feet to refill his glass, nudged the table and Amandaā€™s glass toppled into her lap covering her with eggnog. She yelped like aā€¦ Well, like a startled pig, and got to her feet.

ā€œOh, Iā€™m so sorry,ā€ Sylvester gushed.

ā€œDonā€™t worry, Amanda. Iā€™ll find you something.ā€ I said and trotted off upstairs to get her a skirt. Perhaps I could find a discarded garden tent upstairs. No, thatā€™s a little unkind, I suppose. I looked among the clothes, and returned with something suitable.

I handed the skirt to Amanda and she disappeared to change, leaving us all enjoying the warmth of the fire.

I turned to find Sylvester texting Bernard. ā€œJust covered Amandaā€™s pants with eggnog. 😊ā€

A text came back from Bernard a moment later ā€“ ā€œCanā€™t chat, going in for colonic irrigation! 😉ā€

“Wow,” said Sylvester. “They really know how to have fun in England.”

With that Sylvester disappeared upstairs to the bathroom, leaving Ali and I to talk about how he and his family were enjoying their second Christmas in Canada. He told me how well his daughter had settled in at school, and how his wife had managed to find a good job in the bank. It wasnā€™t until ten minutes or so had passed that I realized both Sylvester and Amanda were still absent.

I glanced at the carriage clock on the mantelpiece.

ā€œHow very odd,ā€ I said to Ali. ā€œI wonder what could have happened to Sylvester?ā€

Ali turned his eyes toward the heavens, or one of the bedrooms upstairs, depending on your point of view. He had an ominous look on his face as our eyes met.

“Just how much brandy is in that stuff,” asked Ali.

“Enough.” I said. Sylvester is Italian.

I hope you are enjoying the run up to Christmas. We will be here through the holiday looking after all our friends and members. Iā€™m thrilled to say weā€™ve been getting a lot of new members in toĀ My Little Black Book. If by chance you are alone this Christmas itā€™s a great idea to get intoĀ My Little Black BookĀ and message some of our other members. Theyā€™re all keen to hear from others and make new connections, and we all love to connect, however distant, at this time of year.

Merry Christmas,



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There’s never a dull moment in the advertising business.

As you likely know, I work for a well known advertising agency in an active office in this delightful city. It is often said that for each job in some industries, several other people are supported. So, for example while a car plant may employ 4,000 people a further 6,000 jobs are created servicing the 4,000 people employed with things like transport, employment services and catering. In much the same way, my work supports not just myself, but also Sylvester my mechanic, Sebastian my personal trainer, Ali my gardener, young Max who helps with technology on my blog and several other assorted hangers on and peripheral individuals.  

I was talking on this very subject with Bernard, my photographer, when we were out on agency business just the other day. Ali, who so lovingly tends my garden, spends more time there than I ever do. Instead, while he enjoys my delightful champaign colored roses in my garden I am out driving with Bernard on a task for the advertising agency. And Iā€™m paying Ali! It all seems rather obtuse. That said, I do love Ali, and his daughters are sweetness itself. They arrived in Canada just a couple of years ago, refugees from the war in Syria.

Continue reading “There’s never a dull moment in the advertising business.”

Fall is a great time to adjust your look.

As we kiss goodbye to a hot summer it’s time to start adjusting your look. Just think of all those lovely russet hues that you can lean into!

I was just saying to Sylvester this morning, “It’s a time to start adjusting into the warm colors of the fall.”

Sylvester is very touchy these days, what with Amanda travelling the competitive eating circuit with Marjory, my next door neighbor. He does get quite jealous. She’s been gone for weeks. It’s a wonder that Pig and Pig Farmer Weekly hasn’t gone into terminal decline. I understand she edits the trade publication even while on the road.

For Sylvester, putting together a fall wardrobe consists of switching the denim blues to the Carhartt browns, though I have to admit Carhartt does have some functional women’s workwear these days –

It’s rather hard for Sylvester to compete with Marjory, for that beating lump of gristle that passes for a heart inside Amanda’s breast. Marjory is even more down to earth than Sylvester, and she just blunders forth. It’s quite remarkable to me that she ever gave birth to such a sensitive boy as Max, who as you likely know, looks after the technology things for me. Marjory is the kind of person that announces her pregnancy by switching to menthols. She even has a sticker on the back of her truck that says, “My other car is also a truck.”

A gold star dyed in the wool lesbian if ever you saw one! You just have to love her!

Sylvester can’t really compete, although he does turn a few heads down at the hockey rink when driving the Zamboni. Some women are just impressed by the wheels. Honestly! Men! It’s all rather infantile if you ask me. A little like the time he tried to help his friend Roland with his circus act. Roland is a talented spoon thrower. Yes, I know – it’s all to do with the terms of his parole. But you get the idea.


What are you driving?

I could not help noticing, whilst driving home from the advertising agency the other day, the names on the back of vehicles. The model names of vehicles are of interest to me, from both the branding perspective and what it tells me about the drivers.

Have you been reading ‘Clothes Maketh The Man‘? Enjoy the ongoing serial now in its third year.

A therapist member of mine recently pointed out to me that several of their erectile dysfunction clients did indeed drive muscle cars, in more than one instance a Hummer. Frankly I feel anyone driving a Hummer should be on their knees begging forgiveness from their children as they pump heat into an increasingly fragile environment. On the other hand, given the erectile dysfunction issues associate with Hummer ownership theirs a good chance that having children is one complication these thoughtless tools will not have to concern themselves with.

Sylvester, on the other hand has shunned the muscles cars and even removed the photo on his office wall of him posing with his Dodge Penetrator 3000. I am pleased to see him mellowing. I do remember the day he pulled up outside my house, on his phone calling me to tell me he was there.

ā€œIā€™m just pulling into your garage,ā€ he said. ā€œNo wait, Iā€™m reversing.  Pulling in againā€¦ backing up, and going in again now. Perhaps I should go in the laneway round the back. I can get the back way, but itā€™s a bit tight.ā€

You know, I may have said this before, but Sylvester can be quite coarse at times.

Personally I like to drive a Buick Vagina. Itā€™s the limited Silhouette edition. So much more my style. Both feminine and powerful, with the twin turbo V6 with the cuddle seats option.

Vehicle names and designs do tell us a lot about their drivers. I noticed a Kia Soul in the traffic as I was driving home, and I can only speculate that some Korean designer sat down and thought hard about what a car designed for Spongebob Squarepants might look like, and then took up the challenge to build it. Ironically the driver of this particular vehicle did look like a cartoon character.

Sebastian, my vegetarian personal trainer, drives a Kia Hymen when not riding his electric bicycle. His sister, Rainbow, drives a Nissan Slide with a synchromatic gearbox. Amanda drives a Prius, which is entirely predictable, while of course Ali, my gardener, drives the Smart Car with a rifle rack on the rear window, adapted to carry his gardening tools. Heā€™s proud to declare he always shows up with his hoes.

One of my Vancouver members, Lenni, is originally from Alaska, and proudly tells of her mother having driven a Ford LTD wagon. This vehicle, with a 7.5 litre engine has the dubious distinction of being capable of hitting a moose, killing it, and then being able to transport it back to the trailor park for butchering. I canā€™t help thinking life in Alaska holds wonders I am pleased not to have either witnessed or shared.

Instead I think Iā€™ll go and get Sylvester to change the fluids in my Buick Vagina.

Have a lovely week.


Some people should be bloody well hung!

I have been hard at work with some of my corporate clients at the advertising agency recently, and as we move toward the climax of summer some are organising their company parties and corporate retreats.

Naturally I get to be invited to many of these, both as a part of the clientā€™s team, but also as I am generally advising the organising committees for such events. Since the Covid situation is receding I have seen many new faces on these committees, and Iā€™ve been asked to sit on several of them.

So it was that I happened to be asked to attend a costumed event recently, and was asked to bring one or two friends to add color and vibrancy to the situation.

Continue reading “Some people should be bloody well hung!”

The pure gold of your hidden feminine self.

When you think of all the things you would like to change about yourself there is a tendency to focus on the aesthetic. Yet we know very well that this is the easy part. The greater achievement is to shift the way we think.

In accepting the female aspect of ourselves we will likely never have a completely feminine experience. Weā€™re not going to experience the pain and joy of childbirth, for example. At least not anytime soon. We will also never experience the angst of the teenage girl developing, nor the uncertainty that many women experience in anticipation of a first date; something that could ending in a deep relationship, or possibly a shallow grave.

Continue reading “The pure gold of your hidden feminine self.”

Bigger breasts – generally a good thing.

I always listened to my motherā€™s advice. She would often say things like, ā€˜If you have something to say about someone, make it something positive.ā€Iā€™ve always thought this is very good advice. Itā€™s kept me out of trouble, mostly, however this week I had a situation in which this seemed to backfire.As you likely know, Amanda (my wifeā€™s appalling friend) has a habit of dropping in unannounced at the most inopportune of moments. She was with us just last weekend on one such unplanned visit. I have asked Sylvester, who is something of an inventor in his spare time (see Sylvesterā€™s Boner), to come up with some kind of early warning device to avoid such situations.

Julie and I were helping Ali in the garden just yesterday afternoon, where he was pruning my bush. Weā€™d polished off a bottle of Riesling, when I heard a timid squeaky voice coming from the direction of my neighbourā€™s garden. Ali and I walked over to look over the hedge, and there was Marjorie, Maxā€™s mother. Youā€™ll remember that Max is my neighbors 20 year old son. A strange boy, but very helpful.

ā€œOh, Fiona,ā€ she said. ā€œI need your advice.ā€

Ali, ever helpful, cast an eye over her flower beds and then chimed in, ā€œReally madam, itā€™s alright. I can see your vulvodynia is blooming early this year. It just needs a little more water.ā€ Aliā€™s English lessons are rather unconventional, however he does wonders in the garden.

ā€œThatā€™ll be all, Ali. I can take this from here.ā€ I said, dismissing him to go back to tending to my bush.
Marjorie was gawping at me in a puzzled way trying to fathom what we were talking about. Aliā€™s Syrian accent is still quite strong.

ā€œThat strange woman you had in the garden this weekend. She wants Max to work on some magazine.ā€

ā€œOh, Amanda. Yes, sheā€™s the editor at Pig and Pig Farmer Weekly. Itā€™s the Washington Post of the agricultural sector. A bastion of the fourth estate,ā€ and then I added doubtfully, ā€œand one of the only media organisations to endorse Mr. Trump.ā€

ā€œOh,ā€ she said, as though suddenly understanding. ā€œI just wondered, whatā€™s she really like? I mean, I donā€™t want my darling Max working for just anyone.ā€

I stifled the urge to say that that was exactly who Max should work for ā€“ anyone who would give him a job. ā€˜Just anyoneā€™ seemed a perfect description, given his work ethic. He is a lovely boy, and very capable when it comes to tech tasks, but other than that his talents are best described as aesthetic.
ā€œHmmm, whatā€™s she really likeā€¦ā€ I mused. That was a tough one. I remembered my motherā€™s advice, and it could have been the Riesling talking, but responded ā€œShe has fine breasts. Very fulsome.ā€
ā€œWhat,ā€ said Marjorie, a little taken aback.

ā€œA full bosom,ā€ I reiterated. I really couldnā€™t think of anything else positive to say.

ā€œThatā€™s all you can tell me about her,ā€ she stammered.

ā€œWell,ā€ I blundered on, ā€œshe sees things in black and white. Somewhat judgemental, some might say.ā€ My mind slipped back to the incident with the adult toy and Hannibal, my dachshund. ā€œItā€™s not surprising, I suppose,ā€ I went on. ā€œItā€™s all connected. Black and white, Friesians cattle, dairy farming and breastsā€¦ā€

Marjorie stormed off, muttering and shaking her head. I have the feeling sheā€™s never really approved of my lifestyle. I really canā€™t think why.

And in that very vein, I have a lovely self hypnosis file for my many friends who have recently been asking about breast enlargement. This is a lot of fun.

Self hypnosis is one tool for this, but there are a few other methods you can use. One of the most effective, though discrete is the use of soy milk.  If you choose a flavored one, like Vanilla So Good, and just be sure to drink a good size glass a day, youā€™ll find it gradually has a very beneficial impact. Soy contains isoflavones, a plant oestrogen that is similar to the estrogen that you humans produce. It is these isoflavones that give soy its cancer-prevention properties. Researchers have expressed concern that the estrogens in soy protein may affect the hormone levels in men ā€“ which suits us fine. Drinking more than usual quantities could result in breast growth in men. High consumption of soy protein, equivalent to over three litres of soy milk a day, could lead to hormonal shifts.

I’m not a fan of using HRT pharmacy. I find it’s not a good idea to put anything into your body that can’t at least phone you the following day and tell you how much they enjoyed it.

You can find the hypnosis file here:

Thereā€™s some food for thought. If you join the Premium Program we introduce you to a few practices that can stimulate these shifts. If you havenā€™t signed up yet, now is a great time to do so.

Have a wonderful weekend.


There’s no ‘f’ in trannies!

The latest episode of Clothes Maketh The Man is out. You can find it here.

Before I go any further, I should clarify something for Mildred from Colorado Springs, in response to your question of how to prevent her puppy stealing food from kitchen surfaces I had advised her to put it in the fridge. I was, of course, referring to the food, and not the dog. I understand Spot is making a full recovery, but now avoids confined spaces.

Now that things are a little less locked down I am having more guests over at my place.  Last night Sylvester and I enjoyed a nice glass of wine while we waited for Marjory and Amanda, my wifeā€™s appalling friend, to arrive for a night of board games. Apparently Amanda was a little late getting home, her industrial welding class having over run.

Thereā€™s no ā€˜fā€™ in ā€˜Tranniesā€™ said Sylvester, as I arranged the letters on the Scrabble board.

ā€œDonā€™t be so silly,ā€ I said as I placed the lettered tiles on the board. ā€œThere, ā€˜Transferenceā€™ and the ā€˜Tā€™ is on a double word score.ā€

Iā€™ve been trying to keep Sylvester amused as heā€™s been moping about the place recently. I think heā€™s a little jealous of Marjory, whoā€™s in a lesbian relationship with Amanda. All the same he did his best to be gracious, and put some music on while we played the game.

Marjory, who is very big on the competitive eating circuit, enjoys country music and Sylvester created a selection of Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson classics.

ā€œSylvester,ā€ said Marjory, ā€œYou have such good taste.  Iā€™m a little surprised.ā€

Sylvester looked a little sheepish, and then Marjory added, ā€œIā€™ve always liked Johnny Cash, but Iā€™ve never really been a fan of Willieā€™s.ā€

Sylvester cast a sideways glance at Amanda, but wisely said nothing. Poor Sylvester.

But thatā€™s not the main reason Iā€™m writing to you tonight. Iā€™m just letting you know that thereā€™s a new episode of Clothes Maketh The Man out, part 52, and reminding all my members that Iā€™ve recently added some wonderful new hypnosis files to the Seahorse ProgramMistress Meg has been particularly busy, creating some great material. Thereā€™s always plenty of hypnosis files on the site, many of which are free, and they can be found by following this link.

I have adjusted some of my pricing recently giving a discount to those booking for a one year subscription. Be sure to check out my programs here ā€“

Have a lovely week,

Fiona Dobson

Marjorie’s got old man’s beard in her bush!

When Ali, my gardener, came in to my kitchen and announced that my next door neighbour, Marjorie, had old manā€™s beard in her bush I was most concerned.

ā€œBut Ali, you realise Marjorie is in a relationship with Amanda, donā€™t you?ā€

ā€œItā€™s the same every year,ā€ he said in frustration. ā€œShe doesnā€™t take care of her bush at all. And with this rainā€¦ Itā€™s so moist. If sheā€™s not careful it will get into our garden.ā€

ā€œWell now,ā€ I said feeling a little awkward and not quite sure where to look. ā€œHow very disturbing,ā€ I said.

Itā€™s so very easy to have misunderstandings when your gardener has an understanding of English thatā€™s less than perfect. In fact, this very morning after I had pulled on some stockings and a lovely little kilt, I found myself answering one of the many emails I get to clear up a rather disturbing misunderstanding. Having advised one of my members, Mildred from Colorado Springs, on some issues she was having with training her new puppy she reached out to me feeling most distressed.

As you probably know I am a font of assistance to my members. I had, as I remember, suggested that to help her acclimatize the puppy to itā€™s new surroundings she should take the animal into each of the rooms in itā€™s new home in turn, and then put it down on some old newspaper. Well, youā€™d think those instructions were impossible to misinterpret. Apparently I was mistaken.

I really do make every effort to help my lovely members. And of course, that unusual group, my Seahorses, enjoy the attention of Mistress Meg, who has been busy uploading some new content to the site. If youā€™re a Seahorse member you may already be enjoying the excitement of The Stories Your Mother Never Told You. When one of Mistress Megā€™s clients asks her to look after a journal written years ago by his mother she agrees to do so, on condition she can read the content. As she learns of his motherā€™s lascivious behaviour what can she possibly do, but read the content to her client, while he is bound and made to listen.

These disturbing accounts are perfect for my delightful Seahorse members. You can learn about Valerie and her friends in this 1950ā€™s story that draws back the curtain on a decade of naughtiness. If youā€™re not already a Seahorse member you might want to join this special group in the run up to Christmas.

If you’re looking for ideas for a treat why not check out my Shopping list. There’s always ideas for a few fun things to get yourself there. And don’t forget, if you’re not already in one of my programs they’re a wonderful way to enjoy yourself over the holiday season.

Have a great week.


Leotards – a great way to keep fit and look great doing so.

Whether you like to get into a dance class, or just like to do a little yoga at home, you can look wonderful at the bar or on the mat by slipping into something figure hugging and fun.

Now if you read my weekly emails you’ll realise the unfortunate story behind the leotards and the whole thing with Amanda – but if not, you may like to browse through these anyway. You can sign up for the free program here.

For those who want to wear their leotard in a slightly different way, it’s going to look great as a top, over jeans or just a light skirt. As a simple androgenous look there are many leotards that work perfectly, and as a feminine icon, it is of course, spectacular. FD.

I never knew it would get so big!

ā€œI would never have believed it would get this big!ā€ I said to Sylvester.

ā€œLook at this huge bulge!ā€ he replied, his eyes wide.

ā€œI had no idea it would be this big when I started working on it,ā€ I said, still surprised.

We were examining in detail the growth figures for Clothes Maketh The Man, the serial which started this very website. The graph showed a massive explosion ā€“ almost a volcanic emission ā€“ the huge growth spurt we got in 2016 when Clothes Maketh The Man first appeared.

Since then over 75,000 members have enjoyed the series. And of course, a lot more has happened besides.Ā  Weā€™ve done everything from helping Mildred from Colorado Spring understand that when it says ā€˜Push up bottomā€™ on the deodorant stick sheā€™s been using for years it means depress the base of the packaging ā€“ itā€™s an easy mistake to make -, to voting Ashley Baron our crossdresser of the year. Weā€™ve not had that competition for the last couple of years, so I guess Ashley is still our reigning Queen. Donā€™t forget we also have some great music in The Fiona Dobson Playlist thatā€™s always sure to give you a lift.

Today I have posted Clothes Maketh The Man part 50. If youā€™ve not been reading this great series you can do so here.  And donā€™t forget, your memberships keep this iconic series running, so if youā€™re not already a member be sure to join one of my programs here.

Just a reminder, if you are enjoying some of the emails you can click on the hotlinks within the email to drill deeper (phrasing) and penetrate the stories in more detail. And we all like deep penetration. You can of course also find a wealth of my content on Pinterest.

Some of you know that I love to hang out on the site some days and use our chat functionality to chat with members. If you see a chat window come up when visiting youā€™ll know itā€™s me on the other end. Feel free to join me there. I usually go on in the mornings for a little (Pacific time) and the evenings.

Now, I must get back to looking after life in Huckleberry Close. Some of you will know I am very much a caring soul. I will not use the word ā€˜healerā€™, but I do feel I have a special power. Anyway, Amanda my wifeā€™s awful friend, has been having trouble with her pussy. Iā€™ve said I will go over and lay my hands on it to transfer positive energy from Hannibal, my dachshund. I am good with animals. Between you and I, itā€™s probably diet. I donā€™t know what sheā€™s been feeding that thing!

Have a lovely weekend,



PS ā€“ my musical selection this week is for all my closeted members.

Hannibal the vibrating Dachshund.

What a strange and disturbing week it has been. Sometimes it takes more than lipstick to keep that smile in place. And yet we do, and the world is still a wonderful place.

Some of you may be aware of my wife’s good friend Amanda, the queen of tweed. As you may remember, she stayed at our house a few weeks ago while her house was being fumigated.

tumblr_o9a40kUvwr1sq920to1_500Well, Amanda had left a few things at our house and I agreed to take them over to her house. It was not so far off my track as I was walking Hannibal, my pet dachshund, so it was no bother. When I arrived at her house in the early evening the other day I was surprised to find I had arrived while she was taking a shower. She appeared at her doorway looking like a giant panda, in a black and white dressing gown and after letting me in, she asked me to wait in the living room as she slipped into something more comfortable. This was a thought that was truly disturbing in it’s own way, but for my wife’s sake I waited patiently.

I waited, and Hannibal did his usual thing of nosing around the place. To my surprise he was preoccupied with something underneath her couch, and while Amanda got dressed in her bedroom. I waited patiently, listening to the snuffling sounds coming from under the couch, until I was a little disturbed to hear a particular humming sound emanating from beneath the furniture.

A moment later Hannibal appear clutching what can only be described as an adult toy between his teeth. He was chewing its silicon form and seemed very surprised that it was fighting back, vibrating away in his mouth. To be fair, his surprise was understandable, the device being almost as large as he is.

Wanting to avoid the embarrassment of Amanda finding Hannibal playing with a personal possession, I tried to grab the object, but thinking this was a game he took off, running first into the kitchen and then into Amanda’s basement. I gingerly followed, cursing his minute form and enormous curiousity.

It was only when I cornered Hannibal that I could wrestle the object from him, at which point I heard Amanda’s enormous feet descending the stairs. I slipped the toy into my pocket and found my way back to the living room as Amanda walked in.

ā€œI’m so sorry to have kept you, it’s simply lovely of you to bring these things over…ā€ There was an awkward pause. I realized Amanda was staring at my jeans.

ā€œReally, it’s no trouble,ā€ I said. I like to wear tight figure hugging jeans, and usually a pastel tee shirt. It’s a fairly androgynous look, and I find it works if I am not dressing in my femme style.

ā€œGoodness,ā€ said Amanda, unable to avert her eyes from my pants. I glanced at myself and saw the clear and defined outline of the toy. To Amanda I must have appeared extremely glad to see her.

ā€œI should be going,ā€ I said awkwardly, my mind racing, trying to sidle toward the door, and noticing Amanda seemed to be getting between me and the only exit.

ā€œOh, I don’t know,ā€ she said. ā€œI think I’m seeing a new side of you. I am beginning to understand what Maggie sees in you. Perhaps you want to stay a while. A drink perhaps?ā€

Amanda’s eyes were unashamedly devouring my groin, drawn to my physique by the enormous toy in my pocket.

ā€œI really must go,ā€ I said, trying to hide my aparently enormous embarrasment.

ā€œOh, no. Before you do, I have that book Maggie was asking to borrow. Let me get it for you!ā€ Amanda rushed off and in a moment I had pushed the device under the sofa, and was turning to walk to the door when Hannibal realized the toy was once again in play. To Hannibal, this is a challenge, first to find it and then to run around with it until someone catches him. To my horror he scurried under the sofa and just as Amanda returned, Hannibal emerged from beneath the furniture with a powerful buzzing sound, moving backwards across the hardwood floor being quite literally vibrated around the room.

ā€œHannibal,ā€ I said, feigning surprise. ā€œWhat on earth have you got there?ā€

There was an awkward chase, culminating in Amanda relieving a strangely satisfied dachshund of the object, and I grabbed the book and headed straight for the door, leaving an embarrassed and confused Amanda to her own devices ā€“ literally.

I’d love to see you in my Premium Program soon. I think you know you’ll enjoy it.


A steady stream of water is falling between Ali’s legs.

There was a steady stream of water falling between Ali, my Syrian gardenerā€™s legs.

ā€œAli,ā€ I said. ā€œWould you mind telling me what youā€™re doing?ā€

ā€œAh, madam. Iā€™m watching Maxā€™s premature ejaculation. He did it for his motherā€¦ā€

I paused. Iā€™ve learned thatā€™s a good idea with Ali. Iā€™m never quite sure if heā€™s serious, or just confused.

ā€œHis water hoseā€¦ Heā€™s got it hooked up to Google ā€“ that online house thing. It waters the flowers. Well, drowns them actually. Itā€™s coming on prematurely and the water pressureā€™s too high.ā€

ā€œI see,ā€ I said. I decided I had better talk to that English teacher of his.

ā€œI prefer to use a more natural method such as this watering can, madam,ā€ he said as he continued to water the flowers.

Itā€™s been a strange week. Sylvester had a couple of his Navy friends staying. Billy Bates, a Quartermaster on a missile cruiser, and his friend Simon Steyns. Simon was recently demoted back to Ordinary Seaman following a nasty shoreside incident involving another member of the crew and a very worried looking hamster.

To round everything off Amanda brought her sister over and her revolting daughter. Chelsea, Amandaā€™s elder sister doesnā€™t approve of Amandaā€™s relationship with Marjory. She sayā€™s itā€™s against God. I have to say I told her that Amanda is against God. I mean really! What immortal hand or eye would frame that fearful symmetryā€¦ urgh.

Chelsea Chizit and her daughter Emma are cut from the same cloth. Theyā€™re the sort of uncultured slobs that know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

It’s the perfect time of year to get into Pink!

And to top it off Max is besotted with Emma. To be fair, she is not entirely unpleasant to look at as she glides around the garden half naked in the sunshine, like some sort of fae. Yet Max just stares slack jawed and drools. Itā€™s most disturbing. He wanders around moony eyed murmuring ā€œEmma Chizitā€¦ Emma Chizzit.ā€

ā€œAli,ā€ I said as firmly as I could, ā€œDo you happen to know if Amanda is next door visiting Marjory?ā€

ā€œOh yes,ā€ he said. Not much gets passed Ali. He knows the comings and goings of most of Huckleberry Close. ā€œShe wrist deep in ā€¦ā€

ā€œAli!ā€ I said firmly.

ā€œā€¦ in tomatoes. Theyā€™re canning the tomatoes she grew in her greenhouse. Making sauce…ā€

As everyone starts to get back to something approaching normal I am delighted to say I am enjoying occasional days like this where friends visit and life seems almost as it did before this infernal pandemic. 

I am pleased to say I am double vaccinated, as are most of my friends. I hope you are to, and I’d encourage you to get it done as soon as possible, for your own good and the good of all those around you.

I hope you’ve been enjoying The Dating Game by Mollie Blake. It’s been featured this last few weeks on the website, Remember there always new content on the site, and I do get on now and then to chat with my members on the web chat functionality. If I happen to be on when you are there, be sure to say hello.

Have a lovely week,



This summer it’s all about pink!
It’s a season for your best color!
What could be a nicer color to celebrate summer. Check out this spectacular swing dress for just $31.99.You going to look delightful.
Check it out here –

Things are warming up.

Auntie Kittie and her naughty nieces have been having an exciting spring. Get Aunties diary for just $1 a month.

I am happy to say that a few friends and I have been able to gather safely, and socially distanced, in my garden of late.  Seeing Sebastian, Sylvester and Bernard all sitting there, along with Marjory and Amanda was a very special treat after such a long time when gatherings have been a bad idea.  I am thrilled to say that weā€™ve finally all ben vaccinated.

Each of my friends brought an item they had prepared themselves. Sebastian whipped out his lovely sausage, which I am sure you know I just canā€™t get enough of! Just when I think I canā€™t take any more of it, he surprises me with more.

I was however a little disturbed as Sylvester leaned suggestively over toward Amanda and asked her if sheā€™d like to try a cream horn. He really can be quite coarse, you know. It did remind me though, I did have to speak to Amanda confidentially, and make something of an apology.

This was a matter which by its very nature is unpleasant, however, when Amanda had asked me about a little problem she has I felt obliged to assist. Now, as you know, Amanda is not exactly my favorite person being my wifeā€™s friend and former lover from university. Anyway, it seems Amanda has a problem with something politely described as ā€˜hyperhidrosisā€™. In plain English this translates through to ā€˜she sweats like a gross pigā€™, something not all together surprising as she is the editor of Pig and Pig Farmer Weekly.

Join me in the Premium Program for just $10 a month.

When she approached me confidentially to ask my advice, which as you are doubtless aware I offer without judgement or any desire to embarrass, I was happy to help the poor pigā€¦ oopsā€¦ woman. Pointing out the fact that it may be a sign of more serious health issues, such as diabetes, infection or a thyroid issue, I suggested that the most likely cause was that she was a little out of shape and that she might think of getting more active.  Perhaps she should go out with Bernard in his sailboat, or spend more time on her bicycle than in her Prius. Or occasionally walk somewhere.

ā€œBut, Fiona,ā€ she replied by text, during a brief exchange, ā€œI feel so embarrassed about my sweating. If I exercise more people will see it. I have great lines of sweat on my tee shirt, and under my arms.ā€

I pushed the gross imagery from my mind and suggested ā€œPerhaps an antiperspirantā€¦ā€

The texts flowed to and fro with her asking for recommendations, and as it happened the advertising agency for whom I work do handle an account for a large manufacturer of healthy personal products, so I suggested their antiperspirant stick product, which I had couriered over to her directly. Weā€™re particularly proud of our association with this company, having suggested some slight revisions to the previously ungainly shape of the product. It is now sportily shaped in an aerodynamic style.

ā€œItā€™s easy to use,ā€ I texted her. ā€œJust remove top and push up bottom.ā€

Well, needless to say I did not mean her to take the instructions quite so literally. I suppose when people depend on texts it is somewhat easy to take them a little out of context. Needless to say Amanda was experiencing a degree of discomfort, and I felt I should offer my sympathy.

By the way you can read more of any character I mention by drilling down into the hotlinked references to them, if you feel so inclined. Itā€™s a fun way to explore the strange world I navigate daily.

Iā€™d like to suggest a very worthy charitable cause for my members today. I donā€™t do this often, as I know not everyone is able to help. Today however I think it important to raise awareness of many of our sisters in quite dire need in India. Itā€™s not easy being trans at the best of times but during a pandemic things can be extremely difficult. Of course, we canā€™t help everyone on the planet, but helping those where the buck goes furthest is probably not a bad idea. Anyway, check out this campaign, and if it resonates I am sure your help will not be unappreciated.

Check out my programs here. I have something for everyone.

Have a lovely week and stay safe,



The shock and the awe.

As I said to Sylvester today, I’ve been so busy recently, I’ve been getting a little behind!

All I can say is that a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing. It all started so innocently.

Now, as you likely know, Amanda (my wifeā€™s appalling friend), is something of a thorn in my side. My dear wife is currently in isolation in Dubai, or Mumbai. Somewhere.

Ever since my dog, Hannibal, had an unfortunate run in with an adult toy in her house, Amanda has been going on about getting a dog.Ā  It was therefore no great surprise when she called me to tell me sheā€™d done so, but that she needed some help. Apparently sheā€™d got herself a delightful little dog, a Chihuahua named Whisky.

Now, this shouldnā€™t be so hard to deal with. However, this particular dog was a real barker. Little Whiskey would bark whenever anyone came near the house and Amanda was extremely irritated by the incessant noise. Sheā€™d bought a shock collar to try and dissuade little Whisky from barking, but apparently there was something wrong with it. She called me to see if I could take a look at the device.

Naturally, I did what any sensible crossdressing advertising executive would do, and picked the thing up, and gave it to Sylvester ā€“ my mechanic ā€“ to see if he could fix it. I am a crossdressing advertising executive, not an engineer, after all.

Sylvester promptly strapped the device to one of his staff, and giving him a burst or two of the shock, it was evident that the batteries were flat. In no time heā€™d fitted new batteries and a small charge was transmitted to his workshop assistant. I thought it a rather unusual practice, but one that could be a breakthrough in personnel motivation. While a little controversial, it would doubtless result in greater productivity.

Sylvester laughed a little about this, and said he wanted to see if he could lift the output a bit, and we thought nothing more of it.Ā  As I was passing his workshop the following day, I wandered in and picked it up, even though Sylvester was out the back of the workshop polishing his chopper, as he so often is.

That night I dropped the collar off with Amanda, and she fitted it to little Whisky. I remember thinking, as I slipped into a long silk evening gown that night, that I should probably have tested the collar before giving it back to Amanda. I didnā€™t really give it much more thought.

So it was that, this morning I pulled into her driveway, stepped out of the car and a tiny white bundle of chihuahua hair came bounding out of the house in my direction. Little Whisky started yapping, the way he often does, and then quite suddenly he stopped. He seemed to stand bolt upright, twitch twice in silence and then he keeled over at my feet.

I stared at the catatonic form of Whiskey, my mouth open in surprise. I could barely believe my eyes. Then, from an upstairs window, Amanda leaned out and said, ā€œThat device works wonderfully well.ā€

Whisky was at my feet twitching. Evidently Amanda had heard the yapping, and hit the remote zapper. Unaware that the poor dog was twitching, and convulsing at my feet. As far as Amanda was concerned, the barking had stopped, and therefore the shock collar worked perfectly.

ā€œYes,ā€ I said, maneuvering myself between her line of sight and the poor dog. ā€œI think it works quite, errr, thoroughly.ā€

As her head disappeared into the house I picked up little Whisky. In a state of both panic and sympathy I wondered how you give mouth to mouth resuscitation to a chihuahua. As quickly as heā€™d been put into a seizure Whisky seemed to come back to life, and started licking my hand. I took the opportunity to remove the collar and slipped it into my pocket.

Poor Whisky, rather like Bernard, who had been tazered last year, looked quite disturbed. He was however a little quieter.

Now, I have to hurry off to Sylvester and have him reconfigure this thing before Amanda electrocutes the poor thing permanently. Doubtless, no good deed goes unpunished! However, before I finish, Iā€™d like to remind a few of you who love to buy their clothes online that I do have a few great suggestions, and Auntie Kittie has even made some suggestions for those of a more sissy nature. When you click through on those links you help me out a lot, even when you donā€™t end up buying.Ā  At the foot of most of my posts I include a few suggestions.Ā  Be sure to explore them, and of course I love to hear about it if youā€™ve bought something particularly satisfying.

By the way if you are ever interested in learning more about the characters mentioned in the World Of Fiona Dobson you will find that the names are often hotlinked in their first mention in a post. If you click on this you will pull up all the posts in which they are mentioned, which gives you an interesting way in which to explore my community.

Be sure to support me on Patreon if youā€™re enjoying what Iā€™m doing.



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Sylvester’s got his knob out and is giving it a polish.

We had a little socially distanced gathering the other day which I feel I should tell you about.  Amanda, as you likely know, is my wifeā€™s friend and the editor of Pig And Pig Farmer Weekly, the seventh most popular pig related publication in the Midwest. As such I have found inviting her to some brainstorming sessions has helped at times. On this occasion Bernard, my photographer, and Sebastian were also present.

Poor Sebastian, heā€™s very worried about his sister, who you will remember made a small error and applied for the job involving a little ā€˜light house keepingā€™, and is now positioned in the far north manning a navigation outpost alone in the northern arctic. Bernard is also feeling quite disrupted. He loves to go hunting and fishing. The cold months unfortunately reduce his leisure activities substantially. So, you can see the need for a something to destress us all seemed quite pressing.

ā€œI think we should address the elephant in the room,ā€ said Bernard. Naturally I glanced at Amanda. He continued, ā€œwe need some direction.  Something to help us see past how difficult things are at the moment. We need some goals.ā€

ā€œYou are so right, Bernard,ā€ I agreed. ā€œItā€™s like my friend Justin said just the other day. Spring is coming! We should remember that!ā€

Itā€™s not unusual for me to have a call from the Prime Ministerā€™s office late in the evening, with Mr. Trudeau looking for a little advice.  He often asks me for a helping hand, and I am always happy to give him one.

Continue reading “Sylvester’s got his knob out and is giving it a polish.”

Amanda’s got her finger stuck in the pasta maker.

As the New Year kicks into gear I am pleased to see Ali getting to grips with my garden. As you know, Ali is my Syrian gardener, and a recent immigrant to Canada. He is a diligent worker and has thrown himself into the task of managing my garden.

A university professor of botany in his home country, he has come to build a new life here in our country, along with his lovely wife and two delightful daughters. Here in Canada we welcome new friends from around the world, and embrace the chance to add to the deep culture of this diverse and remarkable country.

ā€œWe donā€™t have an equivalent of your ā€˜Santa Clausā€™,ā€ he recently explained while we were working at preparing the greenhouse for this years plants. ā€œBesides, anything flying over our airspace at low altitude stands a good chance of being shot down. Andā€¦ well, reindeer meatā€¦ I think heā€™s well advised to respect the no-fly zone.ā€

ā€œBe that as it may, Ali,ā€ I said. ā€œIā€™m most concerned about Amanda and Marjory. All through the Christmas season I barely saw them. I know itā€™s been harder this Christmas with the whole Covid thing, but youā€™d think sheā€™d say hello over the garden fence.

ā€œFiona, theyā€™ve been very busy. Amandaā€™s been there all week. And you know what theyā€™re like,ā€ replied Ali.

I donā€™t think Ali really approves of the nature of Amandaā€™s relationship with Marjory. Same sex partnerships are not exactly common place in Syria, on account of people not wanting to be stoned to death in the public square.

ā€œAll the noise and fuss they make,ā€ said Ali. ā€œItā€™s very disruptive.ā€

ā€œDonā€™t worry,ā€ I assured him. ā€œYouā€™ll get used to it. Besides, it must be nice to be in love.ā€

ā€œThey were making an Italian dish yesterday with the left over turkey,ā€ he mused, while cleaning one of the planting beds in the greenhouse.

ā€œThat sounds lovely. One of the things I enjoy about Christmas is getting creative with all those meals using turkey in the days that follow. I had turkey curry yesterday, myself.ā€

ā€œIf I over heard it correctly, Amanda got her finger stuck in the pasta maker. It was quite disturbing,ā€ said Ali.

ā€œOh,ā€ I said surprised. ā€œI thought Marjory made the pasta.ā€

ā€œYes,ā€ replied Ali. ā€œShe does.ā€

But thatā€™s not the main reason I am writing to you today, as we go into what I think we are all hoping is a more hopeful year than last. I understand many of us are finding it harder to dress during the lockdowns that we must inevitably endure. I also realise that this increases the stress for all of us, and I want to make a suggestion that I find has helped many of my members.

While it would be wonderful to be able to dress everyday, all day, many of my members are simply unable to do this. When it is impossible to dress, for whatever reason, thereā€™s still the middle ground, of becoming more androgynous. This is a way to start shifting what you wear to something somewhat more feminine, though without being entirely crossdressed. If you get creative youā€™ll find ways to do this, and enjoy that middle ground in the gender spectrum.

It could be as simple as shifting the colors you wear. Pastel colors and moving away from hard contrast color patterns is somewhat more feminine and gentle. Equally, going for the lambswool sweater and softer fabrics is always more enjoyable.

For others it will be engaging a more feminine clothing style, without crossing the line. Nice jeans can bring out the shape of your legs, and if all you need to do is add heels to shift over the line, then youā€™re always just moments from being able to crossdress. Sometimes the only difference between dressing straight or crossdressed is the presence of eye makeup.

If youā€™d like some ideas about androgynous style, check out my Pinterest Page for more inspiration.

Letā€™s make 2021 a wonderful year. Don’t let Covid get you down.Ā  This is where we learn patience – a good lesson for anyone who is trans.Ā  If you’re struggling and haven’t done so already, remember myĀ Whatsapp GroupĀ is a great way to connect with others and see yourself through this challenging time. Alternatively, remember there’s a host of entertaining stories right here. Be sure to enjoy the video below.



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Bernard is choking on Sebastian’s sausage.

The other night Bernard was being uncharacteristically quiet at the table in the restaurant, with my friends and I enjoying the New Year celebrations. Sylvester and Ali were laughing. I remember, particularly, as I was explaining that while in Australia last year, between photoshoots, I had been diving and had been describing the various merits of the sea cucumber. Bernard had been on the trip, though since his transplant has not been doing much diving.

We were enjoying a wonderful meal at a restaurant in the heart of Montreal which served favorite dishes from around the world. Sebastian had ordered the German Sausage, and shared some of it with Bernard. The succulent meat was exquisitely prepared, and Bernard tucked into it with gusto.

That was when I noticed Bernard changing color. ā€œAre you alright?ā€ I asked. When there came no reply I felt a wave of panic sweep over me. Itā€™s only a few short weeks since Bernardā€™s operation.

If youā€™re a regular reading of my material youā€™ll know that Amanda is not my favorite person on the planet. It was only as a favor to my wife that I invited her to join us for dinner. My wife is on one of her trips. This is a charitable one, I believe. If I remember rightly sheā€™s feeding the hungry in Africa, or something. Maybe itā€™s the Africans in Hungary. Itā€™s so hard to keep track of her. She has such a big heart. Before leaving on her mission of mercy she had made me promise to take Amanda out with us for dinner on New Years eve.

I remember very vividly, as that night I had chosen to wear a mid blue evening dress, with a bodice that laced up behind, and matching blue heels. The blue was a very particular shade, and as I watched Bernard he gradually changed color to a matching hue.

ā€œWhat on earth is the matter with Bernard,ā€ I said and looked at Sylvester.

ā€œSearch me,ā€ answered Sylvester.

Suddenly Amanda leapt to her enormous feet, and shouted ā€œHeimlich manoeuvre!ā€ For a woman of disturbing proportions she certainly can move swiftly. It reminded me of one of those National Geographic TV shows, about when hippos attack.

ā€œDonā€™t worry,ā€ she said to a terrified looking Bernard, who by now was clearly choking. ā€œIā€™m a trained professional.ā€

I took a long sip of my wine, and said to Sylvester, ā€œThis should be interesting.ā€

Amanda was behind Bernard, wrapping her arms around him and began squeezing. Bernard shifted to a deeper shade of blue.

ā€œThatā€™s it Amanda, you need to reach around him,ā€ said Sylvester.

ā€œAnd then jerk him. Youā€™ve got the idea,ā€ I added helpfully. Amanda seemed to be thrusting powerfully with her hips, and Bernard looked increasingly alarmed.

A moment later his head jerked back and he coughed and his throat seemed to clear. I was most impressed by the whole thing. Amanda had indeed saved the day, and Bernard had made a new friend.

What a way to go into the New Year. So, if you feel like sharing, let me know what New Years Resolutions you plan to break this year.

I sincerely hope you are enjoying the news I share with you. You can participate and comment even more at



Enjoy this video about New Years resolutions!

Did they leave a number?

Well, what can I say. Itā€™s not been an easy week. As many of us go into an election week, I know all of us are going to be feeling a certain degree of stress. Be assured I am here for you.

I always find it helpful to listen to the Fiona Dobson playlist on Youtube to dispel stress. It really does help put a smile on my face, even when I do read about something mind bogglingly moronic that the buffoon in the White House is up to. I believe it was Mayo Angelou, that great philosopher that said, ā€œMask up, asshole.ā€ That, however, is not the main reason Iā€™m writing to you.

Several of my members have written to me this week concerned about my good friend Rainbow, the yoga teacher, who has recently found herself out of work due to the problems we face associated with Covid. I selected one email at random, from Mildred, of Colorado Springs, that I felt I might share with you. Mildred suggested that perhaps Rainbow could make use of her talents as a vegetarian, helping others improve their diet. How very thoughtful, Mildred. I will pass the suggestion on to Rainbow. Vegetarian meals can indeed be an exquisite blend of flavors and are sure to excite the taste buds and satisfy the appetite, unless youā€™ve ever actually tasted meat.

Fortunately SebastianSylvesterAli and the rest of the crew are all managing ok. Amanda, my wifeā€™s good friend, has moved in with my next door neighbor Marjory, with whom she is conducting a sordid lesbian relationship. She is working from home there, and I mentioned to Sylvester (who has designs on Amanda for some inexplicable reason), that I often saw her in the conservatory beavering away. He replied ā€œAmanda is indeed elbow deep in,ā€ and at this point he paused meaningfully, ā€œā€¦work.ā€

What times these are. Nonetheless, I felt I would write and tell you of a rather unusual incident that took place the other night. As you may be aware Canada is large. In fact itā€™s huge. Earlier this week I was driving across one of our seemingly endless prairies, late at night when I saw mysterious lights in the sky, approaching at high speed. At first I thought it might be our Prime Minister, my good friend Justin Trudeau in his private plane. He has the disturbing habit of flying very low over the prairies, smiling and waving at us as he goes by. You may have heard of him, heā€™s the head of state in the North America that can read.

However, it was not he. I should have remembered heā€™s usually tucked up in bed by 9 pm with a cup of hot milk. No, this was altogether too fast to be something of this world. 

Now, I think I know what youā€™re thinking. ā€œOh, not again!ā€ Yes, thatā€™s right, youā€™ll remember I had an encounter with alien life forms a little over two years ago. And indeed once again this vessel drew level with my speeding Buick, and I felt the sensation of being lifted off the ground, as if by a giant alien hand.

Faster than you can say ā€˜anal probeā€™ I found myself in the hold of the enormous vessel. Two alien figures dressed in a silver grey fabric, some type of satin I imagine, walked out of what seemed to be a wall of light toward my car. I was a little disconcerted, as you might imagine. After all itā€™s not everyday that you are accosted by higher life forms. One of them tapped on the window, and as I looked at them I realised these were the very same two aliens I had met once before.

I put my mask on, and then lowered the window.

The closer of the two aliens leaned toward me and then said, ā€œExcuse me madam, are you the owner of this vehicle?ā€

ā€œYou know I am. Remember, weā€™ve met before.ā€

ā€œJust my little joke,ā€ he said with a smile. His sense of humor had not improved in the two years since last we met.

The closer of the two aliens turned to the other and said, ā€œI told you, weā€™ve seen this one before.ā€

They seemed to pause for a moment, consulted what looked like an Ipad, and then one shook his head in disappointment, before saying, ā€œWell, letā€™s get on with it, otherwise weā€™ll never make the quota.ā€

Ever helpful I said, ā€œAre you running out of people?ā€

The nearest alien nodded, and said. ā€œItā€™s this Covid business. No oneā€™s going out much these days.ā€

ā€œWell, itā€™s not like you ask permission,ā€ I said.

ā€œNo, but when we pick up someone off Davie Street in Vancouver, and theyā€™ve had six pints of Alexander Keiths everyone just thinks they had a good night at The Junction. No one believes theyā€™ve really been abducted. You know, plausible deniability and all that. But these days,ā€ he shook his bald head, ā€œnot so many people are going out for the night. Thatā€™s why we have to hang out in the middle of nowhere.ā€ At this point he turned to his friend and said, ā€œIā€™m not even sure where we are!ā€

I sighed and said, ā€œCovid.ā€

In agreement he nodded and sighed, ā€œCovid.ā€

The senior alien, clearly impatient, then chimed in, ā€œwould you mind getting out of the car please?ā€

I stepped out of the car, and the two of them led me into a small examination room. Instead of the surgical table and lights that one expects in these circumstances, I was placed in a reclining chair and the first alien asked if I would be kind enough to read the letters on a lightbox directly in front of me.

ā€œA, F, G, H,ā€ I said and then asked, ā€œis this it? I mean, youā€™re giving me an eye exam?ā€

ā€œPlease just read the letters,ā€ said the one that appeared to be in charge.

ā€œM, S, X, no, really is this it?ā€

The second alien cut in at this point and said, ā€œThey donā€™t let us use the probe any more. They said itā€™s not politically correct. Something about it not being ā€˜wokeā€™, whatever that is.ā€

ā€œWell,ā€ I replied, ā€œitā€™s not like you ask for consent, is it?ā€

ā€œWe didnā€™t get many complaints in this sector. At least not on Davie Street.ā€

ā€œNo,ā€ I said. ā€œYou wouldnā€™t. You might get a few people disappointed that you didnā€™t at least leave your number after youā€™d finished.ā€

At this point the first alien smiled at me and said confidentially, ā€œwho said he didnā€™t,ā€ and then winked.

Anyway, I felt I should share these events with you. Now, if youā€™re in the US be sure to get out and vote as soon as you can. If you donā€™t live in the US, let’s wish our friendsā€™ the best for their election.



Max’s Premature Ejaculation.

There was a steady stream of water falling between Ali, my Syrian gardenerā€™s legs.

ā€œAli,ā€ I said. ā€œWould you mind telling me what youā€™re doing?ā€

ā€œAh, madam. Iā€™m watching Maxā€™s premature ejaculation. He did it for his motherā€¦ā€

I paused. Iā€™ve learned thatā€™s a good idea with Ali. Iā€™m never quite sure if heā€™s serious, or just confused.

ā€œHis water hoseā€¦ Heā€™s got it hooked up to Google ā€“ that online house thing. It waters the flowers. Well, drowns them actually. Itā€™s coming on prematurely and the water pressureā€™s too high.ā€

ā€œI see,ā€ I said. I decided I had better talk to that English teacher of his.

Continue reading “Max’s Premature Ejaculation.”